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Chris the great

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Everything posted by Chris the great

  1. people from liverpool, are they all stupid and loud or was it just the one i spoke to at work. i was ment to give her health advice, but i was tempted to tell her to go get her face caved in with a hammer.
  2. so, ive got a car. a blue toyota yaris that i call charlie. picking it up on saterday.
  3. moving on slightly, i was chatting with mates at work about batman, a guy said "you know who i want to be the riddler? david hyde pierce." i must say, thats spot on for me.
  4. going from the comics ive read, the killing joke is the most apt to answer this,
  5. i got a little bit of a lie in for work, 6am. went in and the big cheeses from the NHS were missioning round, so 4 hours with no games or books allowed. it was annoying. after they went back to finding new ways to make mrsa more available, we played monopoly. im very bad at monopoly, in the end i had just two properties, both brown, but as we counted the winner as the person with the most cash, i was crowned winner. played batman for a couple of hours, then had a crap tea and did the dishes. had to turn down a night out cos im working tommorow. id be disserpointed if i didnt know tommorow was going to consist of poker, monopoly and reading, whilst being paid.
  6. i started playing video games when i was about 4, though i didnt get any good till i was about 7 and finnished the mighty morphin power rangers game.
  7. went to a turkish place for lunch, was very nice. put a pound on the roullete in ladbrookes, got 5 back. got a wink froma pretty girl on fish 4 love. batman has arived good day!
  8. mine wasnt here today, shame. im off tommorow so hopefully it'l arive then. in the meantime, im renting tombraider legends. shame its so vanila.
  9. long day at work, i sucked at poker but rulled at blackjack (not 21, a different variety) came home, and arkhem assylem (comic, not game) has arrived! edit: also, is any one else so glad that big borther has fnal had a bullet put in its head? i feel as though the nations IQ has just risen slightly.
  10. wolverine origins: our war didnt like the visual style very much and the story was pretty boring. bit of a waste of money if im honest. 4/10
  11. its cos a bunch of god botheres seem to think it'l make jesus cry. frankly, any one who thinks i should live my life acording to thier imaginary friend's commandments is going to be disserpointed. and i love how "think of the children" is always popping up. who says the gays arnt good parents? belive what you want, but don't force it on people, its like diffrent storkes theamtune tells us "well, the world don't move, to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some."
  12. i considered the long haloween today. got dark knight strikes again instead.
  13. just got a confirmation email too. huzzar! been getting very into batman lately, can fully recomend year one, the killing joke and the dark knight returns, so yeah, batman rules.
  14. bit annoyed with my friends at work, left the night shift guys my pokwer set cos they begged. i was assured id get it back, un supprisingly, it wasnt left were id be told, and i found a chip on the floor. a few texts located the set, but i dont appreicate people making promises and then not keeping them. also, i find it annoying that i pay for a a poker set and am left unable to play because someone else takes it home. no respect for outher people's property, there is a black chip missing, which, while not totaly ruining the set, is a right pain, making things unballenced. also, a guy was fired for somersaulting over chairs and breaking the floor. fair enough i say.
  15. mine says despatched on the huts website. i owe daft a beer for the savings hes provided!
  16. i do like that he makes fat stupid people cry. but hes so smug.
  17. its an 8 am start, but travle aint my friend. 30-40 min walk (depending on what soes i wear, apparently) to the metro station, due to busses being shit at that hour, then theres a metro which takes anouther 30-45 mins, then a 10-15 min walk to work. its a right piss cutter. work was ok today, had 2 calls over 8 hours, one was a lovly woman, the otuher was a pregnant woman asking my adivice on tamiflu, which i could not give. lent my poker set to the night shifters, was hugged by hottie in return, ive been invited out tonight witht hem but probly wont go, its a pain getting home. oh, and some guy almost got the sack for somersaulting over two chairs and breaking the floor. i was pretty impressed to be honest, propper flip and all.
  18. i sympathise with you man, im not in a good way myself. i now have to leave for work. sigh.
  19. fella's a cunt, deserved to die alone and unloved in prison. same can be said for alot of people.
  20. i got told i wasnt alowed to wear my hood up at work, despite the fact my neck was really cold, which was weird. a hug made it better though.
  21. managed to change to early shifts at work, giving me 16 hours in 24 at work, managed to slip in 2 n a half hours sleep between shifts. im in tommorow and need to be up around half 5 so im off to bed.
  22. i was pleased to find a guy im mates with didnt lose his job after all. and a couple of girls who annoy me are gone, so silver linings and all that. in fairness, im no less of a cunt, i just dont have the power. hopefully i will get changed to the early shift, it means i gotta be out the door at 6am, but at least i can get transport then.
  23. this game looks so beautiful i want to marry it an settle into a small house in cornwall and raise kids with it.
  24. yay! i fucking love lbp.
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