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Chris the great

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Everything posted by Chris the great

  1. no, but its certainly a factor to consider. some streets are more secluded, less well lit, have fewer people walking down them. obviously a rapist would choose a road a road that was less likly to get them caught. obviously there are many outher factors, but the location has a large effect on crime.
  2. im usualy fine with the there being slight differences between the ps3 and the 360 versions of games, its not normaly anything youd really notice unless you were running a frame by frame comparison, but in the case of bayonetta, i do feel a bit cheated. its still a great game, but the load times were a piss take, which made dying extra frustrating. it didnt ruin the game, but it was a needless inconvinience.
  3. thanks! its anouther call center job, this time it's at the help desk for a peice of financial software, i'll get drafted in for the end of feb till april (so, like 5 weeks) for tec support. interview was kinda cool, had to do some bassic computer stufdf, open a program with a broken icon, do a word file etc, then i had tro sit back to back with a person and describe to them how to build the same big lego construction i had infront of me.
  4. had an interview, i got the job. also, turned a few heads in my suit.to say i looked good would be an understatement. oh, an my radiator leaked after my dad tried to bleed it. might have ruined the carpet if i hadnt stood in it and realised my room wasnt normaly so wet.
  5. well, i install stuff for games im currently playing, but if im not gonna play for a few months, i uninstall. fallout 3 was responsible for a LOT of my hd space.
  6. well, failed my driving test by being a prat. two seriosus faults, but they were EASY avoidable. pulling off with your left signal still on is not somthing you should normaly do, just putting it down to stress of the day. also, got to close to a parked car causing the examiner to grab the wheel. doubt id have hit it but i was waaaaay to close. almost didnt even get started mind, asked to read the licence plates and i couldent, wind blowing in my eyes, contacts drying out, eyes begin to water slightly, not great. daft thing is i had no problem when looking at the car and no wind in my eyes. i did explain this several times. all in all, it wasnt that bad, my nerves were in check, worst part was coming home, and my dad being there, he looked so disserpointed. i said that i didnt really expect to pass first time, as most people dont he says "well id have liked you to pass." no shit, so would I, but theres no need to be a dick about it.
  7. well danny dyer was possibly the funniest hour of television ever. from watching danny get aggresive about cynics to watching him take in a poorly acted, poorly shot staged video it was unreal. my presonal favorite moment was him saying. "some people will say it was a comet, or an air craft or a space station, but to me, its a UFO." so he made an entire program on UFO's without learning that UFO means unidentified flying object and not alien spaceship.
  8. last day at work, im now officaly an unemployed twat. i did part on a high note, winning the award for having the highest rated call. the prize? a box of minture heros, two packets of discos and a can of "red rooster" energy drink. im a lucky man.
  9. thats well said but i do feel that its necicary to acknowlage that physiological factors do have an effect on the mind. we all know the testosterone/eastrogen relationship, and its foolish to ignore the differenence in male and female brain structure. in evolutionary psychology, its proposed that females are able to multi task as thier role in our early life was more varied then that of the hunter males. females would forrage, which is less specialied a task then hunting (apparently) so thiey had more variables to comete with whilst the mens thoughts didnt need to be much more then "well id better throw my pointy stick into that woolly mamoth now". there ARE differences between male and female brains as well as bodies, but these dont always lead into gender identities. one last thing i will leave you with. there is a tribe some were in the world where the women do the hunting whilst the men stay at home, cook, and use flowers in thier hair to make them selves pretty. this breaks away any idea that gender is naturaly set, or that peoples roles in life should be set by what they got between thier legs.
  10. from my years studying psychology, i have the following thoughts on gender. sex and gender are not the same. whilst a person may physicaly be a man, they will not necicarily conform to general masculine steriotypers. I'll sight my self as an example, as whilst certainly being a man physicaly, i do not care for sport, which is a typicaly male interest, and i simply love looking at cute pictures and videos of animals, which is a typicaly femenine interest. i do view my self as male, though i can understand that some people may not feel their mind is the same sexuality as thier body. its just a shame when the results are hillarious (rokhed for example)
  11. pretty epic lazy sunday, just readign and gaming really. now im tidying up my CV for an application, and getting an early night for work tommorow.
  12. i do feel kinda bad killing giuys with the riot sheild. its such an underused class i almost feel like im disscouraging people from choosing anything besides the rifle shot gun combo.
  13. i find with women, its the thought/sentiment and work that matter more then the actual gift. try and find out what her favorite flowers are, buy her some. as for an event, maybe dont take her out, find out her favorite meal, and cook it with her, ask for her help, but really, you have to do the hard work, jsut get her to help out so you can spend time together. in my experience, women are far happier to see that you enjoy spending time with them, and know things about them then they are with loads of money spent on them. classic example: my mate and his gf agree to make each outher valentines gifts, and agree on a low price. he gets stuck, asks me for my thoughts. as im friends with his mrs, i know her favorite flowers are daisys. i suggest he buys some daisy seeds, a pot, some soil and that he plants the seeds to spell out "i love you" or similar. give the pot to gf with instructions to water. slowly the message is revealed, in her favorite flowers. its quick, cheap yet unbelivably effective. any girl who hears the story reacts in the same way, she lets out a longing sigh and looks at me with a hint of jealousy. the truth is, most guys put more emphasis on price then thought, which shows a fundimental missunderstaning of romance.
