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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I don't like Chip butties. I'd prefer to savour each individual chip. And each slice of bread. But then I have a thing about keeping different "parts" of a meal seperate.
  2. I can't eat Pizza from a non-chain restaurant since my allergy was discovered. Since all chains are standardised in their ingredients or something. Turns out it's not just cheap pizza that has the wheat preservative thing I'm allergic to in, I had fairy good quality pizza in a restaurant in Amsterdam and still reacted (mildly). I'm wary about what results Pizza Express with yield, being a mix between chains like Pizza Hut and a standard, "nice" restaurant. It's fine, I can't die from the allergy. And I have a Pizza Express voucher, so even if I ended up in hospital again, I wouldn't have paid to have done so.
  3. { I once ordered chips with my meal in the US and was given a Hamburger, salad and a packet of crisps. I loved the feeling. I said "chips" instead of crisps the other day in the canteen too, in a really typical could-be-in-a-Sandra-Bullock-romantic-comedy-moment-of-jokey-awkwardness with my fave person, who corrected me and made me notice it. } Was this relevant? No. Let's all deal with it.
  4. I doubt it.
  5. Yeah, but I'm saying...I think there should be a general film musing/discussion thread. Films generate discussion, but you can't just exclusively talk about ONE film. Talking bout one film always leads to another, or a discussion of a director's work, or a certain actor, or themes present in multiple films etc. I just hate pointlessness. With music, as I said, I think it's fine as is. But film is being stifled.
  6. Yeah. It doesn't have to be Rate The Last Film You Saw, it should just be "Films". And then if Green Hornet suddenly generated LOADS of discussion, thrip it. Ezy.
  7. It might be rubbish, but the last two X-Men films were a bit naff and shit respectively, so I'm ready for anything.
  8. I remember going to one in London once. I fear they've all been taken though. Also: Totally forgot about Wimpy! I loved.
  9. Is that real? I'm potentially so ready for it. Emma you cunt. Mystique you cunt.
  10. If I/we were to start a petetion/state our strong will for a certain thread to come back, would you (mods) listen?
  11. Lol why? I don't care about what people do in their real lives/how they act in reality.
  12. I would have liked to see them try.
  13. --- REALISTICALLY THOUGH I really wanna go to Jamie's Italian again, it's literally at the end of my road. Loved it the first time. I like a lot of restaurants though. Nando's has been nice both times I've been, Hard Rock and TGI are alright I suppose etc etc. Nicest steak/meat (what I consider real food) I've ever had has been at DisneyWorld. Contemporary Grill/Flying Fish. Mmmmmm...Yes. ALSO the Japanese restaurant at Epcot blew me under the table. I do love Wendy's.
  14. I think this case stuck out for me not only because it hit close to home (literally), but because it was SO selfish/maybe that's too pregnant a word, but it affected EVERYONE shopping there, and especially children/parents with children, who primarily occupy McDonalds and mothercare, both right beside where she would have...splattered. "Normal" suicide I sympathise with, or as whoever last page said, I feel sadness or pity.
  15. Paj!


    If anything it makes me look weird since she won't get the joke. -- Also, hallo.
  16. She lowers the tone of Batman. I don't mind her in other films/I've enjoyed multiple performances by her.
  17. Paj!


  18. I'm not usually too "!!!" about public suicide (as were I ever to take my own life, however unlikely, I imagine I'd want to go in a big dramatic statement too), but I never really considered how different it is to jump from a height to your death OUTSIDE than it is INSIDE. The entire space of the shopping mall (which is a bit like a a rectangle focused around the space she fell through) was affected by her jumping. Outside she'd have plopped to the ground but it's open, people can avoid witnessing/being so directly affected by it (usually). (P.S I love the escalator that skips a floor to reach the top, crossing the entire space. Feels uncliched)
  19. It's a FUZZY far away shot of a very uninteresting shot, let's not judge too harshly. :p Am a bit disappointed about the potential small eyes though. I wanted
  20. *gasp* My old arch-enemy The Villan! I'm stunned.
  21. (I agree) (As it is, these best and worst threads are just a more cluttered version of How Was Your Day with a pointlessly stringent prerequisite "limiting" one's contribution.)
  22. Ja. 10chars
  23. Rubik's Cubes terrify me. I know there's just a pattern of how to do them, but when I see my friend Jasper do it, I'm left so stunned. Barely even looks at the cube. But then Maths kills me.
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