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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I've had a good day! My Uncle came over and it was a fun and relaxing day! although morning was busy getting ready for his arrival. Also like the fact that i didn't have school today and it's the first Monday i have enjoyed for ages.
  2. Oh Cool! I really like the look of that boxart.
  3. ok! you can stand Naruto Dubbed? You have more stamina than me! I couldn't listen to him for more than a minute!
  4. Cool! great. Are you watching it subbed or dubbed?
  5. Do stick with it Villan! it is actually an excellent show! and you'll grow to love it! (hopefully) I was fortunate enough to have my first intro to Naruto to be the fight between Naruto and Sasuke which i thought was amazing! By the time you get to the Zabuza arc you'll be drawn in! :awesome:
  6. RE:UC is 18+? didn't realise that! I have purchased presents for my parents!
  7. ok, i looked at the TV guide today! they are showing the same films as last christmas and the christmas before that etc... There is very little i want to watch, except Oldboy which i haven't seen before!
  8. I haven't watched Some anime for a fair few days and have decided to have an anime Night/early morning Overload The only show i have kept up with this season is Clannad which i find really interesting. Shippuden is pretty cool!! but i'm sure you have heard and witnessed the things wrong with it before so i won't bore you with it. Moyashimon is also a lot of Fun! Tonight i'm going to watch more Bleach i think i stopped around episode 40 last time! and i'll continue to make my way through Shippuden!
  10. completed Bowser on Friday night and have got another ten stars since then, taking me up to 70 stars! The Boss fight was cool (although a bit easy) and the level was also great. Time to get 120 stars now!
  11. Two Packets of Skittles one Normal Packet and one Sour! The sour ones weren't these exact ones and looked a lot more plain.
  12. I play mine on a small TV and everything still looks great! and sometimes better than the TV downstairs, on some games as i don't have the component cables to improve the quality on the HD TV. But i rarely use it downstairs anyway so it would be a waste of money for only a slight difference in my (not so good) eyes.
  13. I rushed my list on my way to school, didn't put much thought into it so i'll proabably end up with the most random thing like a Giant Pear! Failing that one of the Wii games i put down and a few CDs. *is hoping for the Giant Pear*
  14. My Achievements for 2008: 1) Eat a Curry! 2) Eat a Pomagranate :awesome: 3) Pass My A levels (with Bs or higher) and complete a lot of games.... (as i haven't done much of that this year )
  15. I like this Guy! I think he is a good character. and Sanchez made me laugh! Excellent posts. Great thread.
  16. The Hoosiers! A good purchase Dante.
  17. That's reminded me of a book i have called Dad Library (it's a childrens book)and you could swap your dad in and borrow another dad from the library. In the end he saw that these "perfect dads" were not as good as his real Dad. It was a goodbook.
  18. That has also left me feeling empty inside.... it's really sad
  19. My Weekend: I went up to London early in the morning and had lol based adventures in London until about 4 then my friend came round until Sunday (Bluejay ) and even more Lols were had! so in short i have had a: LOLTASTIC WEEKEND!!!
  20. I have been creeped out by the Jesus one before and didn't want him following me around for the rest of the evening again!
  22. Broke up to day at one o' clock!! and i have been out having (a delicious!) lunch. had some random test thing this morning and there was a maths section of which i knew none of the answers to. Also i can play games again without guilt of work looming over me! except the revision i have to do for my mocks.... I handed in all my Coursework tody!
  23. Shaun of the Dead! It gets funnier each time i see it! 5 and a half Bears out of 7 :awesome:
  24. I've had a great evening! It was my schools Christmas dinner and it was a very entertaining evening! The meal was delicious and the atmosphere was great! After dinner we also had a magician who did some amazing Magic tricks!
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