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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. Think you're right, seem to recall being about 4/5 years old and playing in the garden in what was my first real experience with snow back in Reading! Ah, the good ol' days. People at uni were boring today - we're all too grown up and up our own asses to be playing with snow! Shocking.
  2. Awesome pic Platty, you were very lucky to get so much snow!
  3. Wow, that's fucking bizarre, I was playing Star Wars: Jedi Outcast at around the same time and also looked out only to see it turning in a blizzard. And we're both in the South West. Creepy stuff!
  4. Aw no fucking fair! We don't even have close to a flake of snow here in Bath. I bet my sister is enjoying the time of her life where she is...
  5. I first saw KFP in French, if anything it actually funnier! A very good film to brighten up your day! And don't worry, I think if you like WALL-E more than that's cool, I was just trying to be cool...lol.
  6. Sorry, you're just wrong, Kung Fu Panda rules all.
  7. All these jokes are getting a bit stale, mate.
  8. Um, has everyone got the same problem with Google as I have - when I search for anything it says every single result "may harm my computer". Anyone know why???
  9. People get worked up over games. It's a sad fact. I have one friend who used to get livid if our team didn't win at Counter-Strike in a clan match, so much so that it actually seemed to ruin his day. I soon stopped playing with him as a result of it. It seems totally trivial to me - people getting worked up over games is silly (although sometimes, they can be frustrating when you make a silly error obviously!). Obviously, debating moves can lead to a mini-argument over the rules but killing yourself as a result of it is just ludicrous!
  10. So lately I've been enjoying the Jedi Knight series on PC, remembering what fine games they are indeed! It's always nice to revisit old games! Both JK2 and JK:JA are running perfectly on my system with the exception of one thing - the sound in the FMV cutscenes seems to "fizzle" out about 5-10 seconds into the cutscene. It's not a huge issue but it is slightly annoying. I was just wondering perhaps if anyone had any idea how one might resolve this? I can't seem to find anything online! My system is obviously, considerably above the minimum specifications required due to the age of the game - I don't know, perhaps this is simply the problem? But as I said, everything else is running very smoothly! If anyone knows anything, please let me know!
  11. Good so far, spoken much German today and blagged my way through French Language. Friend is coming over very shortly to play some N64 with me!
  12. Seeing as you're in the West Midlands (well according to your location info at least), I'm not that far away from you. I'll happily come up for the day and beat the living fuck out of this guy for you if you want (or come along as sizeable backup to intimidate 'em), while obtaining your money in the process. Cunts like that just need to be sat down.
  13. I like the name Pooks, very endearing! I would cuddle up to you if you weren't at work...and if I knew where you lived..
  14. That or you could buy a weight bench for the house. I have one in my room and therefore it means I have no excuse for not doing exercise. Had it two years and it's perhaps my most cherished purchase ever - helped me put on around 3 stone, most of which is muscle (there is a bit of blub but I like it!, lol)
  15. Ooooh, I've never noticed this thread before, can I play??? Seeing as I made a poor attempt at making a sig recently it would be nice to see how well-received it is (considering it's being used on a blog). Um, let's see.... (Molly's) Avatar - 9/10 - I love Star Wars and it's nice to see people appreciating it. It's a pretty good shot too, guessing perhaps it's a promo one for Empire Strikes Back? Sig - 9.5/10 - I really like this sig, the whole swirling effect, combined with the bright star in the centre works well - funnily enough it reminds me of the Millenium Falcon coming out of Hyperspace or something! I like the font used for the text, might I perhaps ask what it is called (unless it's custom-made?)
  16. As Flinky said, it really is a bunch of scaremongering. The papers all big up the Credit Crunch as if it were an alien invasion or something. It just causes people to start panicking. I prefer to read from a variety of web sources about a particular story. It's interesting how many discrepancies you can pick up on. Keep it varied and it makes it fairer I think.
  17. Saying that, you get the odd fucktard who can't help but stare. Reminds me of this one prick at the gym in Paris, literally thought he was God's gift to everything, despite being an ugly fucker. But yeah, just a case of ignoring people and getting on with it I say!
  18. Oh right, I dunno why but I assumed you were just naturally smaller. I wouldn't honestly worry about putting weight on, if anything you're too light! I'm not kidding, I could bench press with you ease! So just eat and enjoy yourself and don't worry bout it!
  19. Nah, just eat balanced and cut out the crap I say - if start losing variety you'll just get bored and want to snack! Also, seeing as you have a lovely pad of your own, you could invest a minor amount in some basic exercise equipment: just think - working the guns then showing off to Letty. You know she'd love it. lol.
  20. Get your ass to the mainland boy, we're hitting the gym! (...or not...). If only we had N-E gym groups
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