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Chris the great

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Everything posted by Chris the great

  1. first driving lesson in the new car today. apparently the fiat 500 was designed for people who's arms fluctuate between tiny and massive. on one hand, they have the gear stick on the dash bored in a very uncomfortable place, and yet the stick to hand break so low you have to physicaly lean down like your retriveing a dropped polo mint. also went to the gym again, completly kaned it, ran twice as long and didnt let myself stop, and then pushed my self on the weights. good to be back.
  2. i ordered with game, so im exdpecting it on monday possibly saterday if im lucky. im trying to stay totaly unhyped for it, as recently hype has let me down alot.
  3. the quick and the dead ok, now i knew this was a rather daft western before i sat and watched it, but nothing could have prepaired me for what i saw. some woman comes into town and ends up joing a tornament, saving a preist and having sex with decaprio when he was younger. so bassicly, its kinda like on of those sports movies, were theres some team of underdogs who some how end up in the big leagues. only in this film the "sport" is shooting each outher really fast, and the "big leauges" is a tornament of it. now the tornament rules dont make any sense, you can challenge who you like, and you have to accept a challenege, yet the tornament still has heats. it works out that everyone has a fight, no one gets double booked, it just works out ok. now that just dosent make sense to me, but then, i live in a world of logic. it all starts pretty well, lots of fights, but no one really dies, untill gene hackman takes part, hes the baddie so he kills peope. half way through the tornament hes like all "now we just fight to the death". his motivation behind this is strange, i mean, his own son is fighting and he dosent want to kill him (but totaly does any way). woman thinks "fuck this" and goes away, but then thinks "nah, gene hackman killed my dad, id best kill him and save the towns people." to save the towns people she fakes her own death to russle crow whos a priest, and she also has sex with him, then she decides to blow up half the town, you know, to save it and shit. lucky for russle she blows it up, as he was just about to get killed, but the explosions knock hackman over like 3 times in a row. so then russle crow kills all the baddies, deciding that killing really is ok despite him just being totaly against it. woman kills hackman and leaves the smoldering wreckage of the town to cheers and adoraion of the people. theres some arty shots in places, which are laughable, and the characters dont make much sense, and its one of the dumbest films ever made. 4/10 it was stupid, but it had tits in it.
  4. well, that patch certainly improves things! no more waiting forever for the game to decide that pausing will be possible.
  5. thats what i plan, i dont like seeing it on a smaller screen with loads of quality issues. plus, my computer keeps going mental, as in the whole thing suddenly slows to a near stop and avery one sounds drunk for a few seconds. funny, but can ruin dramatic moments.
  6. yeah dont let the title and cover fool you, its not actualy a war film. its an inspirational story about overcoming adversity, inequality, and earning respect. theres also a general smoking a corncob pipe.
  7. no, but i am having a date with a real life lady person on friday! and if i do end up in a gay bar, i understand its the done thing to take your shirt off and dance, so i might aswell be prepaired to do that as every one seems to be telling me im gay. they might be right! i lost a fair bit of wait at uni when i went on a diet. i cut out most of the meat from my diet, bought less callorie ridden snacks and didnt eat after 9. theres an old wifes tale about putting on more weight after 9, but to be honest, it just stops you snacking out of bordom.
  8. i was chatting about it witha friend, and we both have our doubts for bioshock 2. im gonna take a risk with it, but my main worry is it'l be to close to the rather sub par end of the first game, the long and boring little sister protecting scene was a right downer.
  9. no, i just hate that im not in good shape, and i have started to get a bit of a tummy, id rather sort it now before it gets out of hand. and i also want to feel better about how i look. im not a chubster, but its starting to get noticable now, im really at the haviest im comfortable getting.
  10. ratchet and clank: a crack in time first R&C game ive played, and it was alright. the game wasnt bad, but felt like lots of elements of games ive already palyed, and not done as well. the story, i mostly ignored. i wanted to pay attention,b ut the voice acting did my head in. seriosly, why make every NPC have the most irritating voice ever. i skiped most of the main villans scenes as i feared i may cringe my own face off. it was ment to be funny, but i just felt embarrased on the most part. except for that super hero guy, he was pretty funny. 7/10 lots of fun, but lacking
  11. my strength is down, my stamina is down, my speed is down. thankfully my mental attitude is ok, can still push my self pretty damn far, which is what im going to have to do if i want to get back in shape before swim suit season!
