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Everything posted by Klimop

  2. have you tried updating the firmware of your router? There's a great chance that this is the problem
  3. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  4. well, it works for me, just be carefull, and yes, maybe you'll have to try it twice, but imo I can glue books better than the machinary in those copyshops + it saves a lot of money, though, maybe in this case this isnt the best solution, i'm sure you'll find a place where they'll do it, especially in a uni region
  5. bound them yourself, I allways do those kind of things myself you need: glue, a knife, and maybe some bandagegaas (i don't know what its called in englisch) press the pages between something, cut little carves in the back (so the glue really sticks in the pages) then glue them, put some bandagegaas on it and glue it some more
  6. chibi robo is all over the place, i still see plenty of copies in stores the only 'rare' game I own would have to be Bomberman Generation, still play that one alot and I allways wanted Godzilla DAMM, but I never found it instores, so I guess that's a 'rare' cube game
  7. I'd go for the Deftones version not on 'tube though but here's a link: http://users.fulladsl.be/spb22119/Deftones%20-%20Do%20They%20Know%20Its%20Christmas(feat.%20Jonah%20and%20Grady).mp3
  8. I usually don't listen to rap; but there's one album I can recomend to anybody the gray album by Jay-z and Dangermousse
  9. so Super Paper Mario = Mario 128, in a way because I just remembered, Some info on M128 said that it would be 2D and 3D mixed up, kind of like SPM EDIT; Nevermind..
  10. If mine was that song, I'd never answer my phone again though, lazytown gives me the creeps EDIT; original pirate song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLsJyfN0ICU I may be outdated but you just can't say Lazytown without mentioning the pirate song
  11. One 'll do for me http://del.icio.us/
  12. help wanted!
  13. http://cristgaming.com/pirate.swf I can watch/listen to this all day long
  14. does anybody know if it is possible to make your own buttons i'v downloaded candybar but sofar i only managed to change my buttons into other allready made ones but i'd like to make my own
  15. 8 years? What school do you go to?
  16. helveticafilm.com like helvetica isn't overused I study Graphic Design myself and i'm pulling it off to do all of my work this year in courier (and courier new) so far none of the teachers have made comments about it, it would be funny if i could keep it up Just like in basicly everything, the quality of the materials isn't everything, it's what you do with them
  17. pimpthatsnack.com/project.php?projectID=302&pageID=1 an idea for next easter
  18. I was toghether with my first real girlfriend for 1.5y, we ended quite tragically, sick relationship etc. i banned her from my life, she went to Nepal, I was happy I wouldn't have to see her again and today I heard she's back!!! => Absolute Horror and worst news ever and i'm not still in love with her or any other crazy theory
  19. I can't see why you could get so exited over an egg? Compared to what we have in Belgium thats nothing, though, I didn't get any chocolate this year, I'm about to take off and go buy some, I hope there will be some leftovers
  20. True, I for one do absolutely not care at all about HD etc. some beers and tv-links and I'll be fine
  21. found this: plasmasaver.com/
  22. a documentary about people who Nordic walk my mom picked it up recently, and now she bought some sticks, and is walking like crazy in our backyard, yet, i don't see the point, at all plus, it's highly entertaining to watch
  23. Now I don't mean to brag but... Self portrait of well euh, myself + ... users.fulladsl.be/spb22119/IMGA0060.JPG (can't post url's yet) NV-GS300, after saving for long I got myself a cam somewhere near the end of last year, I wanted something bigger and more professional, but hey, this 'll have to do for a while, though I'm really happy with it
  24. Babel: 7/10 good, but i thought something was missing... The part set in Japan was great though
  25. Thank God equipment isn't the most important part of quality film making Latest short clip I did for school: youtube.com/watch?v=HmwYyX2cSOU quit happy about it too, but for now, i'm still looking for something new to work on
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