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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Who did you target last night, when there was no kill?
  2. Want to give some examples of who you've targeted so far, if your the jailkeeper? As of now it's pretty certain you'll be killed so theres no reason to hold out on information.
  3. Gizmo


    My friend has given up moaning for Lent. That is definately not going to last. I was thinking about giving up something but then I realised theres not really much point.
  4. It's all a reality show, clearly.
  5. Scrubs finale, Heroes s3, end of Prison Break s3, the new series of 24, end of s5 of NCIS and more South Park is what I'm interested in.
  6. Jonnas is evil, Jonnas is evil, Jonnas is evil.
  7. Jonnas is evil. Vote:Jonnas Jonnas is evil. Jonnas is evil.
  8. Kill ye evil automerge!
  9. It was completely relevant. Well Flinky's wasn't but mine was :p I was expecting you to post and lambast Flink for using the wrong amount of Yeahs or something :p
  10. Cookie for Flinky.
  11. Hmm I quite like the song though it's not usually my genre. Reminds me a bit of Placebo.
  12. Probably, but it just annoys me that it's my unsteady hand thats missing I guess.
  13. Scares the hell out of me And the end is all I can see And it scares the hell out of me And the end is all I can see
  14. Not for me. Lemme find the link for hacking the browsers. It's step by step and pretty easy. Edit: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=36057
  15. Not necessarily, while many people install it effortlessly, for some reason unknown to me for many systems it simply refuses to work. Eventually I found some link to hack the Dongle browsers and make it think its a Buffalo router, which works fine now. Just be aware that installing the dongle right out the packet is a 50/50 thing.
  16. That is what I call moving out.
  17. I want fun out of my games, not realism to the point of annoyance. When someone throws a flashbang in Counter Strike, do you really want to get your eyes blinded and your ears ringing, or would you rather it was simply a blanked out screen and sound effects? Same way with recoil. I'm fine with the computer adding it artificially.
  18. Cheers. Thats pretty good money, isn't it? (I don't really know what levels those are at though, I might ask my Dad what he makes for a comparison.)
  19. Yeah I did like that stuff, the grapple beam was pretty awesome. I wouldn't particularly mind whether I played with Dual Analog or the WiiMote, but one of the main reasons that MoHH2 is being tipped as a big game is because of the controls and thats not a good enough reason for me to justify buying it :p
  20. Pretty sure we've had about 5 other topics about ZP.
  21. I don't not like them, I just don't particularly see them as a huge step forward over dual analog. It's way too twitchy - pressing B repeatedly to fire quickly and keeping steady on a target is annoying, and A as a fire button is even worse. I do like the speed with which you can move, but I don't consider them the "better than KB+M" some people have called them.
  22. Do the same yourself? You have skimmed my posts quite considerably. But god created the wind and the light and the Earth in 7 days, right? I'm arguing here specifically with Christianity in mind, which you would have noticed if you hadn't "skimmed through" my posts. And with that in mind, if I did not accept Jesus as the son of God then I would be going against the bible and therefore could not accept God. You find the gospels accurate? Read my last post, please. Stop skimming through. Fossils, Dinosaurs, evolutionary proof? The Big Bang is not a potential explaination of the origins of the Universe? I'm not even going to bother. Why is this revelant? I was using your invalididty structure to demonstrate something on the topic touched upon earlier in ths thread, I'm sorry that I didn't bother to quote where it was mentioned before. Perhaps if you hadn't skimmed though the topic you would have noticed. From what I can tell you've read less than me. You saw I was arguing against Christianity, made irrelevant points against my argument, and then ignored half of what I posted. Brilliant.
  23. Out of interest, does that magazine say (or does anyone know) how much an average salary for a programmer at a midsized games company is?
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