Do the same yourself? You have skimmed my posts quite considerably.
But god created the wind and the light and the Earth in 7 days, right?
I'm arguing here specifically with Christianity in mind, which you would have noticed if you hadn't "skimmed through" my posts. And with that in mind, if I did not accept Jesus as the son of God then I would be going against the bible and therefore could not accept God.
You find the gospels accurate? Read my last post, please. Stop skimming through.
Fossils, Dinosaurs, evolutionary proof?
The Big Bang is not a potential explaination of the origins of the Universe?
I'm not even going to bother.
Why is this revelant?
I was using your invalididty structure to demonstrate something on the topic touched upon earlier in ths thread, I'm sorry that I didn't bother to quote where it was mentioned before. Perhaps if you hadn't skimmed though the topic you would have noticed.
From what I can tell you've read less than me. You saw I was arguing against Christianity, made irrelevant points against my argument, and then ignored half of what I posted. Brilliant.