  14. i like to win, but only if i feel i earned it. if i play a blinder, which i do every so often, its a great feeling to see how high i placed, how much of an asset i was to the team, thaty i actualy outclassed the enemy. i dont like winning by happy accident or luck, it just feels cheap, better to lose with your dignity i say.
  15. its a great film, good action, servicable plot, rapists arm shot off. fantastic.
  16. brutal legend you know how great games can be defined by the little bits? how in zelda, its the npcs and the clever settings that draws you in? brutal legend is a game that exclusivly relys on the little touches, yet forgets to make an actual good game. the combat is poor, the rts sections are sub par, yet some how, i cant hate the game. i guess its cos it really has heart. heart, however, isnt enough. the game is seriosuly lacking, and despite a fun story, the game just dosent motivate me to play. its like the game should have been in development for atleast anouther 6 months. 5/10 gets by on its charms, whilst its not a good game, its made with real love, and it sucks i cant rate it higher.
  17. so my mam hates me again. bassicly i let my parents know i was going out for a curry tonight after work. got a phone call from my mam at 7.30 mam "where are you?" me "the pub" mam "OH SO I CAN GET OUR TEA SORTED THEN?!" *phone slammed donw* phoned back dad "hello?" *mam going mental in back ground me "what the hell, mam just hung up on me, i let you know i was out 3 days ago" dad "well we thought you needed pucking up first, you usualy come home before a curry" me "but i used to finish work much earlier! i thought you'd have realised." dad "yeah, not to worry" get home, my mams blanking me. am i really in the wrong? had i just gone off to the pub and not said, i can understand the anger, but a simple miss comunication? in outher news im out of debt, YAY!
  18. flower is brilliant, it may actualy have saved my life.
  19. id say that ps3 games are slightly more expensive second hand, simply due to the smaller user base meaning they are less common so theres less compotition to sell which means lower prices. but were talking a couple of quid. just look at the exclusive games, they swayed me to ps3, but it comes down to taste.
  20. i dissagree. sure, none of those games are great games, but they are all functional and recive mildly possitive reviews. i view them like i view the generic movies that come out. sure, they arnt works of art, and you forget about them fairly quickly but they entertain you while they last. i dont really expect every game i play to be a masterpeice, games like this, they function, they bassicly work and they offer throw away entertainment. sure, id buy them full price, but they seem worth a rent, like catching a movie of 5 one night. i hardly feel my credibility is void for playing an average rated game. its like refusing to take any one seriosuly because they have watched films that arnt citizen kane or 2001. its elitist and ignorant to say only your choice is correct.
  21. fuck. that. shit. seriosuly, wtf? oh well, im gonna try and get a 360 soon any way, might as well get the blood version. and yes, the blood is important to me, it just looks stupid censored.
  22. got the last call AGAIN. i know that my colleges log off early and use every trick available to miss the last call, but then, the ones who do it i already know to be tossers, so it dosent supprise me, and telling tales would be childish. i ended up missing the bus, so had a 20 min wait, but my boss was with me, and we chatted about games for ages. seems we have the exact same tastes. also had a mental american woman on the phone, and a very rude posh lady. thankfully i was totaly unable to help either. also, did any one see page 3 of the metro today? made my day.
  23. bayonetta wow, that was mental. serisouly, just when you think the games peaked in terms of ott action, you end up is some sort of freefall battle sillyness or crazy highway battle. to say the story of the game was daft is like saying nick griffin has some slightly out of touch views. buthen, you rally arnt there for the story. the action is blisteringly tight paced, whilst to the casualy observer, it looks incomprehensable, it actualy a very well ballenced system, with no enemy or attacking feeling overpowered once you have seen it a few times. the game is certainly not easy, or willing to cut you any slack. one particualar level fairly early on seemed to be drawing to a clamax no fewer then 3 times, introducing what could easily be mistaken for end of level bosses, only to suddenly add more of them. and THEN a boss shows up. i suppose comparisons to outher games in the beat em up/action genra are ineveitable. the obvious parrallel being devil may cry, from which the game borrows heavily. theres also an element of god of war, and a pleasing familiarity to viewtiful joe. yet my strongest comparison may seem an unusual choice: street fighter 4. the game is just so well ballenced. bosses and chalenges that once seemed impossible seem less daunting as you become more proficient, and learn to read the battle. having one playthrough on normal mode under my belt, i thourougly enjoyed the game, yet get the feeling i havent even begun to scratch the surface 9/10 crazy appearence masks one of the most finely tuned games of recent years
  24. don't you love it when its one second til home time and you get a call? seriosuly, and it was the only call all day when i had to set up a case file. still, i did it right, id want people to take the time for me.
  25. i got dyspraxia, its a real shit sometimes, i guess mines worse cos i got noticed with it very early on, 5-6. i do have a right nightmare with catching but im much better at it now that ive practiced it abit. the main problem for me was my handwritting, its dreadfull. really, the best thing you can do for physical effects is practice and exercise, thats hat i found. the attention problem really comes down to dicapline. when my mind wanders, which happens alot, i force myself to snap out of it. theres a van like that near me, the music playing at midnight, its creepy all jobas are kinda like torture, especialy in the bondage game.
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