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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 8 hours ago, Kav said:

    I’m still shaking, absolutely buzzing… hopefully this brings @dazzybee to his senses and he realises Chelsea are the biggest team in London. He’s been on a mad one thinking Spurs are bigger.

    Tottenham aren't even the biggest team in North London.

    How many trophies have they won in the last 30 years? :laughing:

    The most despicable thing about the European Super League is that fact Spurs were invited to join it. 

    • Like 1
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  2. 5 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    I had the Series X in my shopping cart on the Argos site this morning but I just couldn’t pull the trigger either. :laughing:

    You people disgust me. Just wait til Greg gets his sorry arse on this site. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

    I've got pre buyers guilt; finally some All Access Series X's in stock, and now I'm talking myself out of it, convincing myself I don't need it after all...🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    You are worse than @nekunando! Get the damn thing in your cart already and come and join the party!

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Helmsly said:

    I’m glad it’ll have an Ethernet port, I’ve been using Ethernet connection on my switch via a adapter that I bought a few years ago and the difference between how reliable the internet is from playing games via that instead of the switch’s WiFi is night and day from my experience.

    Yep, I ordered one off Amazon just after I got the system and the difference was unbelievable. Nintendo loves to squeeze every penny out of a system, hence why they don't even bother paying for licenses for Bluetooth, Dolby surround sound, and the like. The Wi-Fi chip being absolute garbage should be a shock to no one. If the ethernet port rumours are true, I'd say this is definitely hinting at a more "premium" console. Good news, and maybe we'll get some of the features they've cheaped out on in the past. 

    • Like 3
  5. In another one of those classic "Game Pass to the rescue" stories. I beat Wolfenstein: The Old Blood over the past couple of days. 

    A game series I've always been interested in but never played despite owning WSII on Switch, and then selling it at cost 2 years after I bought it... So it was nice to start this series from the "beginning" with this prequel to the 2014 (if I remember correctly) game, The New Blood. My first experience with a Machine Games title, and one which I enjoyed overall, at least enough to want to try the proper games in the series. 

    I finished the main story in about 5-6 hours. The first half of the game is set in Castle Wolfenstein and it's certainly a fun location to explore. Some very nice vista shots when you're outside and the general feel of the world they have created is top notch. The levels, however, are very much a linear affair, and there's not really much you can say about this game other than "corridor shooter" with some more open spaces. The story is the real hero here. I enjoyed it more than I had expected I would, and even though the game is essentially about moving from room to room and set piece to set piece, it's tied together really nicely by the story. The FPS view remains constant from start to finish, even in cutscenes, which gives it a very Doom 2016 feel and really helps with immersion and the feeling that you are experiencing everything as Blazkowicz. 

    I'm grateful, ultimately, that the game respects your time. It really is a short affair and could probably be done in about 2-3 hours if you were a lot better at not dying than I am. Having said that, I seemed to power through the back half of the game, dying only a couple of times in the final 3 levels, each time on the supremely tough final boss (no spoilers). From chapter 5 onwards, you're outside the castle and exploring the town of Wolfsburg, which is a nice change of pace and keeps things a little bit interesting, even though the levels seems to be much, much shorter. The shooting mechanics are standard fare, I can't really say they're exceptional or ground breaking, but you have a pretty decent arsenal at your disposal and everything works as you'd expect it too without ever stepping into unique territory. 

    The main issue I had with the game was the copy-and-paste nature of the set pieces I mentioned earlier. A lot of the time it felt like you were placed in a room with 10 or so guards (either with or without powerful heavies) and two colonels who can call for back-up should you be spotted by anyone. You basically have to stealth your way through and try to take out these two guards or your gonna be facing a mob of enemies. I honestly got pretty tired of this gimmick by the end as getting caught by anyone basically meant it was better to try again. The stealth element was tense and fun at the beginning but wore on towards the end, especially as you couldn't take out standard enemies with one shot from the silenced pistol. Most of them were armoured up, which meant you needed three or four quick shots before they went down. When they moved after being hit, this became extra tough, and eventually frustrating. The sniper rifle was much better for this, but everyone and their mum could hear it so it was basically unusable. 

