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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Isn't he an AT, or did I imagine that announcement?
  2. I hate people who think they are amazing at something, but aren't, and everyone else knows. More specifically, football. Today in PE the teacher was off so we got to do whatever and obviously all the guys played football. Our team didn't have anyone who wanted to play in goals so we decided to take it turns after every goal. But of course this stupid **** didn't want to go in goals. He's a striker. Then, he has the audacity to complain to my friend when he makes a mistake in goals. "You go in and do better then" "Why the **** would I go in goals?" "Because we are taking turns each since nobody wanted to go in" "**** off" What makes him so high and mighty that he doesn't need to go in goals for his turn? Also, we had a team of six while the rest were 5, so we had to have a sub coming on and off every so often. Of course, he played the full period. The most annoying thing is no matter how much they piss you off you can't confront them because instantly 20 other of his equally-retarded mates turn up. And most of them will have knives or broken bottles of ****ing buckfast.
  3. Well, if they aren't put up the band obviously aren't happy with them and don't want to put them on the album because, in their opinion, it would "ruin" it. More tracks != More good :p
  4. The biggest con of our time? Oh, come on. The first screenshots of a game rarely represent the final package.
  5. Would you rather listen to 10 great songs, or 10 great songs with 10 B-Sides shoved in afterwards that you won't want to listen too? If a song is judged to not make the grade it isn't added because it will interupt the good stuff.
  6. I don't even have a PS3, but if this turns works I might just bloody buy one. Source:GameInformer magazine, NeoGAF
  7. Gizmo

    Wii Chess

    http://www.chessanytime.com Save yourself a bit of dosh.
  8. Even if you won't play it till a bit down the line, buy it at release anyway. Apparently it's rediculously rare in America now.
  9. Should be good having two at once
  10. Hahahaha, thats amazing. Just think of how the feel now when they look back on some memories.
  11. 1. Nintendo continue resisting with the hard drive issue, perhaps a firmware update to allow better SD card support, but no "official" hard drive. 2. Wii microphone, but no community channel to actually chat with friends while playing seperate games, only for online multiplayer, and even then only with other friends. 3. Some new DK platformer, whether it be 2D on WiiWare / DS, or 3D as a disc Wii game (or even DS).
  12. Thats awesome, just the way I saw him working. The Up B was the one thing I wasn't sure about, and they've come up with something awesome with that. Olimar, if he's a starter, will be one of the first I mess around with for certain.
  13. Buy it. Even if you don't play it, buy it anyway. Just remembered about this because of this topic...that gives me 7 days to complete Metroid Prime
  14. Vote: No Lynch
  15. Excellent, I'd rather have Yoda, and I only have a 360 anyway. I don't understand why people are complaining really, Link was cool in SC2 imo, and I played as Heihachi at my friends house and he seemed to work too. And I'm not even a Star Wars fan.
  16. Just got invited today to the Radiohead gig in Glasgow in June. Can't bloody wait.
  17. I think it's funny how theres a band of banned members (woo pun!) who are "teaming up" against the forum.
  18. I wouldn't mind an N64 controller, that would be pretty cool if they sorted out the control stick so it doesnt blister your fingers in games like Mario Party.
  19. I like him too, but he's a bastard and must die.
  20. Just jealous imo!
  21. Just noticed my gamerscore is 6,660. 666. Awesome.
  22. The thing with EMA is that it's something thats really necessary for some people. LazyBoy is a perfect example. It's a completely fair system in theory, but in practice is a complete waste 90% of the time.
  23. Yeah, I agree. While the levels were technically better in BK, bigger and more to do, I can still remember the locations of all the notes, jiggies and jinjo's of the first BK level, but not BT. I can rememeber the names of most of the BK levels, but none of Tooie. The best part of BT was some (some, not all) of the splitting up sections. The best part of BK was the whole damn thing.
  24. Yay, Olimar! Always wanted him in as a character, but as time as gone on I expected it less and less, so good to see him in there That would suggest to me that the Pikmin work kinda like Peach's down B move. He can pluck them out, and the more he has out the more powerful his attacks are (with a limit, obviously). But, even a small attack will send one out. That way, he has to balance getting Pikmin into his team, and protecting the ones he has, with attacking. Kinda like Samus or DK have to try and get out the way to charge up, so will Olimar.
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