It's pretty clear we won't get a Raid team going this weekend so let's just cancel that plan.
Created an absolutely incredible spreadsheet just now.
The Masterpiece
This is for a BLIND raid. So if you've already done a run, please don't apply.
The dates are entirely based on my preference. Times can be changed a little (i.e. 1-2 hours earlier or later).
Edit: As pointed out by Happenstance: The times will most likely have to be changed. Add your preferred starting time into the cells you mark green.
Enter your name in the coloumn and colour in the cells which apply to you. Everbody can add their names/times. The first 6 that could form a team for 2 or more dates form a team. (Edit: what a beautiful sentence that is)
First come, first served. Please don't delete a person's submission.
Any suggestions to make this spreadsheet better are welcome, because I didn't really think it through and I don't know how useful/practicable this is