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Everything posted by mr_bogus

  1. Does he look like your mate? And if so, does this mean you've shagged your mate as well? How about going for a full house?
  2. I wonder how many people called in sick today...
  3. Do they eat plastic? Like, Dragon Blade boxes? I may still get Dragon Blade when it comes down in price, after all i was 1 of the 3 people in the world that actually enjoyed Titus's Robocop.
  4. /goes to adoptachimp.com
  5. Played it then, Iun?
  6. Yea it's gotten quite a few bad reviews, mainly for being very obviously low budget. I still want it tho, if nothing else to support a small developer releasing an original IP hack & slash on the Wii.
  7. Releases here on Friday, i wonder if it's overtaken Super Mario Galaxy's preorders yet...
  8. Hey rokhed i mentioned you yesterday in the Wii -> Mario Galaxy thread! Only ever tried poppers once, in a club, & hated it. So can't comment on that one...
  9. methinks Rokhed should go to GAME next Thursday evening, dressed as Peach.
  10. That's cheating, sex could be classified as anything - action game...logic game...adventure game, even an FPS with a bit of imagination
  11. I think anything should count, on any platform (non-console even)...
  12. What's your favorite logic/puzzle game? Mine would be a tossup between Picross and Shisen-Sho.
  13. ...and there i was, glancing over the page, wondering why everyone's discussing lava lamps.
  14. Takeo that last pic's confusing, like you took a chunk out of your own chest
  15. Watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, pissed ourselves at the "even it up...for balance" scene. Oh and played *looks around* *ahem* *whispers* Sonic 360.
  16. Thanks, that helped - suddenly it feels like i'm controlling it
  17. Got it, i must say the graphics look nicer than i was expecting from screenshots etc. I also can't figure out the twist thing - the tutorial is like ultra-hard mode that it keeps trying to force me to complete before i can play normal mode (the actual game). I'll keep trying your method GMC...
  18. Wow, loads of stuff gone by since yesterday. My 2c worth: There's a difference between rape (_against_ victim's will) and a fetish for being dominated (a turn-on for the "victim"). How did you hurt your foot metroid? I sprained mine last month running down the stairs at work. I once saw a really old man wearing one that said "Nobody knows i'm a lesbian" which i thought was ace
  19. Would you consider coming out to everyone you know / can, in the same boat as coming to terms with your sexuality?
  20. TAKEO'S BACK!!!!! Beardy: I do go through asexual spells that last anything from a few days to a couple of months, so i can relate.
  21. The Bust a Move game is supposed to support up to 8 players multiplayer... i'm imagining it's 4 human players tho.
  22. Why am i thinking of Cartman's "I hate you guys" song... My first was something i'd rather forget about. Hint: OMG it's Mr Burns
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