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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Oh no, here we go again. I warned you, @Hero-of-Time
  2. Either that or I just run away
  3. I was starting to wonder when you're going to flaunt that Platinum screenshot. Guess it's gonna take a while longer.
  4. I have. I know how to fight them properly, i.e. parry their rush attack and get behind them. But I'm an impatient asshole so I just attack until I get lucky. Hate those fuckers.
  5. Don't bring that up again.
  6. After 7 1/2 hours so far I can say: I'm warming up to the game a bit more. With a few more spells available the battles aren't as repetitive as before, so that's nice Managed to win Phil Cup. It was pretty easy. Now I've arrived at Agrabah.
  7. Yeah, it's why I'll keep playing. Explored a bit of the worlds. Have to say: that Gummi Ship stuff is bad. Really bad. Everything about it is clunky and boring It's kinda funny how literally everything about the game play and its mechanics has been a turn off for me so far. Adding to that: the Final Fantasy characters suck. They look weird and are hilariously bland... But...and it's surprising to say it...I enjoy the game I guess it's the Disney charm...most of what I've seen so far have been part of my childhood. And it's great seeing all the characters in a game Well...gonna have lunch and then it's time for some more Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix ULTRA MEGA CHICKEN EDITION.
  8. Makes the sales numbers even more impressive.
  9. Man...the movement is very clunky... The game really can't hide its age. First few moments on Destiny Island were very...odd. Characters look weird and...insane. Especially Selphie. Wakka appears to be entirely Jamaican now, ya? I don't remember his voice and manner of speech being so dumb in FFX. And don't get me started on the fetch quest you immediately get thrown at you. Not a great start. Thankfully I decided to stop after collecting the second batch of items and watched two episodes of Ozark. That helped me getting over the mess that is my first impression of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix (what exactly is it called? ). Anyways, I'm either going to play this some more in a few minutes or go with God of War for now. Gonna decide while I'm eating dinner
  10. And that's Ozark season 3... I don't understand how this show isn't talked about more. It's absolutely brilliant. Occasionally a little too "slow" in the first and second season but it makes sense in the long run. Can't wait for the next (and supposedly final) season.
  11. Thanks a lot Will do.
  12. It's already here Will start with KH 1.5 after Bundesliga. @Hero-of-Time any tips for the Platinum hunt? Would be great to get a head-start if I decide to go for the trophies
  13. Day fucking one!
  14. Now that Kingdom Hearts is on the way I needed to find a game to accompany on my next JRPG-journey. It is tradition So I finally started my NG+ run with God of War. Decided not to go with Give Me God Of War again, because it would've required a long grind on my end-game savefile. And I finished the game on its highest difficulty on my first run anyways. I went with the second highest difficulty and its perfect. Need to stay on my toes but enemies aren't tanky as all hell. Nicely balanced Had to take some screenshots, of course... It's unbelievable how well the graphics hold up. And that fight....Ohhhh baby, always gets me hyped
  15. Ordered a copy Looking forward to giving it a go. Should be here by Monday
  16. Nah, if I enjoy the story I'm going to follow each game to the end before jumping ahead.
  17. Yeah, yeah. I'll play it eventually.
  18. Sold Ehm...so going from lowest number to highest?
  19. I've always been tempted to give the Kingdom Hearts series a try and it seems like I could acquire a copy of this: for 18€. Thankfully I'd be able to afford it after selling two games recently. If I remember correctly, @Hero-of-Time is a huge KH fan, so this is my question to you: You know my gaming tastes, would you say the series is something I'd enjoy? Others may chime in, as well, of course
  20. Decided to stop playing this for now. It's a lovely game but not what I'm looking for right now. I'll leave this for another time
  21. Just read that Miitopia is just a port and costs $50. .
  22. And that's harmless
  23. Absolutely not.
  24. No idea where to put this question and didn't wanna create a new thread: Recently I've been getting into videos about speedruns. Two YouTube channels have caught my attention and I've seen most of their videos: Summoning Salt and Lowest Percent Summoning Salt talks more about the history of records and also explains glitches and mechanics here and there. Lowest Percent puts its focus more on how certain speedruns actually came together. Both are topics that I'm very interested in. So here's my question: Anybody got more resources for me to dive into? Preferably videos/channels of equal quality as the two I mentioned.
  25. Is this a singleplayer game? It kinda looks like you could play this with 3 other people? If that's the case, it would be lovely for my family and me
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