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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Still, I don't need it. Oh look, it's downloading. Well...now I can't say no.. I HATE YOU @Hero-of-Time
  2. Decided to not get it for at least one or two months. Too many roguelites I want to play first. Wish all of you an awesome launch I've also made peace with the fact that I won't hear from my mom for a while...
  3. Since I don't see my friends these days I decided to start a new save file for Cuphead and play it solo. Halfway through and it's much easier alone. In co-op you don't deal as much damage and therefore have a harder time killing off enemies that bosses spawn. It feels like the game is not balanced around co-op. Anyway, enjoying my time with it. Still haven't reached the point my mate and I have so no surprises, yet. Don't get me started on that sale...I am very tempted to get FFVIII, DQ2 and DQ3... But there are so many games (*cough* roguelites *cough*) coming out soon...I have to resist
  4. Yeah, none of this will be remembered as soon as Sony finally reveals the console and announces its price. The latter and exclusive games will be the deciding factor. None of those who were disappointed with the showing (which was exactly as advertised...) will give a damn about it as soon as they know how much money they need to invest.
  5. Just found out about this. Out next week. Played the demo and it is amazing. Can all these roguelites maybe not release at the same time?
  6. People already angry because they didn't show the PS5 and the SSD is not 1TB.
  7. Cue the "WHERE IS THE PS5" comments Anyway, that was such an interesting talk. Now I'd like to hear from a game developer how exactly this new tech will be the game changer that it's supposed to be, i.e. what exactly can we expect from games in the future. Oh, and I'll say it again: Cerny's presentation skills are incredible.
  8. For what it's worth, Cerny definitely is a professional presenter. Very interesting so far. Instead of just throwing numbers around he explains what it all means. For a hardware noob like me this is pretty cool to hear/see.
  9. Can't comment on this myself, but here's a note from Dodge Roll: reddit.com
  10. Not mine, that's for sure. If I get the game I'm putting my island on immediate lockdown. No way ya'll be infecting my villagers
  11. Very close to 10000 infections in Germany. 211 in the city region where I live, 100 of those are actually in the city. We're gonna be dealing with this for months...
  12. Do you only exist to disappoint me?
  13. Hm...do I want it now? Divinity: Original Sin 2, Thea: The Awakening, Cuphead and Apex Legends are currently my jam. Then there's Tangledeep and its DLCs which I will most likely get next week as the main game will be on sale on the 26th of March. I think I'll pass on Exit the Gungeon for now. At least until I've finished Cuphead.
  14. Yeah, whether or not the PS5 is exciting hardware...I'll decide tomorrow.
  15. You know I had to Will I get it today? Most likely.
  16. Aside from Dicey Dungeons and Exit the Gungeon it was a pretty boring presentation for me. But then again, two roguelites are all I need. And one of them releases today? Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool.
  17. Not surprised they've waited for Microsoft to do their thing first. Personally, I'm no too interested. Numbers being thrown around doesn't mean much to me. I'd rather hear about games.
  18. Digitally for PS4. Two mates and I will play this cooperatively. What else to do in these times, aye?
  19. Think I'll give this one a go myself. I very much enjoy games à la Stardew Valley and AC:NH is obivoulsy one of those "play at your own pace" kind of games. Even if I end up not liking it, I'll be able to resell for minor loss anyways
  20. Bought this just now for a fiver. Spent some time with the tutorial and my goodness, there are about a million mechanics to get to grips with Menus are a little cumbersome but it'll probably be ok after getting used to them. Decided to start Cuphead solo and Thea: The Awakening seems to be a nice change of pace. These two games will keep me busy until I get Tangledeep in two weeks
  21. My sister, her boyfriend and I just ordered a copy together for my mom. It's her birthday tomorrow and given that she put at least 8 million hours into Animal Crossing: New Leaf, this seemed like a perfect present
  22. Finished it, true ending and all. Even though I somehow couldn't put the game down this morning, I don't like it. The "on foot parts" are horrible, the other parts are ok at best. Sorry, @Hero-of-Time. Don't shoot me
  23. Our university just cancelled everything (practical courses, lectures, exams, etc.) until mid. April. Germany will close its borders tomorrow morning. It really does feel like a round of Plague Inc., doesn't it...
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