I had such an awesome role in this game as the mercenary. Could basically do whatever I wanted once I had the money for it, and even when I was helping someone else what action they took always gave me a clue as to who they were.
I guess I kinda have this now; I know what I want to do in the future, but I'm drifting along through high school waiting for the oppurtunity to get on and do it. Right now nothing is exciting or fun. The highlight of my school week is getting to play Football in PE on a Friday. It's all so dull, so I'm too much of a pussy to do anything about it. I hate familiarity, yet I cling to it, because I'm an idiot.
F-Zero, StarFox, Pikmin, a proper Zelda Wii, Animal Crossing, Kirby Wii, Kid Icarus, Donkey Kong, Earthbound...
I think theres enough first party titles there to last us.
What else do we have to go on? If Shino is lying, we can get him tomorrow. 1 townie for 1 mafia is a good trade for us, since we have larger numbers than them.
Mine is order 2585 and is still In Process/Unshipped.
Sounds to me like the first 3000 are going to get it sent out soon, and the rest are gonna have to wait a week or so.
I finally got round to starting HL:Ep2 from the start today, to avoid the glitch that I'd had before which prevented me from moving on. Actually managed to get past the first couple of hours, so I can finally enjoy the bloody game now.
Doing my Standard Grades this year. In the November prelims I got 8 1's, which I think is equivalent to 8 A*s. SG's are piss easy though, they are gradually getting rid of them and changing it to Intermediates that better prepare for highers.