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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. My cousin was in a lift with Stilian Petrov back when he played for Celtic, but she was too embarrassed to ask for his autograph
  2. Personally, I find the best way to avoid spoilers once a game has been released and I don't have it yet is to simply avoid the thread :p Did it for Mario Galaxy, did it for Bioshock, did it for Mass Effect. Managed to get through all of them without spoilers. While it will be a shame to have to do it for so long due to us having quite a wait for release, in my opinion it will be worth it.
  3. They would be, if they were actually hot.
  4. Yeah I know. I'm just saying, its an awesome thread title.
  5. Maase is 13 iirc.
  6. Does that mean it's getting closer? I want a firm release date damnit.
  7. It takes something quite special to have "Rumour" and "Confirmed" in the same topic title.
  8. Zack and Wiki for me, possibly Ghost Squad if I find it somewhere on the cheap. NiGHTs just doesn't interest me and I have the American DS version of GW, aswell as the original on XBLA.
  9. That happened to me on the first go aswell. It was alright if you long jumped it, or at least it worked for me second go.
  10. Don't forget: Yay: Celtic 3-0 Stirling Nakamura is back and scoring already.
  11. The worst part of this article? I'm not even surprised.
  12. I'd love to come over all holy and tell everyone to save the world, but **** it, chicken tastes awesome.
  13. Pff. Killed, probably just because I was Don last time and outfoxed the lot of you. Fascists. :p
  14. Crouton! Crouton! Crunchy friends in a liquid broth.
  15. Both 2 and 4 apply.
  16. Hoping for GS3, always liked the first two. Or perhaps a new Earthbound, I've never played any of those games but I always liked Ness on SSB :p
  18. Source; http://kotaku.com/gaming/super-smash-bros'-brawl/super-smash-bros-brawl-hands-on-impressions-310411.php And it seems I did imagine the PW AT.
  19. I've never noticed AshMat to be particularly arsey, but it does seem he is being lately. Perhaps his love for the epic thread has him on the side of the banned users?
  20. I think I know what I want from Santa next year.
  21. I think I read it from the reports after people got to play a demo at some expo or other. The time when the advance wars AT was announced. Probably my imagination.
  22. Long jump.
  23. Am I the only one who finds SBS in general to be a pretty boring song? It's all very predictable, theres no edge to it, and that guitar bar repeats way too much.
  24. Is it just me who is sceptical about a Fall 08 release? Seems to be a game of huge scope, and the PS3 is supposed to be really hard to develop for.
  25. You guys know Yoda will be ****ing awesome. Deep down, you know it. A tentative summer 08 for us Europeans
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