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Everything posted by LegoMan1031

  1. ^what sheikah said. The ps4 is lower down than what my PS3 phat was and the way my cabinet is I can't out discs in so was looking at vertical so I could... Looking at alternatives so. I can have it horizontal.
  2. Did u actually have the stand or did u just have it vertical?
  3. Overall Id say I'm enjoying series 8... I like Capaldi Doctor, particular his interactions with Clara - probably one of my highlights of this series. I did think that jump in last ep was a bit cringe tbh... I can't say I'm warming to that Pink character, it just feels a little forced (his relationship with Clara). I dunno, I hope I warm to him but I just find him annoying at the moment, I can't work out if it is acting or just how the character is being written.
  4. Hey guys! I'm re-connecting with the world! Got myself a PS4! Didn't know what to start with so I got loads... -Killzone -The Last of Us -Tomb Raider -Assassins Creed 4 -FIFA 15 -Watch Dogs -PS Plus Membership -Resogun -Gonna buy a vertical stand coz scared of knocking it over! -Better headset (P12 Turtle Beech one) Anyone that I'm not already friends with feel free to add me! (Mike1988uk)
  5. Quite a few ppl commented on my moves that night! Haha. Fantastic day though, looking forward to seeing all the photos when they come out and the video of my dancing coming into the hall! Lol
  6. So I know I hadn't posted in here for ages... I'm here in Canada to celebrate @flameboy big day, at 1500 Canadian time ( 5 hours behind uk) he is tieing the knot with his girlfriend!! Feel free to leave any messages for him here!!!
  7. Congratulations on making another year!

  8. I felt like a bit of an idiot when after many many hours of playing this I then realised you could long jump...
  9. I include the bar weight. It just makes sense to me, as it is accurate what your actually lifting.
  10. Just to add to the above... Unless I am mistaken the Doctor was talking to the military leaders of galifrey in the day of the doctor and even they made a comment that the high council had their own plans (Rassilon - linking to the events of that ep) and I think they made a comment stating they didn't agree with it. The military just wanted to save the planet. Rassilon had his own agenda for acceding time lords to a greater being or something didn't he? So the events in End of Time was the high council 'acting alone' if that makes sense being lead by Rassilon. More like an evil leader.
  11. @Aneres11 is pretty darn good with Ness... Kicked my ass about a million times on Melee back in the day!!
  12. What did I get for christmas? Pictures speak a thousand words.
  13. What have I been telling you all this time! :p You will be lifting heavier than me there soon!!
  14. Sky news said he will serve about 20 years in prison and then the remaining 15 on licence making up the 35 years. Attempted rape of a baby... that is pretty sick man. Although he showed no remorse he pleaded guilty, which can knock up to a third off ur sentence... makes you wonder what the judge would have given him had he gone not guilty and there was a full trail.
  15. Cool. It will be good to get back into the mario league when it starts up for this!
  16. So got a reply from my e-mail yesterday from GAME.
  17. I bought some liquid chalk from myprotein to help when I struggle with grip (with deadlifts). Smashed my personal best with them yesterday! I had previously got a 1 rep max of 102kg but yesterday I did 3 reps at 120kg! And that was after blasting out 10 reps a go on 90 then 100 then 105 then 110 etc. Well chuffed, my one rep max could prob have been higher but had already beasted my body. It's always been my grip that let's me down!!
  18. That's... Awesome! Making want to reply the classic sonic games again since I never did extra life this year I've missed out!!
  19. I would have loved a sequel to generations. There is so many classic levels they could have given the HD updated treatment!
  20. Yeah. Preferred Fallout 3 though. Still a great game, just didn't quite have the same feel to it. Or maybe it was simply because Fallout 3 was my first fallout experience?
  21. I love Sonic. I played the demo again last night and I still can't make my mind up regarding this. Loved most of them last gen, Adventures/Unleashed/Generations etc. But really didn't like the style of secret rings and that other one on wii (name escapes me). And I only found colours ok. I still enjoy replaying the 2D mega drive ones as well. Is it a case that I am just going to have to get this sometime and I see what I think? Is the demo a good/bad reflection on the overall game? I'm talking about the Wii U version here.
  22. I quite like the look of this and I am pleased to hear that it has good reviews and Assassins Creed hasn't gone super stale with the multiple sequels. However, I am yet to play 3 so I feel I need to play that first for the story! Once I have got the third I might leave this till I eventually get a next gen console and save it for that... We shall see!
  23. Well Fallout 3 was one of my stand out games of the 'current gen' so I can't wait for a sequel! Except the underground subway type sections... Wasn't too keen on them.
  24. Moffat making some promises! I hope they do indeed tie up things from Matt Smiths era so it all fits in nicely. Dr Who Official Website
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