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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Is Assault Heroes the one with the jeep thing, plays almost like a shmup but with a car instead of a ship?
  2. Gizmo

    Wii Fit

    Sorry, I got the name wrong. Dunno why your name came into my head Yeah, a typical wooden fence. So why is that more likely to be in Germany? A bottle looks European? I wasn't aware that you could tell the locale of a bottle by how it looks, especially when you can't see the lable. I know fine well that you didn't say 100%. I'm just saying that you were picking up on welsh_gamer being "stereotypical" or "racist", when you yourself where more guilty of it than him. You've blown this out of all proportion just because you can't comprehend what I wrote. Whatever.
  3. It's undeniable that voice chat leads to issues with idiots, as seen on any FPS game on XBL. It's also undeniable that voice chat improves online play with known friends. They push this damn friend code system, so I cannot comprehend why they don't release a headset, put a profit margin into the sales of said headset, and implement voice chat into games with friends. I'd be playing Brawl online constantly if there was a headset, but I can't help but feel it's not worth the bother of lag and so on when you miss out on the best part of the multiplayer experience.
  4. Gizmo

    Rock Band

    Do you genuinely think they will change the game because of a petition? Petitions basically never have any effect anyway, and on the rare occasion they do it's to release a game in a different region etc. Not add new features to a game.
  5. Gizmo

    Wii Fit

    Wooden fences occur everywhere in the world, I don't see how that makes it more likely Germany. Bottles occur everywhere too. Its clear you weren't joking while mr_paul was, making your statement, of putting him down for being stereotypical and racist, completely hypocritical.
  6. Gizmo

    Wii Fit

    What the hell in that picture gives any clue that it's in Germany? And I know fine well you weren't joking I'm not an idiot. If you didn't realise that picture was being used in a joke context maybe you shouldn't read anything on the internet in case you get offended.
  7. Mario Kart sounds very very rushed to me. No 2 player GP? No free-for-all Battle? Time limits on Battle? I think I'd rather play 64 on VC.
  8. Gizmo

    Wii Fit

    Aren't you being arrogant and stereotyping when you say it's more likely to be from Germany? Fat people live everywhere, your just as bad (if not worse, considering before it was in the context of a joke).
  9. Meant to post in this ages ago and never got round to it, but here I am. 10) Super Mario Sunshine - Always thought this was a fun game. Don't understand the flak it gets, though admittedly it's not the best Mario game ever. 9) Paper Mario:TTYD - So much better than SPM on Wii. A good combat system, great characters and a funny script. 8) Zelda Wind Waker - One of my favourite Zelda games, right up until the Tri-Force fetch quest at which point I took it out of my GC and never played it again. 7) Resident Evil 4 - Admittedly I only played this recently on the Wii but I'm pretty confident it would be on here anyway. 6) Alien Hominid - I imported this game from America as it never came out on GC over here. Me and my friend co-op this game for about 4 hours straight one night. 5) Pikmin - While limited by the 30 thing, I never played the sequel so I'll put this one in. Hugely original and just damn fun to play. 4) F-Zero GX - Great track design, LOADS of replay value, and one of the hardest games I've played. 3) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 - For me, the pinnacle of the series. I always enjoyed the over-the-top nature of the game, doing ridiculous things, falling on your face from 3 storeys up and then getting up and trying again. 2) Super Smash Bros Melee - Still played it up until I got Brawl a week ago. Thats what, 5 years down the line, still one of the best multiplayer games going? The hilarity that me and my friends have had with this game was just awesome. 1) Super Monkey Ball - put at number one purely for nostalgia's sake. Day one of the GC being out, I had sent my mother on a mission to buy me my GC along with Luigi's Mansion and Sonic Adventure 2. After being told that The bundle was for three games, and she could get it for free basically, the guy at the counter told her to get this. I took one look at the cover and thought it looked terrible. But I humoured my mum, and it turned out to be my favourite game on the console. I prefer the main level design to number 2, although 2's party games were better. But Monkey Ball's all about the courses, and this is just awesome.
  10. Gizmo

    Rock Band

    Tbh even those of you who do plan on buying it, gimped or not, may aswell relax and not get yourself hyped up. It'll be months before it's released here anyway.
  11. If Absolution is "going wrong" I'd quite like to hear your definition of "right".
  12. That's because Ferguson runs like he has a brush up his arse.
  13. Vote:No Lynch
  14. I find that Rob and Pit have the best recoveries. Pit has multiple jumps plus an awesome up B, while Robs up b alone is almost always more than enough. I don't think I've ever fallen down the bottom with one of them; always off the top or sides only.
  15. RROD Part 2:The Flashing Disc Drive of Death?
  16. Yes, he has a big sword. I mean he lacks a long range move. Like say, Pits Arrows, Fox's laser, even DeDeDe has the Waddle Dee throwing move. Ike has nothing like that. I can't comment on the B> recovery because I can't remember noticing it as being useful for that purpose. I'll try it later. And I'm not playing it constantly. I'm playing it maybe once per time I tur nit on, sometimes I don't play it at all. It's still annoying me. I'm playing on Hard and getting 3 and 4. Even if I play it on Very Hard, I get 4 and 5. I still don't understand why they couldn't have 1 per character, designed specifically for that characters moveset. Why all the aggro?
  17. I actually think the Nintendo Mario Galaxy team could make a better Sonic game than Sonic Team.
  18. This has happened to me on my old computer. Seems completely random when it occurs.
  19. Yeah Ike seems to have a bit too much power for his speed. Then again he has no range whatsoever and a crap recovery. One thing thats been annoying me; Classic mode. Is it just me, or is to really un-random? Every first round I fight either Link or Toon Link. Every round 2 it's DK + Diddy vs me + Yoshi, or Me, DK + Diddy vs Giant Yoshi. Every round 7 its Ike + Marth or Fox + Falco. It's the same 2 target smashes every time. It's starting to grate. Is it just because I haven't unlocked Wolf yet, or is it gonna be like this for all the remaining characters I play through it with?
  20. I find it to be very useful with someone like Ike or DeDeDe, because I'm a noob
  21. I refuse to get hyped until I hear gameplay impressions.
  22. Used to do a lot of stuff. Sunday league football and a couple other sports. Now I rely on meet ups with friends to play Football for my exercise.
  23. I've only ever played the first with a couple of expansion packs. Was quite entertaining for awhile but I lost interest in it.
  24. BELIEVE!!!
  25. Datel have stated that they will replace the Freeloader free of charge.
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