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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I certainly hope not. Only boys under 12 can get away with that. I never understand why people dislike hair, but I guess it's personal Wouldn't exactly be into someone who looks like a bear but I find underarm, leg and pubic hair quite sexy :p
  2. It's become an unhealthy obsession for me now. I just find them hilarious... Paj!! I blame you for doing this to me!!
  3. You really believe Christmas is still a christian holiday?
  4. I lolled, that guy in the middle of ye looks right satisfied :p Which one are you Nightwolf? I don't think I've ever seen you before so I don't have a clue.
  5. I love your friend who plays the zombie. She's hilarious Also, Funny to see that you've adopted the typical directors hat :p
  6. Though it's pretty unique, the length is slightly distracting :p Just my 2 cents. At least I'll always know when a comment is by you
  7. Love that feeling Emasher! It's certainly a guilty pleasure for me however I feel guilty/really nerdy when the teacher is like "Now, most of you aren't working hard enough! Look at this lovely essay done by Gavin...this is what you should be aiming for!" I can always feel the eyes staring at me. Recently, a teacher read out a phrase of mine anonymously during a class about good descriptive writing. I was mighty proud
  8. Crazy super-human! Never had any colds? Coughs? Common things like that? Don't get them that often but I envy you
  9. PLEASE change your name back to Scoop...
  10. I'd love to argue some point about how stereotypical that is and how I know a lot of Irish who are strict non-drinkers... However... It's, essentially, true Seeing as he's not here to defend himself, he is Brazilian, not Irish. Diego isn't exactly the most Irish name :p Of course, I don't know his view, he may consider himself Irish
  11. Interesting though I doubt I could pull off a mustache/beard :p Probably could do it though as I grow hair like there's no tomorrow I never get how it's something that is relished at as a kid yet once puberty hits people make fun of any facial hair. Those are the thoughts that haunted me for the last few years, heh
  12. erm.... Never heard of it. Probably just a English thing then.
  13. Never been drunk myself but I'd love to know what kind of drunk I am. Of course, I'm thinking of the typical angry, happy etc. drunk. Going to an 18th next week so maybe I'll find out then :p I'll keep ye posted.
  14. Yeah, I seriously have no idea what ye're talking about :p Quite like Katy Perry's new song too...if that's anything?
  15. ...Is it a special Fireworks days or something? Or are you doing it for no reason other than you have fireworks?
  16. Yeah...never been seriously injured. Once when I was like 7 though I was running around on some stone outside our school, tripped over someone's leg and bust my head open. Lot's of lovely blood. Actually, thinking about it, I've hit my head really hard quite a few times. My poor brain cells
  17. Wait....my comment was deleted for some reason?! Just to say it again... Good day. All exams went fairly well so far, few mistakes but nothing major. Had tears rolling down my face both today and yesterday from laughing so hard. Tomorrow, exam's finish. Thank God! I'm exhausted from studying
  18. If we're all so shit, Do you have any funny jokes to share then, Diego? :p (P.S. I know that my joke was horrible )
  19. Brilliant thread, I've recently been telling a few friends some purposely painful jokes which they cringe at...but secretly love. Naturally One of my favourites...What did the ghost say to the bee? BOO-BEES! Some gentle humour :p
  20. Hmm...I think London is out of my reach a bit :/ i could probably scratch the money together but just wouldn't have the time, sense of direction etc. unfortunately. I'd say somewhere like Dublin is my limit :p Of course, everone could just come to where I live. A bustling, lively, dramatic, crazy, village where there's always something to do*! :p * look at sheep, cycle and go to the local butchers...
  21. Those pictures are brilliant Soag! xD Am I the only one who thinks it's pretty funny how your just posing as a zombie and then in the background there are a bunch of middle-aged women shopping :p I'm guessing that was the morning after, then?
  22. AWR! So jealous, I've been looking at some Poloroid cameras on amazon but haven't brought myself to buy any yet. What's it like?
  23. You didn't eat any pancakes? SHAME!! :p
  24. I had to comment. Fantastic video! It had me laughing throughout. Well done Comedy was brilliant. I definitely agree that you should do more.
  25. I found this image really funny for some reason. This is definitely my favorite thread. Always makes me laugh
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