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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. If I ever like anime enough to find that attractive. Kill me! (with fire) Actually kill me now I can smell the inevitability.... That seriously creeps me out more than the robot for some reason. :p
  2. Awesome. It's a briliant film. You and Haggis win EVEN more than usual. : peace:
  3. To me that looks more like a "I'm going to kill the person who touched me" photo. Also is that a Planet Terror Poster behind you?
  4. I'm with Moogle. :p Wait What...? >___>
  5. What would your Villainous name be? What would your evil intention be? How would you carry out your masterful plan? What would your appearance be like? What Special Powers Weapons would you have? Just a bit of fun. Mine would be: Name: Dr. Ineptitude My evil intention would be to make everyone in the world fail as much as me. I would carry this out by lowering their self esteem with a new drug called Lacking Any Motivation or Energy which makes you feel slow and lazy. Ultimately In order for my plan to carry through I'd have to succeed which doesn't live up to my name.... I would wear nothing but a brown dressing gown and Boxers. I'd also have an unusally tall Top Hat just to complete the bizarre look. Also to hint that I once had it all but due to my ineptitude I just tumbled all the way down. I'd carry a blunt Axe as well to symbolise that nothing about me is worthwhile. :p So, GO!
  6. This guy is LEGENDARY! A God amoung men! Happy Birthday Man! :p
  7. Very late to the party but I've been playing Bioshock this weekend Such a brilliant game so far. I'm not very far yet as I haven't had a chance to play that much. I'm in Neptune's Bounty with the camera which I need to return to Peach Wilkins in the fisheries. It is very atmospheric. I have played some of it before but for some reason now when I hear a splicer I get pretty tense and my heart races a bit. Probably because I'm such a bad shot with the Tommy Gun... :p I'm really enjoying the Electric Buck Bullets in my Shotgun as well. Very satisfying. I love the little touch of the Audio Diaries explaining the back story. They are very interesting!!! and great to listen to when you are just walking along. At the moment I'm rescuing the Little Sisters, Some how I just couldn't bring myself to harvest them for Adam.
  8. Checked out that thread too. It makes me so pumped for the game! : peace: I didn't want this that much but when I see screens of it and everything It reminds me of how much I actually love the game. I don't actually care that is pretty much the same game. I'm very much willing to do everything over again. Especially since the Villagers have become a lot more interesting! It looks really good to me now and there is enough new stuff to keep me interested. Plus my Wild World has gone to pot. :p
  9. Pokemon Episode 2 Awesome, This show makes me happy as it reminds me off when I used to watch it. It is strange how the plot of the episode comes back to you while watching it. Good episode, quite sad but has a happy ending! Pokemon Battle Frontier Brock's Marshtomp is Badass. :awesome:
  10. Getting some Chocolate Cake in Psychology = Instant Win. I've had a good day. A few laughs and a good psychology essay! The weekend was an odd one, It took me all weekend to get my English Coursework done. I could see from my side illustrations that I was slowly losing my sanity while writing it. It is such a great feeling when you finish though. *weight off his shoulders* I hate coursework, usually let me down but I'm pleased with this one! Cool! What Uni?
  11. I watched this and I quite like it. Some of the jokes are pretty lame and it feels like they are trying to hard to for example LOLCATS: I don't know it just seems a bit forced. I know people who don't normally know about LOLCATS are just finding out which is why I assume this joke has been made. It was even in the paper the other day! Anywho, when they are not desperately trying to appeal to the masses it has some brilliant subtleties! and makes my inner nerd laugh! And I can unfortunately relate too well with each character. >__< Except Penny... :p
  12. How I met your Mother: Wooo! Simply awesome. I love this show much. Consistantly good each week!
  13. I watched the first episode of this and kept meaning to watch more as I thought it was really fun. Shame to see it's been cancelled...
  14. Definately crush them up and put it with stuff but unfortunately it won't stop it tasting horrible, but it helps I used to do that all the time when I couldn't swallow pills! The trick is you get it to the back of your tongue and quickly gulp backwards and then drink the water to make them stay down!
  15. My cat had a fight with the mother fox once that lived at the bottom of our garden! He left with scratches and scars on his face but he was the VICTOR!!! They left our garden after that.
  16. New Avatar: 4 and a half Bears out of 7! Thanks, much less confusing. :p Woo! New Sig (and avatar), I can't decide whether I'm pleased with it or not but what I do know is that Munchlax is AWESOME!
  17. Cool, that reminds me I need to change mine! *puts on his thinking cap* (Don't grade mine do Paj's. )
  18. YES! The Quiz is back! 15. WarandChaos?
  19. Yay! poems.
  20. Avatar: Good! but the same picture in both messes my head up for some reason. :p Signature: I like it! Simple but good!
  22. I love One of the Boys! I'm happy for that to be the next single! Awesome! I can see if you love Circus than I'll definately love Circus! :awesome: I cannot wait until December! Ooh Lady Gaga wrote a song! I'm definately interested. I really like Lady Gaga and have been listening to her a lot recently. Beautiful, Dirty, Rich is an excellent track along with Poker Face and I really like Love Game. Okay so this evening I've been listening to Beyonce's new album and it is incredibly awesome. :awesome: More so than I thought it would be. Far superior to her other albums in my eyes. It has some fantastic songs on it. There are much better ones than her single out at the moment "If I was a boy" Which I think is great! I love "Halo", "Diva", "Sweet Dreams", "Ego" and "Ave Maria" I didn't even like her that much before listening to this album today!
  23. *Hugs* (I need to put Official Hugger back in my Sig!) You are definately NOT being childish!!
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