    In each level you can find a bed which allows you to "dream" and play classic Wolfenstein levels, similar to Doom 2016. Supremely fun at first when I discovered it, but endlessly dull when you're doing it for the third, fourth and fifth time. The levels are long, boring and uninteresting. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. Annoying that a lot of achievements are hidden behind this stuff. Would have preferred to see it feature much more sparingly. 

    All in all, I did enjoy my time with this game despite a couple of niggles. An absolutely perfect expansion or budget release, and something I'd definitely like to see more of in unison with major titles. Not too sure about the history of this game but it does very much feel like an expansion to The New Blood, and if that is the case, it's extremely well done. A nice, short, compact game which can be beaten in a couple of sittings and presumably adds a lot to the main story of the first release. Set in a very detailed and lovingly-crafted small nugget of fictional Germany, it has definitely whetted my appetite for more. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Still putting GamePass to good use I see, @Nicktendo. :D 

    I’m a big fan of the Forza games and with me no longer owning an Xbox I do miss playing them. I used to love the Gran Turismo series but things got a little too realistic and serious for my tastes and then that’s when Forza came along. I remember being blown away by the first game on the original Xbox. The features that they implemented, such as seeing the drivers line and auto breaking, were great for those wanting a more accessible experience with serious car game. 

    It’s crazy how many games they’ve been able to churn out in comparison to the GT series and what’s even crazier is the quality of them hasn’t really gone down.

    Get that 100%/platinum on Habroxia 2. Colin will be proud of you. :laughing:

    Still finding plenty to play with GamePass and having a great time! It's a fantastic service and unbelievable that I paid the equivalent of £8.77 a month for a 12-month ultimate sub. 

    Horizon is so good. A perfect blend of arcade and sim as I said before. I also loved the first on OG Xbox but that was the last time I played the series. I've heard Motorsport 7 is not that great though. Some average reviews and a lot of poor user reviews. Haven't bothered wasting the 100gb on it, but maybe it's worth a pop sometime once I'm done with Horizon. 

    • Like 1
  7. Three more games finished for me since the start of the month.

    Mirror's Edge 
    I beat this waaaay back on the Xbox 360 when it came out and remember it being a stunning game. I've run through the story mode again and had a good time. I still feel this is one of the most interesting and unique games I've ever played. Visuals really hold up thanks to the fantastic art direction. Even though the animations look a little clunky now. Managed to beat the game in 3 hours or so. Doubt I'll do much more. The first 3 or 4 levels hold up really well but the game starts showing it's age when it asks you to do more. Some of the later levels are a bit of chore to get through and going for a "no shooting" achievement run made it even harder. It's a shame EA have strayed away from this type of game in recent years because they were really on a roll with this, SSX and Burnout in the early 360 days. Good memories. 

    Perfect Dark
    Finished the XBLA version or Rare Replay version of this. I actually started it on the day I got the console but it took me a little time to beat it. Played though on Secret Agent bar the last level as I kept getting one-shotted by the boss. I have to say, this game is still mostly fantastic. I'm not so keen on the back half of the game, but the first 8-10 levels are everything you'd want from a Goldeneye sequel. It's classic N64 gameplay but in HD and running in 60FPS. Magic. I've also put a fair bit of time into the challenges in MP mode, which really ramp up in difficulty towards the end. Once the aliens begin to appear the story really takes a nose-dive, and with it the level design and mission structure, unfortunately. It doesn't quite have the consistency Goldeneye had, but I can still appreciate it for what it is. I will have to go back and do the Skedar Ruins on Secret Agent, I have no chance on Perfect... I really find the Skedar designs and the alien craft levels pretty uninspiring. But the DataDyne levels at the beginning, the Villa, Chicago and right up to the President's plane crash are still immensely fun to run through. The music is also top drawer and classic Rare. One of my favourite video game OSTs. The Carrington Institute is also a blast, especially the firing range. 

