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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Mundi couldn't be killed on the last day, because the required majority was too high for the townies to reach. The three mafia members + hellfire wouldn't vote him off, lazyboy didn't have a vote, meaning the 4 townies had no chance of killing him. Btw chair, what was the "bad stuff" that would happen if Coolness was killed?
  2. Haha Shino. Sore loser much? :p
  3. Wayhey! Big Jezza Clarkson, evil incarnate. Ruler over Hitler, Hannibal Lector and Freddy Kreuger bitches. Even after a horendously unlucky start things smoothed out the last few days and we snuck up from behind and took the win. Oh yeah.
  4. I'm siding with Mundi on this, though I'm not entirely convinced. Lazyboy you havent posted up to now because you cant vote? Thats a bit stupid. If you cant be night killed especially, you would have been fine to come out as you have now a long time ago. What you're saying is suspicious. Vote:Lazyboy Forgot to bold: Vote:Lazyboy
  5. Sorry guys, I haven't been keeping up much over the holidays. I just noticed the thread has gotten more active again. I'll get to reading and post my thoughts afterwards.
  6. Theory I've heard is that it might be the Doritos contest game.
  7. But my accounts are all from before Jan 2nd. And even if they were compensated differently, I'd still get both rewards on my console. The only feasible way to do it is to give a standardised gift. It's been confirmed that the game is for Silver and Gold.
  8. Girl fainted in Chemistry once. The teacher brought some substance (can't even remember what it was) and there was some gas coming out over the top of it like liquid nitrogen does. The teacher says "Careful you don't inhale too much of this, it can be poisonous in high dosages" and the girl standing next to me just fell to the floor and smacked her head against a table. I may well be a horrible person, but after the initial shock went past I found it hilarious.
  9. They can't give points or a choice of games. Since Silver users are getting it too, people would use duplicate accounts and get several games. For example on my console I have my main account, a Japanese, an American, a second and third for my friends, and one experimental account. If they gave you a choice of say three games, I'd be able to get them all. If they gave points, I could get a hell of a lot of games.
  10. I still don't understand why they can't wire the points to your account directly.
  11. "One should not stop eating just because there is a chance of choking"
  12. Open up Windows Media Player, go to "Library --> Add To Library" and add the location you want. I just added the root directory of my External.
  13. Again don't take this the wrong way but I think you've gotten it the wrong way around. Your finding it random because your not very good at it, I think. I certainly had no problems with timing of blocks or counters. In fact, the combat system was one of my favourite parts of the game.
  14. I'm pretty boring here. Always lived in the same house, went to the same Primary School for 7 years, went to the same High School now for 4 years. Nothing too huge has affected me in my personal life. The biggest change is probably when I changed my underwear this morning. Haven't done that for a few years.
  15. Cruis'N has some competition methinks.
  16. I would have thought even the 120gb one was overkill.
  17. A 320gb Hard Drive? Oh come on. Theres no way that that is necessary.
  18. I think the divide in the Smash Bros community comes not in how the "elite" players play, but the elitist attitude they have regarding it. I don't mean to single you out Goron but I'm just using this as an example. Posts like this are unneccesary and only create bad feelings between the two sides of the community.
  19. I measured my height with a 1ft ruler and came out with 5' 9", and used my mums scales and came out with 10st 10lbs (which is 149lbs, right?) BMI was 22.0. Right in the middle of the "Normal" weight category. I'm happy with that
  20. Your not supposed to be able to block an attack after your defense is broken. Your supposed to block the defense break in the first place. Don't take this the wrong way but I think the problem your having is just that you're not very good at it. You say that after the start of the game you avoided combat as much as possible, and I think thats why. You didn't go through the same learning curve of figuring out the nuances of the fighting, the tell-tale movements and techniques.
  21. I have no idea how tall I am or how heavy I am...All I know is the jeans I'm wearing right now are 30". I must now find a tape measure and some contraption to weigh myself.
  22. Yeah. I appreciate that its hard, especially since (don't know about you) there wasn't linesmen in the games we played. Its hard to do. You do get some complete jokers, but you can always tell when you've had a good referee when your not moaning about him after the game. If you go unnoticed, you've done well.
  23. That's fine, if you're comfortable being wrong
  24. No, we wouldn't. The PS3 and 360 exclusives would still push the systems. Yes Halo wasn't a very good example, but it's the system seller, and it looks a lot better than th average Wii game. Bioshock/Mass Effect are gorgeous games. If every 360 game was a port of a Wii-lead game and looked like Red Steel then they simply wouldn't be accepted because people know the 360 can do so much more. Nothing would change, whether the Wii was expected to do well or not. Comparing the Wii to the PS2 is irrelevant.
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