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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 11 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Are Camelot just not up to scratch anymore when it comes to making these games?

    I think this is the issue. They’re clearly a great team and a have a long history with good sports games and RPGs, especially on weak hardware like the GBA and GBC. Their three HD games have been very low on content and have lost a lot of the “magic” which made their older games special. I think it’s clear they are not up to modern HD development with the likely very small team they have. It’s a shame, but I don’t see it changing unless they expand or get much better support from Nintendo. 

  2. 9 hours ago, nekunando said:

    I think I've probably played enough to be able to start giving some early impressions of the game.

    Before I go into it, I will just clarify that I'm glad I picked it up, I am enjoying it and am  sure I will continue to have a lot of fun with it..

    ..but man, it's a little disappointing so far!

    I've sprinkled a few rounds of Mario Golf: World Tour into my last couple of weeks and it's such a shame to see Super Rush tamper with the formula enough that it's easy to make a case that it's an inferior game at this stage.

    We're all aware of the adjustments to the swing meter, none of which I would really consider an improvement, but even pressing the X button to select where to aim your shot has been unnecessarily changed and you can now bring up a scanner with R to get a different perspective.. but it's still just not as convenient or helpful, in my opinion.

    Also, the courses themselves (from the 3 I've played so far) seem to lack the character that all of the 3DS courses and DLC ooze.

    I haven't experienced enough of the Speed Golf to know if it's fun yet or not so I'll post about that at a later date (as I will do when I finally try Battle Golf) but it may be a little hard to shake off some of the criticisms, despite the fact that it's still fun to play!

    With the amount of Wii U ports, and perhaps some 3DS ports to come, Mario Golf on Switch feels like it may have been wiser to simply port World Tour and add in a couple of enhancements, such as motion control. 

    Despite already owning it on 3DS, it may yet prove to have been a preferable option!

    Yeah, I'd struggle to disagree with any of this. 

    Not a big fan of the new swing meter. Courses are uninspiring so far. Game seems a little bare-bones (I'm sure that will change with free updates). 

    It's okay, but not up their with typical Mario Golf fare. I had similar feelings about Tennis, but the gameplay in that was so good, it was much easier to overlook some of the drawbacks and I ended up putting a ton of time into the game. There is nothing in this game that I feel can really match 64 / Toadstool Tour so far. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, WackerJr said:

    I feel better that others are struggling as I don’t have the foggiest!  I’ve no reason to ever doubt Jonnas’ guesses, so in case it’s somehow not right, I’m going for:

      N64 title.... still no idea but at least the list is smaller! (Reveal hidden contents)

    Cruisin’ USA


    Painstakingly close!

    • Thanks 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    Yes, Jordan Henderson is coming on.

    He is the player the fans have been crying out for.

    Why have a sexy curry or delicious pizza, when you can have jacket potato with no filling?

    Who needs pizza or curry when you can have a heart-attack size fillet of chicken with cheese and mayo? 


  5. 11 hours ago, Jonnas said:




    "I'm gonna RIS for the stars...


    Nights into Dreams


    ...even if the Nights look pretty far...


      My 2021 log (Reveal hidden contents)


    -Fire Emblem: Three Houses (2019) Beat (January 9th)

    -Fatal Fury Special (1993) No Goal (January 17th)

    -Art of Fighting 2 (1994) No Goal (January 19th)

    -Samurai Shodown II (1994) No Goal (January 20th)

    -The Last Blade (1997) No Goal (January 22nd)

    -Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers (1998) No Goal (January 22nd)

    -King of Fighters 2000 (2000) No Goal (January 23rd)

    -King of Fighters 2002 (2002) No Goal (January 23rd)

    -Samurai Shodown V Special (2004) No Goal (January 23rd)

    -Harmo Knight (2012) Beat (January 25th)

    -Furi (2016) Completed (January 31st)

    -Life is Strange (Episode 1) (2015) Beat (February 13th)

    -The Stanley Parable (2013) Completed (February 14th)

    -1979 Revolution: Black Friday (2016) Beat (February 17th)

    -Azure Striker Gunvolt (2014) Beat (March 6th)

    -Hitman: Blood Money (2006) Completed (March 10th)

    -A Short Hike (2019) Completed (March 16th)

    -ABZÛ (2016) Beat (March 20th)

    -Silence (2016) Completed (March 27th)

    -Huniepop 2: Double Date (2021) Completed (April 13th)

    -Horned Knight (2021) Completed (April 14th)

    -Inspector Zé e Robot Palhaço em: Crime no Hotel Lisboa (2013) Completed (April 18th)

    -Munin (2014) Completed (April 25th)

    -As Aventuras Interactivas de Dog Mendonça e Pizzaboy (2016) Completed (April 27th)

    -Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (1990) Completed (May 8th)

    -Castlevania II Belmont's Revenge (1991) Completed (May 20th)

    -Beautiful Desolation (2020) Beat (May 30th)

    -Kid Dracula (1990) Completed (June 5th)

    -Castlevania Bloodlines (1993) Beat (June 5th)

    -Dr.Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (1993) Completed (June 6th)

    -Ristar (1995) Beat (June 13th)

    -Nights into Dreams (1996) Beat (June 20th)



    -Perfect Angle (2015) (January 20th)

    -Codename S.T.E.A.M. (2015) (May 16th)

    -Castlevania - The Adventure (1989) (May 19th)

    -Sonic 4: Episode I (2010) (June 7th)

    -Sonic 4: Episode II (2012) (June 7th)

    -Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition (2015) (June 10th)


    Ristar is my favourite Mega Drive game. I first played it on Wii VC and went in completely blind. Very solid platformer with great visuals, music and level design. Glad you enjoyed it.

