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Everything posted by motion

  1. Music I don't care about during porn vids. SPEAKING, particularly from crappy American porn, on the other hand...
  2. LOL stuwii cracks me up.
  3. Looks pretty decent!
  4. Regardless, I think 10 rounds is a suitable amount and the competition should just be ended now
  5. Yer goin' daaaaaaannn Haggis. (maybe)
  6. Have a hug, maybe it'll make u feel better mate
  7. Someone already answered Fish.
  8. No worries, thanks to you for not being horrified by my drawing skills!
  9. Since Shadow didn't answer the question in full: 18:
  10. When you do see it, switch off your brain and don't expect it to look or feel like Super Mario... then you'll enjoy it for a fun, hilarious romp (the best kind).
  11. Indeed! Good times. And I really liked the Mario Bros film (when it was released)
  12. Mario Mario made motion laugh when I first heard it.
  13. Yeah and we all know Luigi is the gay brother anyway.
  14. Lovely lovely artwork. The ONLY thing that lets the box art down is Mario looks a bit plasticky in that shot of him. Apart from that it's the most drop dead gorgeous box art "EVA".
  15. Actually you could probably go on and on about how crap the All Blacks were faced with a second string Scotland side. They won't be winning the World Cup if they play like that!
  16. Yeah was gonna say the Welsh bird looks a bit dim. No surprises there though
  17. That looks so wrong.
  18. Fantastic game, best in the tournament so far!! South Africa 30-25 Tonga Argentina proving they're simply awesome... Argentina 63-3 Namibia And of course... England 44 - 22 Samoa
  19. Agree with Hobbz
  20. I liked the Ace Ventura comparison better personally. Does look like that.
  21. Proved my point, thanks Rokhed (and Haggis). Anyway... purchases!
  22. Because the attention I give you by my one-off posts is insignificant compared to the daily (hourly?) attention-seeking embarrassments you come out with all on your own.
  23. Ireland' team are too old, been together far too long, and have just become bored and stagnant, with no new faces coming in for years. Simple as that, while you have backs with electrifying pace and skill from France, Ireland's are just predictable. O'Connell has been shocking and he epitomises the forwards, O'Gara non-existant and him with O'Driscoll epitomises the backs. After this World cup, O'Sullivan HAS GOT TO start from scratch and build a new team. Keep a few of the old faces of course but a huge clearout after the WC methinks. Tonga looked scary against South Africa, thank god they didn't win. Very very pleased with a decent England win today. Four tries to 1 (dubious one). Balance between forward grunt work and back play was awesome, our lineout was pretty good. Kicking out of hand terrible and a big lapse in concentration in the middle part of the game. Still, pretty pleased and some nice confidence boosting before the winner takes all game next Friday.
  24. Doesn't give a shit about anything except being an attention-seeking tosspot.
  25. If this guy wasn't a mate of Ant's, I would have a very hard time believing all that.
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