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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. I prefer the dark theme. And will always SCREAM AT PEOPLE WHO DON'T USE IT. SLAY THE SPIRE.
  2. I'm about 3 hours into SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech and I love it. There are some RPG elements like equipment and levels. It saddened me to see that the game eventually makes grinding XP a non-option. Once you reach a certain level in a chapter you only get a fraction of experience, making on level-up a matter of aprox. 100 battles. It is, however, necessary given that SWQ: Hand of Gilgamech is a deckbuilding game. Being able to overlevel would make the card-based battle system obsolete. I'm ok with not being able to grind excessively...yeah, I'm surprised, too Speaking of the battle system: It's well thought out. The mechanics, cards and synergies work together brilliantly to make for engaging combat. There's obviously RNG involved but you know me...I'm into it As for the rest: It's a beautiful game. The hand-drawn world and characters are gorgeous, the music is subtle but suits the setting and the writing so far has been funny. Had to ramp up the difficulty, though, because normal mode was quite easy.
  4. Don't think I'll be online tonight, sorry.
  5. Final boss of Tangledeep has been slain. NG+ and a new dungeon is now available. What a great roguelike this is. Took 4 characters and 21 hours to get to grips with its many systems but it was oh so satisfying once it clicked. I'll probably take a break from this game for a while because I'm eager to start SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech. But it's very likely I'll return to the world of Tangledeep soon.
  6. Tangledeep can be ridiculous at times
  7. Took part in Image&Form Games giveaway last week. Entered for a Switch copy of SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech and I just got a code Have been interested in this game since it's announcement. Pretty excited
  8. I always thought this game is about freedom and being able to live your island life as you see fit. Yup, been complaining about that ugly ass tapir living on my island. I've also smacked his head with the net lot. And yet it seems that cute little Filbert is the one to be replaced. NO. Rolf has to move in but it's Olaf the ugly tapir who has to leave.
  9. This is getting annoying. Finally "wore Rolf down" and he wants to move in. He says if someone wants to move out he's good to go. And now he only suggests that one resident might want to leave but I don't want him to leave. So I tell him, that resident stays. And what do you know...Rolf doesn't want to move in anymore. I keep talking to him and eventually he decides that "Yeah, maybe I want to live here", but he keeps saying that that one resident would move out. Why does this need to be so needlessly complicated? Why can't I just simply tell someone to leave and let another villager move in? For everything this game does right there's something that's annoyingly tedious. But I guess that's Nintendo for ya...
  10. Triple-post, YES! Got a campsite visitor. Rolf, the white tiger. I really want him to live on my island but he keeps saying "Nah, can't do it. Got some unfinished business." WHY? I thought you could simply let one villager go if you have a visitor staying at your campsite
  11. New update is out. Japanese patch notes say it's a fix for the balloon issue.
  12. Love your island project @Hero-of-Time Can't wait to visit when it's finished. I'm still not sure what exactly I wanna do. Pretty sure it's gonna be a looooong time before I do anything meaningful.
  13. Haven't played Animal Crossing much today. Only a few minutes. Tangledeep, on the other hand...3 1/2 hours. I've come to grips with several mechanics, especially breeding pets. So that's pretty cool. Managed to reach what I assume is the halfway point again in the new run. I feel much better prepared than in the first few attempts. Even though I didn't bother to upgrade my gear, yet. Looking forward to spending more time with it tomorrow. Really happy with the game. It's worth every penny
  14. My mate and I started playing Monster Hunter World today. Setting up co-op play is a bit of a hassle for the first few quests (or isn't possible at all for one expedition). I would assume the main quests will continue to suffer from this. It's still great fun, though. Definitely need to get used to the slooooooooooooow Greatsword. Damage per swing is great, but mobility sucks My mate uses Sword and Shield. One of his remarks that stuck with me: "There's so much information being thrown to me...I don't understand anything" Yes, my friend, we've all been there. Really hope he sticks with it until it clicks.
  15. I got my eye on The Messenger, as well. Could get it for 7€ on the Norwegian eShop. I wanna win a run on Tangledeep first, though Assault Android Cactus+ is pretty great. Wasn't it on PS+ in 2016?
  16. @Hero-of-Time No Castle Crashers Remastered in this spring sale, either. It's pretty crappy in general. There's so much garbage in the eShop...
  17. It's not.
  18. @Hero-of-Time This will be my game for May, most likely, so if you wanna share some significant changes/moments remember to use spoiler tags
  19. Well, the first two Iceborne hunts kicked my ass. Managed to not faint, but it took quite a while to hunt down the monsters. Ahhhh, the game has me hooked again. Can't wait to play World again, this time with a mate. Already created a loadout with some crappy armor and the first Greatsword
  20. Credits in Animal Crossing: New Hoirzons have rolled. This means I consider it "finished" for my list, but I'll keep playing. Positive: very relaxing came at the perfect time, but I would've probably enjoyed it in "normal" times, too gorgeous, cute, lots of charm lots to do, see, explore Negative easily one of, if not the worst online system I've seen constant cutscenes when people enter/leave the island - my biggest issue with it the questionnaire you have to work your way through every single time you want to travel apparently the seasonal events are locked behind internet connection the whole "only one island per system" and "no cloud save" disaster come on, Nintendo, we pay for your online service, this is a first party game and the online system isn't even close to the industry standard some weird design choices like no crafting in bulk, materials not taken out of your storage, no auto sort in your inventory, tedious terraforming the amount of text you have to get through even though you've read them a million times already - just give us the option to skip Since I don't dabble much with the game's online offering it doesn't affect me that much, but it's still worth pointing out and should be criticised a lot more. I've given up hope that Nintendo will ever change their stance on their online system, though.
  21. Crafted all the event items/clothes except for earth egg collection party hat and dress arch toy wand Have to wait for the final day to craft the last three. Happy that I pretty much have everything this early. Only need to get some leaf and earth eggs in the coming days.
  22. Looks like you can only get it on the final day. I don't like this event.
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