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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Well, I'm in mainland Scotland right between Glasgow and Edinburgh and I haven't got it yet...so you might have a couple days to wait yet
  2. Hahaha. If true, thats pretty awful, who's to say they haven't fixed draws before hand? If untrue, the guy who made that thread must be lolling so much. Hahaha.
  3. Whats this? Top Gear mixed with Ground Force? I need proper explainations.
  4. There are so many names I want to call you that I can't even start to type them because I think I'd be here all day.
  5. No Smash for me either I do now have two Freeloaders though, the joys.
  6. These.10chars
  7. Oooh, tough. Bioshock, because it's simply awesome. Mass Effect, because you can play it through so many times and its different each time. Last place is between Crackdown, Orange Box and Pro Evo...will have to be Crackdown, simply because you can mess around on it forever.
  8. Wth God damn, I was doing well.
  9. Yeah this is getting a bit silly now, but sign me up nonetheless.
  10. Pretty sure Sakurai said something along the lines of "I'm making this game as if it's the last in the series" Obviously I doubt it will be, but they'll find more stuff to pack in to a new version of the game on the next Nintendo home console. New game modes, a bigger story mode, perhaps more than 4 people playing simultaneously? Anythings possible, especially when you are thinking about what could be done on the next generation of hardware.
  11. Hmm...I guess I'll decide when I get Brawl and see how much it bothers me :p
  12. How much of a nuisance is it using the Freeloader every time you boot up the game? I'm undecided which version of NMH to buy for this reason.
  13. I wouldn't go that far with Pablo Honey, but it's definately nowhere near the quality of the rest of their albums. Imo: Kid A > The Bends > OK Computer (very close with the first three) > In Rainbows > Amnesiac > Hail To The Thief
  14. Wth? My bloody freeloader has shipped from Code Junkies. Guess I might try sell it to my friend for a break even, then he can import Brawl aswell. Failing that I'll stick it on ebay.
  15. Yeah I know he's reliable, just his last post was a bit weird. Just wanted clarification, though I'm now pretty certain Beggilax is evil. Late teens, I think? Not sure of an exact number.
  16. So you investigated me last night then? Vote:Beggilax May aswell vote for now, though I'd like clarification from Shino...
  17. Wth? So Shino, you investigated Beggilax last night, and confirmed him to be evil?
  18. Got my freeloader today, hopefully the game shall follow tomorrow! So frustrating having the freeloader but nothing to play with it yet :p
  19. Fixed. HTTF is nowhere near as good as those three.
  20. Trying to decide whether I tell my Smash-loving mate that I've imported this as soon as I get it, or to play through it a bit and give myself a little edge, at least temporarily :p
  21. As always I'll play.
  22. Apparently you have to do the "alternative" method. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=147856&page=67
  23. Thanks Dante.
  24. yum yum yum! Mine has been posted from Gameseek already! Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow/the day after, and the same for Brawl If one arrives a few days before the other I'm gonna go mad!
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