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Chris the great

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Everything posted by Chris the great

  1. we usualy started looking in december, then vieiwing just after christmas, then deposits paid asap. it ensures you get a house that isnt crap.
  2. i went to the shops like that once. i was with a friend and said "god tesco is shit, they cant even have a level floor!" then we looked down and realised i was a prat.
  3. ghostbusters well, its fun, the story is ok, and the voice acting is good. actualy made me want to punch peter/bill murray though. my only real criticism would be that the combat can become boring, even standard grunts take alot to bring down. 6.5/10 a fun but forgetable game. worth a rent.
  4. well, plumber was 2 hours late, heatings off, cant use the toilet, cant go to the gym cos the plumber is in and bioshock 2 didnt arrive. stupid day.
  5. mine hasnt arrived, damn you GAME! this makes my day utterly wank.
  6. had to get up at 8 to let the plumber in, but almost two hours later, he's still not here. i cant put the heating on cos he'l need to turn the water off, i cant do any of the phone calls i need to do as he will arive in the middle of a call. all i can do is sit and get angrier and angrier.
  7. that movie made me sad to be alive. i can't imagine a worse movie. its the worst thing ive ever seen.
  8. i think the reason so many of us do that is because the wii was such a disserpointment. after being raised with nintendo, its hard to belive how nintendo seems to have "dropped" me.
  9. went to the pub with some mates. a new phrase was born, after a story about our mate was relayed from his ex. "tit wank sundays" i may have only learned it a few hours ago, but its already my most used hrase of the year, its just so funny.
  10. well, the PS3 is a better console then the wii, thats just a fact. you dont owe nintendo anything, if anything, they have let you down, theres very little currently on the wii for actual gamers, so dont feel bad about buying a better console. i was nintendo too, untill i got a ps3. now im so glad i made the jump.
  11. im making myself hit the gym as much as possible, and i totaly love it again. pushing yourself so hard you know you cant manage, but then some how do is one of the best none penis centered feelings in the world. worked alot on my legs today, which felt odd seeing as how my legs are the only part of me that im cool with (seriously, even with near no exercise, my legs are musclar and lack fat). i have to stop looking at the pretty girls at the gym though, they can be a big distraction.
  12. i used to too. but after a few lessons you kinda get used to it, i mean, i used to be terrified coming up to roundabouts, now im pretty cool with them, not the overly cautious person i once was.
  13. rocky IV 82% montage 7% family drama 11% boxing. 100% awsome. one question, why dosent rocky ever block?
  14. when i saw the trailer, specificaly, pierce brosnans beard, i started laughing and didnt stop for the whole trailer, me and my mate looked at each outher and both said "is that REALLY a movie?" then we saw sean bean. i honestly thought id laughed my self into a herina.
  15. i liked 3D when i saw it in florida, things like terminator 2 3D and a bugs life 3D actualy worked really well. i think it was the novelty value, and the fact they used blasts of air and moving seats that made it actualy enjoyable, but as far as normal cinema goes. it really didnt add much to it. i said before that all the effects in avatar seemed to focus around the edge of the screen, which makes sense when you consider ther real world, but in terms of the actual movie, these were items you'd not focus on. i don't think i should have to pay to have a cupboard door appear to come closer to my face, though there were a few moments when items closer to the middle of the screen stood out, and they were much more enjoyable. 3D seems like an anti piracy idea maquerading as a fad, they tried it before and it didnt work, and unless they can integrate it more throughly with the film, i dont see it becoming standard any time soon.
  16. well, tickle me pink, that fall 2010 relase is agreeable. best phone friends and colleges, let them know i wont be available from then until 2012.
  17. when i was a bit younger, i recomended shrek to some olf my mates, they both bought the video and would watch it at least twice a night, some times up to 4 times. and this lasted for months. i just didnt get it. even a film i love, lets say leon, one of my favorite films of all time, i still cant watch it more then once a year.
  18. yeah, but then theres the nostalga to consider. people who have happy childhood memories of somthing tend to enjoy it beyond its flaws.
  19. i was watching the film with friends, and one offered his opinion that having characters voice whats happening is stupid, we can all see whats happening, so why do we need to be told in a voice over. he tends to sit more in the films as art camp, whilst anouther friend, who views films as entertainment argued that some people have problems following the plot, so what does having it vocied out hurt? this got me thinking about the film as a whole, the way everything is a steriotype, the way the plot follows the basic ingredients of most films like steriotypical characters and obvious plot devices, and i guess thats whats drawn me to conclude that the film seems to be dumbing down. its alot of pretty pictures to look at, action thats easy to follow and a plot that wont make you think. now im not saying this like its a bad thing, its simply the way things are at the moment, it seems the most successful films tend to be catering to the lowest common denomiator, as in the film can really be watched and understood by any one, and this is what splits opinion. some people are happy to watch a film that dosent challenge and simply entertains, but some people do expect more. it just seems unfair to slam the movie for not being citizen kane when you could see exactly what sort of movie it would be from the trailers. thats pretty much what i felt about the film. id certainly not pay to see it again, adult ticket prices with the 3D glasses came to nearly £10 at the cinema i use.
  20. come now, theres alot of difference between playing a game on the pc and playing it on a console. games can feel very different.
  21. id say avatar is so succesfull because it had good marketing. the 3D was tipped as being a cinematic revolution, and the film presented just enough of the story to make you interested, and teased enough ott action to make people think it would be exciting. in reality, i thought it was just a slightly abouve average film. the 3D didnt really add anything to the story telling for me. the CGI was gob smacking, it was pure eye candy, a beautiful world that had clearly been given alot of attention. but it felt like the outher aspects of the film had been neglected. the story was, as you have said, told before, and toyed with being downright stupid. unobtanium is not somthing you can take seriously. the main let down though, in my eyes, was the writting. characters were mstly one dimesional (ironic in a 3D film), stickind to steriotypes such as "grr, im a tough girl" "im a ball breaker" "im a socialy awkward scientist" "im a bad ass soilder who likes to kill things and say stuff that makes me sound tough". the dialouge itself was pretty terrible, and going back to the steriotypes, the film actualy features a black marine we see only once who's whole purpouse in the film is to go "yeeeeeaaaaaaahh!" when they go to war. im curious, does this actualy happen in every war or is it just somthing hollywood decided happens so we need to see it? outher then that, its a fairly entertaining film. its got all the depth of a paddeling pool, but its not utterly contemptable. its just what you would expect from a blockbuster, with etra special effects thrown in. edit forgot to mention the film is so predictable. everty concept or idea you see introduced, you can see exactly how its going to effect the movie later on. its not a bad thing really, it just means that i might as well have left half way through and id have knownm the ending anyway. the talk of making it a trillogy pains me.
  22. he said i was the first person not to stall this car straigth away. sadly hill starts made me stall like a pratt. alot.
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