    I've played Nights briefly on PC and enjoyed what I've played of it. I know it's not the Saturn version, but you can definitely appreciate what it was doing at the time. Will need to go back. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  6. I've been spending some time with the old Switch this week. 

    Picked up a few games in the sale, GuacameleeNo More Heroes 2, and in a much-needed role reversal, @nekunando persuaded me to part with my cash and pick up Captain Toad at 33% off. I've been playing the latter quite a bit and got onto the second world. In a cruel twist of fate, there's no hope of me regretting my purchase, I'm really enjoying it. Sorry, Greg. Maybe next time you can exact your revenge. Will probably spend the remaining eShop cash on the Cadence of Hyrule DLC as I have just enough left + gold coins to cover it. I'm also probably going to pick up Mario Golf next week and Skyward Sword with a voucher. My hunt for a decently priced physical copy has been unsuccessful so far. 

    The game I'm going to gush about today though is Box Boy + Box Girl. Picked it up in a sale a last month and have been working my way through it in handheld mode. Anyone who's familiar with the series will need no introduction to what's on offer here. 16 worlds and over 100 levels of puzzle-based joy. Each world introduces a new mechanic and 6-8 levels of gradually more challenging set-pieces based around it. As someone who only played the first 3DS adventure, it seems there is a lot new here, but I cannot say if it's all new to the series as I skipped the later 3DS games. It was, however, a refreshing experience coming hot off the Series S. The game is nicely designed with simple yet stylish graphics and a wonderfully pleasant soundtrack. There is a decent variety in the mechanics and the types of challenges you have to go through. Each world offers something fresh and never goes too deep into one type of challenge. The cutscenes after completing each world tell a cute story where some nice effects and a bit of colour is added to the games black-and-white look. These are done really well although the game does seem to chug at times during cutscenes which was... surprising. 

    It took me about 5-6 hours to get through the main quest. I'm a long way from finishing the game though. I need to give praise to HAL and their implementation of difficulty. While there are no difficulty options, per se, the game clearly has an easy, medium and hard mode. Beating the game from start to finish is not that challenging (that's what I've done). Obviously there is going to be some kind of reward for beating each level using a set number of boxes and collecting the one or two collectable crowns positioned somewhere tricky in the level. I still have to go back and finish off 20 or so levels to get all the medals for doing this. Consider that medium. And then there's the rank you get for beating each level - where you do the all the above as fast as possible and using as few boxes as possible. Achieving an S rank on the first world was tough, so I can imagine there being hours and hours of gameplay if you attempt the rest of them. A lot more content than I could have imagined for a game with a £9.99 RRP. In addition, there's an extra quest that unlocks once you beat the game with a tall Box Boy. It seems there are an additional 9 or so worlds in this quest. There's also an unlockable balloon-popping mini game that has its own set of around 7 challenges, which adds to the already excellent price to content ratio. 

    Really glad I picked this game up. Will definitely go through and sweep up all the medals in the main quest and try to do the unforgiving balloon challenge mode. As for getting the S ranks, I doubt I have the stomach for it. The additional quest can wait until I fancy playing again, I'm in no rush to do it now off the back of seeing the ending.

    A great eShop title, which really fills that 3DS pick-up-and-play hole. Highly recommended. 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    So what's everyone's five favourite games from this year's E3? For me I'll go with:

    - Starfield - very intriguing, love the look and tone
    - Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - looks hugely expanded from an already amazing first entry
    - Metroid Dread - never been a massive Metroid fan but this looks loads of fun
    Death's Door - hadn't spotted this game before, looks like the next big indie gem
    Breath of the Wild 2 - obv

    Honourable mentions to Somerville and Replaced, definitely picking those up.

    - Super Monkey Ball
    - Super Monkey Ball
    - Super Monkey Ball
    - Super Monkey Ball
    - Super Monkey Ball


    Halo Infinite
    Metroid Dread
    Mario Golf
    Forza Horizon 5


    • Haha 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

    Italy is surely a lock today, but the other 2 games are a lot tougher to call. Incredibly Finland could be the first team to qualify for the knockouts. I’ve got them down for a hard fought point, and Wales taking the 3

    Yeah same for me. Russia were shocking in the first game, I think Finland could nick a point or even a win today. Turkey were very poor against Italy, Wales should have enough for the three points. 

  9. Just now, darksnowman said:

    Will send. 

    Or if you want to come collect, I am trying to shift these DIYs if you are after any?
    Bamboo bench
    Bamboo stopblock
    Bamboo wall decoration
    Brown herringbone wall
    Cabin wall
    Cherry lamp x2
    Cosmos shower x2
    Document stack
    Firewood x2
    Fruit basket
    Garden bench
    Garden rock
    Garden wagon
    Infused-water dispenser
    Ironwood cart
    Jungle wall
    Key holder
    Knitted-grass backpack
    Log chair
    Log decorative shelves
    Log stool
    Magazine rack
    Mum wreath
    Palm-tree lamp x2
    Peach rug x2
    Peach surprise box
    Pile of zen cushions
    Sandy-beach flooring
    Shell lamp
    Tall garden rock
    Windflower fan
    Wooden bookshelf
    Wooden simple bed
    Wooden-mosaic wal

    Yeah I can come over. Don't have any spare DIYs. Anything you'd want in return?

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