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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. But then it won't match your shirts! :p Sorry i couldn't resist! Anyway i like all of her songs in her new album! My favourites are When you're gone, Runaway, One Of Those Girls, I Can Do Better and Contagious. I can't wait for her next album! The new video is hilarious and so PINK! (my third favourite colour) Also been listening to lots of Bat for Lashes this week i really like every song off her album!
  2. I still want Monty Mole!
  3. I'm Not your guy! FRIEND! I agree this is my favourite this season! I was laughing so much!
  4. I Love articulate almost as much as you! Amazing game so much fun! I never win though because i fail at it!
  5. Work...? I'm not familiar with this word... But seriously like Shadow said we don't get paid! Hmm.. i need a job!
  6. Great!!! You have too much money! Care to lend me some... Or want to make it interesting In an online karting match? Winner takes all!
  7. I'm not your friend buddy... Haha some great stuff in the latest episode! Including: Dramatic gopher! The whole Youtube reference was pretty funny! "get ready for some chocolate pain...." Though i was expecting a Rick Roll at some point! The candians were great and it's always good to have a song from them! : peace: And was it an allusion to the recent strike?
  8. Is this games still normal price in the shops with the Wii Wheel or does it cost more?
  9. It is a bit odd unless i read wrong that was the ransom! i doesn't point towards who my character is though i don't think I haven't seen the thin they are in though! Oh dear that doesn't look good for me... Looks like i chose the wrong person to protect!
  10. Hehe! no worries Jamba! Well as i had forgotten to send in my Pm i got one from Jonnas Reminding me to use my power that night if i wanted to! so on the first night i chose to Protect Eenuh because she is the first person i thougt of! and then the 2nd Night Ellmeister as he was the first person i thought of again! So both were quickly selected as i didn't want to delay the game as i have forgotten to before! That is it there was no previous background information or anything!
  11. I still need to see the Predator! When i was younger (about 7-8) i was allowed to watch it up until the Predator comes! Which is strange because i was allowed to watch the whole of Alien!
  12. When Maase was kidnapped the kidnapper demanded my favourite Superman Comic Book collection as a ransom! So i gave it to them on the second night! I'm not sure what any of that means but it could help prove i am good! That's about it with out saying who i am!
  13. Oh hey! sorry for not being in this thread and such... (does this every maifa game) I'm probably not going to take part in other mafia game because i've never really understood it but i really want to that's why i keep playing! (I also forget to play sometimes ) I don't want annoy people :/ Your on the wrong tracks here i'm afraid as i am good like usual and the two times i have Pm'd Jonnas with my power i have protected two people Eenuh and Ellmeister! I haven't got much of an idea of there roles and they were randomly selected and so i don't know whether i'm protecting someone good or bad! Oh yeah sorry i haven't been on much today! Revision sucks up a lot of my time at the moment!!! (And i have been catching up with South Park :p)
  14. Gattaca is a great film! I watched it last year in RS! and thought it was excellent. I too reccomend it!
  15. You remind me of the Seaon 1 24 DVD! that after awhile goes "that's right i'm watching you" It creeped me out... I'm strangely now imagining you saying that while Daniel stands there scared and confused... :p
  16. Awesome Haggis! :awesome: That will make my day! Also Night have a goodnights sleep! hopeyour eys is well in the morning! *waves* Tonight i haven't done much and i fell asleep for 15 minutes but was very much aware i was awake... i can't explain!
  17. Did you get soap or shampoo in it as i always end up with a bloodshot eye after a shower! And a stubbed toe as i stumble blindly out the bathroom unable to see...
  18. Haha! ^____^ That was great!
  19. Hmm.. It's not part of the shield! Ah well that's my dream of an ultimate coin shattered! *goes back to his idea of novelty sized credit cards!*
  20. Ooh! difficult choice! I rarely have galaxy though but i have a Dairy Milk everyday so i think i have to vote for cadbury's! It's tasty! Love them both though! : peace:
  21. If they aren't going to announce anything interesting, they can at least have the Reginator and Shigeru Miyamoto Fighting each other in novelty sized Mario and Luigi Costumes! I would pay good money to see that!
  22. I like the new coin designs! I think they should have made it so they all combined together into the shield formation to make the ultimate £1.88 coin.... If i got my maths right...?
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