  12. returned to the gym today, after 6 months. inital faf with the women at the counter chatting and not paying attention to me. i said 3 times me card had expired, yet the woman still goes "eeeeeh, did you know your membership has expired?" then she asked if i could afford to renew it despite me assuring her i could and having the money ready. still, her stupdity got me student membership despite me having been graduated for 18 months. gym did ruain my body, but tbh, its a complete tear down thats needed any way.
  13. i forgot that line. that was roughly the moment i realised james cameron had spent 20 years making the film, yet set none of the time asside to make decent dialouge or well thought out characters.
  14. i guess they had to be humanoid for us to relate to them, but why did he just look at night crawler from x men and go "that'l do"?
  15. so in defiance of my newly designated gayboy status, i secure a date with a lady person for friday. only bad part is shes making it kinda far from were i live and it might be touch and go to get home. actualy, that could be a VERY good thing....
  16. so i head out into town last night, thinking its gonna be a good night. unfortunatly i cant drink without feeling sick, and i mean like a single beer making me queasy. so im pretty sober, dancing on the dancefloor in some bar, this pretty hot girl keep glancing over, so i try n get a little closer to her, she suddenly "accidently" steps on my foot. then she sparks up a conversation. it went like this. her "hey, are you gay?" me "WHAT? no!" her "are you sure? cos im looking for a boyfriend for my brother" me "yes, im bloody sure" we both cringe and i ;eave the dance floor. but it gets better in the next bar thewres a very drunk girl, shes friendly and funny so we dont mind her there. then she suddenly slipps and elbows me in the balls. i went down. it gets even better. in the bakers getting some sausage rolls before heading home, i am telling a mate about being gay asked out, a girl in the line says "well, you are gay arnt you?" me "for fucks sake! is it because im wearing a pink shirt?" her "no, you just are clearly gay" she spent the next five mins trying to get me to come out. so i learned a few things last night. girls apparently think im gay, the laws of physics will always conspire to hit you in the nuts and apparently, girls really cant notice me staring at there breats.
  17. it did add a sense of depth, at some points. the odd scene did seem enhanced by the 3D, but that just seemed to make it jar with outher scenes. id be interested to compair how the film looked in 2D, but as an advert for 3D, i wasnt sold.
  18. best bit of advice ive ever seen deidre give "you shoulden't have sex with your sister"
  19. meh, it still felt like an environmentalist anti corperative film to me. but like i say, that WASNT my main issue. the film was a big step forward in the field of placing cupboard doors in your periferal vison, but as for groundbreaking special effects? naaaaaah. see my problem was that for the most part, the 3D added nothing, it was focused around the edge of the screen. seeing cupboard doors, the backs of peoiples heads and the odd branch move out wasnt worth the money it cost to make for me.
  20. i do love the letters in papers. a recent one in the express beamoned the UK giving away money in forgen aid despite the fact we have a huge national debt. they actualy begrudged us giving money to haite. it was hillariously daft.
  21. seemed like that to me and my mate, but we may well have missed the point, and it certain ly wasnt my main issue with the film. cringe worthy dialouge and the gimmaky 3D were the main criticisms i have.
  22. obviously i realise that for the vision to work it needed the tech, im just saying, dont make a film that preaches about how we need to use less techknology then spend bilions of pounds on the tec to make it. its like me making a range of clothes promoting fair trade, then having them made in a sweat shop.
  23. went for lunch and to see avatar, both were alright. one of my mates seemed really annoyed at me for laughing at the use of 3D. apparently it was wrong of me to suggest that 3D didnt seem to have added much to the movie, and i didnt see it as an advance in film making.
  24. avatar well, finaly got round to seeing it. now i saw the 3D screening, but in all honesty, i wish id saved the £1.60 and seen it in 2D. to put it simply, 3D didnt add much at all. there were a few moments were it actualy worked such as
  25. i set my self a goal for the day. to fill an empty caprison (its like a foil pounch of juice for our oversea readers) with my own saliva. i managed! when i was done i was kinda lost of what i should do, so i emptied it into a glass to see what 200ml of spit looks like. it looks exactly like you'd imagine. i did learn in the process that chewing gum is the quickest was to make you salavate though. also got a couple of messages through on fish for love, one of them seems like it could lead some where. i didnt mention the caprison thing to her.
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