    Habroxia 2 
    The first game I bought for the Series S. Cost me £4 in a sale and it's just as much fun as the first. The thing I like most about this game, as with the first, is the mechanics. Managed to roll the credits in about 2 hours and will go back and do New Game+. I'm sat on 850G and the remaining 6 achievements shouldn't be too hard to get, which would make this my 4th 100% game on the system. Not really much to say apart from that, fun for what it was. Kinda torn on which I prefer, I think the first game offered a little more challenge and I prefer the linear structure over the branching paths in this one, even if it was kinda cool hunting down the alternate exits. Very much pleased with the boss rush mode. I've had fun with that despite not quite being able to finish it. 

    I've also been pumping a ton of time into Forza Horizon 4, which I think may well be the best racing game I've played in a number of years. The world design is simply jaw-dropping. It really feels like the UK and I love the mix of town and country as well as the sheer variety the seasons offer. It doesn't hurt that it's one of the best looking racers around. It's very arcadey, but not too much as when you really crank up the difficulty, the game is supremely rewarding if you can drive well. There's nothing quite like the feeling of pipping someone on the line in my souped-up 1997 Subaru Impreza. Handles like an absolute dream, just the right amount of drifting. I really, really wish I'd had the chance to play the three previous games, but it looks like they're all unsupported now. I've been powering my way through the career mode (level 110) as well as spending a good amount of time online. The open-world, always online nature had me very sceptical at the start, but it is impeccably done. You never really feel like you're "always online" but you're never more than a few seconds away from an online race of event. The best open-world racing game I've ever played and firmly puts Burnout Paradise to shame. 

    Call of Duty: Warzone is the first COD game I've played since MW on the 360. Been having a lot of fun with this with friends, and far less so in solo. I like the gameplay but hate the progression and skill-deficit to regulars. Not a shock for a F2P online battle royale, but the new Soviet-era map is excellent and a lot of fun to explore. 

    Finally, I've jumped into the story mode of GTAV. Many of you may know that I'm a massive fan of GTAIV and felt it was far, far better than anything from the PS2 era. I thought the story was fantastic. I didn't think GTAV would be able to top it, but it's right up there so far. The voice acting is truly something else. It is engrossing and superbly acted and scripted. The missions are nicely varied, Los Santos (Like Liberty City in IV) is leagues ahead of the PS2 counterpart. It's more compact (but still massive) and there's a ton of interesting stuff to do. Really enjoying playing through Michael and Franklin's storylines, but I'm really not a big fan of Trevor at the moment. Put in about 15 hours so far and done 30% or so of the missions. It's a huge step up from IV in almost every aspect. However, I much preferred the realistic handling in IV and the "atmosphere" of the world. San Andreas is too bright and happy. I much preferred the grey, corrupted, ugly city environment they'd built in the previous game. I played through it in 2018 and it still looked amazing thanks to the very subtle art style. This game is much more poppy and bright and it kind of detracts from the overall criminal underworld vibe a little. That's a personal preference though, so far, I still think this game deserves all the praise it gets. Not gonna be trying GTA online. 

    • Like 4
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  8. Despite the lack of overtaking, this was a nice race. Solid 6 or 7 for me. Not spectacular but there was some intrigue at least. Pleased with the result and the impact it has on the championship. Great to see Sainz and Norris on the podium. Good race from Perez after a poor Q. Excellent pit stop strategy and race management from Aston Martin, gained a lot of points today. Solid job by Gasly staying ahead of HAM. Good race from Ocon to get in the points. Nice to see GIO in the points despite the weak strategy, he's getting the measure of Kimi now. I've liked him since GP2 and hope he sticks around next year.

