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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. same to both of them, cept i have 3 week of maths lessons left due to how our stupid timetables work, but come when the time to give up a subject, i'll write in big letters MATHS
  2. im guessing it was a different exam board mebbe? as i didn't get that question either,
  3. NO more exams left!!! now i can reeeeeeeelax
  4. my birthday date =O enjoy it!!
  5. its an interesting idea, as it happens in animals too (as we are animals and i think there are gay monkeys and stuff isn't there?) maybe its generally just a trait to stop evolution
  6. yes, they still do i think, due to the society we live(d) in, the social acceptance would never have happened in say the victorian ages, simply due to people (and the powerful church) at the time saying it was bad =/ it still happens (ie watch south parks "cartman sucks" episode)
  7. mostly its due to them wondering what all the fuss is about and what it would feel like surely?
  8. yay! maths tomorrow then nothing til going back to school on like the 25th :P:P i can't wait yesterday was like exam hell, stats in the morning, then in isolation for 2 hours (as other people had stats in the afternoon) and then 3 politics exams from 2 to 5, 6 essays constantly writing, sitting in the same spot...ouch
  9. its where a person feels no sexual attraction to anyone and finds sexual behaviour unappealing
  10. she looks insanely like lily allen
  11. they aren't coming out on this forum, they are just saying their sexuality, so as for the Gay/bi/lesiban etc people when did you come out and how did you feel about it at first? (as to keep the conversations going :/)
  12. i WISH i was going to download but you know, money =( sounds awesome and some friends are going, tell me how it went guys!
  13. one of my best mateys is gay and another is Bi, it didn't phase me when either said what they were and i excepted it as normal and life continued as it was
  14. DomJcg


    re name him hoover or henry again! oh hi too :P
  15. DomJcg


    this threads more about dyson and his hoovers now :P
  16. i think it was just a style...
  17. i wonder what the epic landing is going to be that they are talking about? some big crash maybe?
  18. i reckon so, they have skin and 'eyes' on them
  19. but it stated that he can move while with it, i think it'll be how he picks up a barrel, squashed and moving very slowly...
  20. awesome dood! when i saw enter shikari at give it a name this year, i was in the pits throughout their songs =D so enter shikari were supporting right? who else was supporting?
  21. *looks at lostprophets and then at kids in glass houses* take it back =( also the concert sounds like a blast! dya mosh?
  22. i'll be going to spain aswell, then going to the freaking feeder concert in redbourn on 11th of august! HELL YEH! *forum five*
  23. Thoughts of a dying atheist - Muse scares the hell out of me and the end is all I can see and it scares the hell out of me and the end is all I can see and I know the moment's near and there's nothing you can do look for your faith inside are you afraid to die?
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