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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. i sure did, for a neat sum too :P
  2. Book: hmm...Eldest probably, so much happens in it, twists, turns etc and leads up to the next book Movie: 3rd lord of the rings, simply epic and ending a great saga Album: Pushing the senses - feeder, simply because it has every type of music on it, slow, fast etc
  3. the trees is the one thing they have not mentioned, just evidence of the natural warming not the man made, anyway dead ringers is on
  4. watch an inconvinient truth too, im not sure about the whole swindle but al gores pretty daming...
  5. about sweet love?
  6. not really, i hardly noticed him when he was there, he was just a minor character nearing the end of his cartoon life
  7. o/ Tonight make me un-stop-able o/ I LOVE THE PRAYER
  8. GAY is the main one, as the fish said, simply because its populated by some guys we hang around....and me.... but i was talking to a mate about some political thing and i go 'im le pen i want to bring back the franc and im gay'
  9. thats what your life is like, skins, the episode where it all goes wrong for sid. But im sorry to hear all of that =| sounds like you've been through enough for any one person to deal with
  10. DomJcg


    pretty moon
  11. *sigh* too many stupid things, Asking someone if their name was on their birth certificate, Some one shouting 'Look at him walk!!!!!!' so i shout back 'Look at him GAY' and oh yeh putting a pen in my pocket only to realise id missed and this was like from an inch away :P
  12. meh rements of the GLA-JBA war thingy, but i keep it there to remind me that any of the spooks team can smash bauer
  13. reaaaaaaaaaaally hope gerard way wins all of the three he's in
  14. i play tennis for 2 hours every saturday in a squad and swimming for 3 hours every friday, and i accidently signed myself up for a sponsered swim so im gonna try and beat my record of 2 km :P but if anyones looking for something to help your back then i suggest swimming, gives you broad shoulders and a bloody strong back
  15. the only thing i don't get is the fish thing, i mean why don't people like fish? not only that but i couple of veggies at my school say theu don't count fish is meat? why the hell not? i always saw veggies as no eating food with a face but i guess they are just picky nowadays >.>
  16. Dominic (what a shocker there)
  17. man this will be awesome, i loved the games and lets hope jetrry doesn't wreck this (not like he has ever wrecked anything before) but you know, mistakes happen
  18. FFX - man thats an awesome ending, Golden sun the lost age, COMPLETED everything on it (getting the last summon was stupidly hard) super mario land - just like 2-3 hours of my life have never been spent better
  19. hmm i always think that religion can't define a persons race, i always saw it as what country they originally came from...
  20. Haha the guy in 300 is dying, he was shot by an arrow :P
  21. yet a part of their country has the worst HIV concentrated area in the world? yup pretty random, the same area is where the number of women with HIV out number the men
  22. Futurama
  23. I know of a guy with asepgers (sp?) and after i read the curious incident of the dead dog at night i gave it to him and asked him to read it. He did and said it was an insightful window into a person like that's mind (he may have added a swear word or 2 into the sentence it was long ago). I literially can't wait for empire (the third book in inheritance) also HDM is a cracking good read, anyone read the Abhorson trilogy? they are the best ive ever read. Also the Bartimaeus trilogy is tight
  24. Ah moomins, they used to creep me out in the mornings, knightmare re-runs are still going on challenge as is most of the game shows you've mentioned. No knockout?!? or takashi's castle man those game shows were so random
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