Yeah, sometimes the online portion of Dark Souls can be a real pain.
But don't let that throw you off! Online is great, PvP is fun (most of the time :p ).
I think you can only use them when you're part of a specific covenant. Can't recall its name, though.
Not bad, not bad. Stamina is important. Depending on your weapon of choice either put more in STR or DEX (enough DEX to use a bow! Bows are awesome).
Since you're apparently more of a melee type, try to upgrade VIT some more. A higher equip load will come in handy.
Ah yes, pyromancy Already upgraded my flame to +8. But I don't have a single attunement slot.
50 hours in, this is how I look:
The next 6 soullevels will go into ATN. I need that one slot so I can equip one pyromancy.
No idea how far I'm into the game. Done some major things, i.e. kill major bosses which allowed me to set foot into one specific area. I won't give away what it is, just let me tell you: It looks awesome :awesome: