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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Another brilliant chapter!
  5. The top 5 N64 games that i played for a bit today: 1. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2. Pokemon Stadium (minigames) 3. The World is not Enough 4. Hot Wheels Turbo Racing 5. Starwars Episode 1 Racer
  6. Oh yeah that's right, couldn't remember the names. I enjoy both their subs. Also when is the second season of Haruhi Suziyama coming out?
  7. They are so tiny. Aww! they're cute You should of befriended a whole army of scorpions and make them to do your bidding unleashing an unstoppable force on Italy.....
  8. It is currently on episode 22 and i think that it's is going to be 27? I'm not sure which subs i've been watching as i have viewed most of it from stage 6 and Veoh.
  9. I am!, It is a brilliant show. It is pure excellence on a screen. I love Gurren Laggan, it is one of my favourite shows that i'm watching at the moment. Also i've been listening to the Death Note soundtrack this evening, which is exellent. It makes me want to watch Death Note all over again!
  10. Stefkov is a confident and kind person who has a great sense of fun! and is good to talk with. He watches great anime shows and has awesome Eureka 7 figures. What's not to like?
  11. It dfinately felt like a magical place! remember the advert? http://youtube.com/watch?v=j5JKRdtALcc I remember all this stuff from the nineties, it doesn't make me feel old as i'm only sixteen but it does fill me a cetain nostalgia. I have wonderful memories from the nineties. I used to watch all the TV shows and Cartoons. I remember getting a penquin shaped tamogotchi and deciding i wanted it to swim in the bath with me. I dipped it underwater and it got clogged up with water and completely broke! I had bought about 5-6 by the time the craze was over as i regularly broke them. (through different means not just bath related incidents.)
  12. It starts on the 17th of September.
  13. There was a fair few of Big Brain acadamey in my local GAME today when i poppedin for a brief browse. £19.99 i was tempted.
  14. Woo! Go Bluey enjoy Japan! wish i could go there....
  15. It's a Toshiba L40 it cost £369! It is a really good Laptop for what i want to do which is use it for school and surfing the internet.
  16. I didn't have enough money to buy a can of: or a packet of: But i did get my new: Woo!!
  17. It looks good! You managed to get it cut with out becoming bald this time. Last time i went to some random barbers for a trim he cut of an inch of my hair then charged me 12 pounds (he just made up his own prices!)
  18. Tonic Trouble: Starwars Episode 1 Racer: Incredible crisis ( though i have only played the demo it was a hilarious game)
  19. I have no problem who goes out with who, age shouldn't matter when your in love. (as long as it's legal like Ashley said) Although complications in the relationship may arise if there is too bigger gap between the two as they're are from completely different generations and may view things too differently to get on. Anyway i'm not sure what i'm talking about and think i've just rambled on. Oh well.
  20. Yes. not long to wait now! Great can't wait to see your new Dog.
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