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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. i agree, look at this image and then the one with zero suit samus and wario and picachu, theres a huge size difference
  2. pah! the hand gun did the job just fine, but another great bit is the first time you see the child boss (the guy who looks like napolean) and then you fight him, that was awesome
  3. working with a guy whos left handed (me being right) while drilling things and other constructions stuff is great as we cover each other as say i drill or saw something thats better suited to a righty and he does the same as a lefty
  4. that was pretty epic, but i feel that the shoot out in the house with the black haired guy helping you (with ashley upstairs) was frantic and like "OH NO THEY ARE UPSTAIRS NOW!" and then sprinting everywhere attacking everything
  5. man, so many, possibly with the crazy blind man with like huge claws for arms trying to attack you! first time i played that i threw everything i had at him and he wouldn't die, then i stood in front of him and threw a flash grenade on the floor then realised he was blind (thus unaffected) and well my head started rolling on the floor. Also the part where your going into the lake and theres lots of those trip mines everywhere, the spanard runs at me and explodes just before he grabs me. Oh and of course making sure the chainsaw dude is really dead (when you know he isn't)
  6. same! i thought it was har, but then again, it was years ago =/
  7. from the first picture, it looks like his up and b move, the flames look awesome
  8. a small stab at the ps3 controller maybe?
  9. plenty o screaming was heard from my sisters, i must say, its certainly one of my favourite episodes, but i find myself wanting a timey wimey detector
  10. If I Look Left I see a door some shopping bags and a chair If I Look Right I see magazines and a tv If I Look Down I see my ds and my size 11 feets If I Look Straight Ahead I see computer, my wall, lamp and sofa If I Look Behind me I see close curtains (the light! is it too bright) and the sofa im sitting on
  11. yeh, but it was only when something of high calibre was on however
  12. the voice is dull !_! no change in pitch or tone, but its like my voice, so its cool
  13. i'll say! ovens tempertures go up to 230deg (fan atleast) im guessing its about...23deg here... being inside rocks
  14. maan this is gonna be sweet (Y)
  15. he asked to be banned it seems O.o
  16. easily rugby. they are all so nice to each other
  17. can you say sterotypical much? :P okay heres one, in your experience, do Gay people (general, lesibans inc.) tend to flirt more than straight people?
  18. too much like the words hardcore porn? id probably use the wii/nunchuck combo, considering my gc controller is borrowed
  19. i remember outlaw star on toonami (the first proper anime channel in like 2003 nows it pokemon and merged with cartoon network) yeh toonami, with the likes of dragonball z and gundam wing and that tenchi demon thingy too, Fox kids had anime too but that was more kiddy stuff (digimon and narato)
  20. when you try it, and love doing it everytime, your addicted to it and can't have sex without doing it (i think thats it)
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