    Hamilton was shit today. Disappointed in his attitude to be honest. Both on the radio and after the race when he was slagging the team off on Dutch TV. "I have nothing to learn, but for sure the team do". What happened to win together - lose together? Bottas was seriously unlucky today, had the measure of HAM all weekend. 

    Great win by Max, controlled from the front. Leclerc was also unlucky, but that's the price you pay for overdoing it.

    Baku is one of my favourite tracks, hope it throws up a good race in 2 weeks time. I managed to get there in 2019, but unfortunately it wasn't a classic. Hope we'll get a lot of action next month. 

  9. I've had the Series S for a month and a half now and it has more than surpassed my expectations. I just wanted a peek at Game Pass and a quick go on a few of Rare Replay's 64 games and I have already dumped almost 400 hours into the thing and beaten 9 games. Can see I really missed out skipping the PS4 and XBOne. 

    • Like 1
  10. 58 minutes ago, Julius said:

    - 4.73 million units sold this quarter between the Switch and Switch Lite, with a total of 28.83 million units sold throughout the fiscal year, bringing the overall tally up to 84.59 million units sold to date for the Switch.

    - Total software units sales from the past fiscal year are 230.9 million, just under 40% of the console's lifetime software sales of 587.12 million. 

    - Nintendo has had broken their own record (set in FY2009 off the back of the Wii and the DS, when they recorded an operating profit of ¥555.26 billion) for highest operating profit in a fiscal year by a console manufacturer, with an operating profit in FY2021 of ¥640.63 billion. 

    - Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury sold 5.59 million units in its first six weeks since launch. 

    - In just over a year since it launched, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has managed a figure of 32.63 million units sold. Good lord. 

    - Ringfit Adventure has passed the 10 million units shipped mark, with 10.11 million units out in the wild, after shipping 1.43 million units in this last quarter, just missing out on a place in the top 10 list of best selling Switch titles.

    1. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 35.39M

    7. Super Mario Party - 14.79M

    10. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe - 10.44M



    • Haha 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Judge knows what’s up.

    See, this is the perfectly acceptable way for all Epic's customers to avoid paying any fees to Apple or Google (Or MS, Sony + Nintendo for that matter).

    Just make it so they can't buy V-Bucks in the game / app. Make them log in to the website on a PC, or even on their phone browser, and buy them there.

    But they won't do that.

    Cause kids won't want to do that.

    And mum's credit card isn't saved to the PC browser.

    And 90% of their sales would disappear overnight.

    And they're blatantly exploiting this fact.

    And Tim Sweeney is a repugnant little man. 

    This has been obvious from the very start, Timothy. You are going to lose this lawsuit badly and make a lot of enemies in the gaming industry. Hope it's worth it, because I have very, very little hope for your company if you're shunned by Nintendo and Sony. 

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  12. 17 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    We don’t have a topic for the Switch version of the game but figured this one would do.

    The level of customisation of the Mii characters in the Switch version of the game is insane. I was already on board with picking it up but now I’m even more excited for its release.



    I don't want to buy this. Stop.

    • Haha 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    The Gardens Between = Clever
    River City Girls = Disappointing
    Gal*Gunvolt Burst = Fun
    Cat Quest = Grindy
    Gorogoa = Boring

    1) Yes - it's great! I might go through it again on Xbox.

    2) Agree, sadly. Didn't capture me, didn't like the combat, enemies are hit sinks, which ultimately became annoying.

    3-5) No idea.

    Dark Souls 2 looks extremely bright and colourful. Why? Honestly looks nothing like the first game. From all the FS games I've played - DS1, a bit of 2 and Sekiro, the latter is by far my favourite. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Demo for the amazing game that is Miitopia is now up on the eShop. Your data will carry over to the main game.

    Price Ninty are asking is a bit steep, but definitely recommend giving the demo a go!

    Make sure you transfer a few decent Miis over from your Wii / Wii U. Much better playing with people you know or celebrities. 

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