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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Gizmo

    Sega Rally

    Mmm...it's not bad, but I'm gonna have to wait for reviews. Might just stick with DiRT...
  2. Gizmo

    Sega Rally

    Demo is up!
  3. Halo comes out in 9 days time.
  4. paint –noun 1. a substance composed of solid coloring matter suspended in a liquid medium and applied as a protective or decorative coating to various surfaces, or to canvas or other materials in producing a work of art. 2. an application of this. Might wanna clean that off, can't be good for it. :p
  5. So you can't think something is tragic and put a sad face on a thread about them if you only knew them through their career? Just because you didn't know them personally doesn't meanyou shouldnt care about the loss of a great role model and champion.
  6. Embedded Youtube videos don't autoload.
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/essex/6997784.stm What the hell...
  8. The thing I'm most worried about after IGNs new hands on is whether I will really enjoy this fully, as someone who has only ever played Resi4.
  9. The new Foo album is really quite boring. They make the odd good song, and CATS is a pretty nice album. But the new one is pretty rubbish. New Jimmy Eat World album is out 16th October, and theres a leak of demo's of the new songs. Much better than the new Foo album! Also due this autumn is the new Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly album, which I'm really looking forward too. But no Radiohead till next year
  10. Take a look at the letters with sparkles underneath them. What does that spell out? :p
  11. I think it's perfectly acceptable to be saddened by the loss of a sporting icon. We don't know him? So what? Hardly anyone knew the Queen Mum when she died, yet how many people queued up for hours to say goodbye? RIP, Colin.
  12. Its tragic Apparently his 5 year old was in the crash too. Absolutely horrible
  13. Source: http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6178806.html Kinda...disappointing on the Wii Sports front. Not that I'm complaining about the benching of Brain Training mind you.
  14. :p:p:p:p:p
  15. Dunno if you guys will be interested, thought I would psot it anyway: http://www.hotukdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?p=965521 Gotta love HDUK.
  16. Ask them how they dealt wth size restrictions, did Nintendo give them a maximum size, did they have to remove anything due to size, etc.
  17. I think you missed the sarcasm :p The scar over the eye is overused, is what I was saying
  18. CTRL ALT DELETE!!!!!!!!!! And I love how the dragons eye changes into the Wii Shops loading icon. Only on 2.1, but this is wicked.
  19. Never show this image to my friend, or he will become £5 richer. This is bad. ESCAAAAAAAAAAAAPE
  20. I've got one too guys, none of my friends needed it so anybody who needs it is welcome to it.
  21. Clichéd scar over the eye. I wonder if hes a bad guy or a good guy?
  22. We need a poll added to this thread: Bacon or Sausage?
  23. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Hahahaha. Haha. Ha. *****. Edit: the word that starts with "Tw" and rhymes with "bat" is auto censored
  24. Burned bacon <3 Killing with bacon is the best. They try to triple jump up but you interrupt it with bacon, sending then too their deaths! My friend and I have had a running debate since release over whether it was Bacon or Sausage - its clearly Bacon!
  25. Screenshots are my best bet.
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