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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Carry me home. I. That was absolutely incredible. So deftly constructed. There it is. What is this film classified as? You can't classify it. Yes. Fuck. Suprised and shocked throughout, on a basic level. It's a rare film that can do that. It was horrific, intense, erotic, funny. Mary Mother. It needs to sink in so I can talk about it properly. I need to see it again since I was in a shit seat at the cinema. AGAHAGA
  2. Nowadays I forget my dreams immediately after thinking "Wow...I'll remember that!". *gets up out of bed* *gone* So now I get flashes of them throughout the day. I just remembered in last nights one that I was on my laptop, and I was browsing Pitchfork.com when I saw they'd reviewed Jennifer Lopez's new album (which doesn't exist) and gave it 8.8 / 10. I love. I think I then shared the link with Chair on facebook. I wish that was true. Later on in the dream, there was some sort of...green river with all these cards, or tokens floating on them. All with disney/cartoon characters on them. The river ended in a black hole/I couldn't see since it was black. Occasionally along the river were alcoves were you had to hand these tokens/cards/characters to people. I handed over the ones I'd collected, and then by chance Ursula, Maleficent and Jasfar all bumped up against each other in the river, hitting the side of the alcove. So it was easy to collect them (rare) and hand them in. Then somehow that led to a place that looked like a level I always played with Chair in Tenchu. (it was the same "place" as where the river was though) The police/authority of some sort had imprisoned Killer Croc on the roof of a building (somehow that was deemed a good enough prison, just the fact he was on a roof). I think there was some really insubstantial rope tied around the rim of the roof, and thats what "kept him in". A policeman/authority person had to tentatively go on the roof to do something, and everyone screamed "behind you!", as Killer Croc approached. He pushed the man off the roof, and then using his claws, slice the rope. For some reason that meant everyone went batshit, like terrified he could now escape (despite the rope not holding anything in, it couldn't even trip you up). I don't remember the rest. Reminds me of the sentiment behind the song Velvet Rope by Janet Jackson though.
  3. Well I'd rather have one alive than not. If you can, you may as well. I'm bored of the ethical questions of cloning animals. Humans, yeah there's stuff to discuss, but animals...clone 'em all. I don't care. I just want a Velociraptor running around in my garden. Well not really. Maybe a Triceratops.
  4. I always liked that album cover/I remember liking it/I like the concept of a black swan and always have. I dislike what I've heard of Athlete though.
  5. I have the DVD. Why specifically the cinema?
  6. Well as a future member of the film industry, you're killing me. But then I'm a hypocrite, I often download music (unless it's someone I like). I see films and music differently though. Hundreds of people have dedicated their lives for a year or so to creating this thing, and it seems so...horrid to just download it (illegally). (not a judgement on you btw, on the action)
  7. I'm so wary of Firefly. I will eventually watch it, but I get a feeling I'll be let down.
  8. Pearl Jam pleaaaaase.
  9. ^ Everyone on my course was chatting to each other on FB chat during a lesson where we were all on the uni computers. Very useful bitching/chatting tool in that situation.
  10. I LOVE when films don't just do "Oh here's a photoshopped image of the main star!" as the poster. There are multiple posters for this film, all stunning. How rude.
  11. I want them to come back to life.
  12. Why do you have them on facebook?
  13. It's a (sometimes) melodramatically expressed series of genuine emotion.
  14. The list is a metaphorical thing. Occasionally it'll take physical form. Most often not though. At present, the list is shifting and turning, I can't see what's on it properly. Apart from the rest of the Invisibles.
  15. I love Monique Ramblas at the front left. So indifferent. So great.
  16. It's so low on my list list, but it's on my list of things to be aware of in the future, since I've heard so many great things.
  17. Ah need me sum mo trades tuh. Since coming to uni only got New X-Men vols. 3 and 4 for pennies in Amsterdam. Since my comic reading has been stunted by time away/no more Myxss I might be trade-waiting current stuff more now.
  18. I thought he broke his back and left him on the floor of the batcave? IIRC Batman's like "Fuck my life, so many disasters one after the other in Gotham, loads of my enemies loose...haven't slept in days etc" (all a plan of Bane's) and then Bane just fucking arrives at Wayne Manor and breaks his back in the cave. And he intentionally left him since it was such a brutal and symbolic breaking in any case.
  19. I'm ready to be taken.
  20. I'm a classy betch.

  21. Never even heard of it, strangely. Hmm. Will seek it out one day.
  22. I've gone into a strange mode of finally wanting to use my mac in stunning ways. Downloading joke programs/finding out how to remove the hard drive icon from my desktop etc.
  23. SEEING IT TOMORROW I'm so rarely actually excited to see a new film.
  24. Venom isn't much more comic-y than Cillian Murphy's fear gas in Begins. Wouldn't be suprised to see it (obviously in an altered form, not expecting the tube into the head). --- I might need to make a Youtube video defence of Batman & Robin.
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