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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Resolution is really quite important up to certain levels, then tails off the higher it goes. A 480p 3DS sized screen would still benefit greatly from an upgrade. It's also incredibly behind just about every new releasing handheld device. And like I said, it's not really expensive. Budget tablets are doing that. In fact, drop 3D and do this.
  2. True, the Vita does benefit from a decent PPI and that's why I made that mistake. However that's not to say that I think it looks as good as it could. It basically has the resolution that I would associate with maybe a 2-3 year old phone. For the next generation, 720p is hardly anything technically mindblowing in terms of other mobile devices. Nor should it be that expensive, when you look at some £100-130 phones that do that or greater with no problem. For me, the resolution on the 3DS XL is horrible. If they want to go with a fairly large size model (which most of the world seems to be trending at the moment) then even 480p wouldn't cut it. I agree graphics can be improved in other areas - but why limit people in one crucial area? A 720p screen surely can't be that expensive if many devices are doing it for cheap.
  3. I'd much rather have 720p 30fps. 480p is lower than the Vita - yet again this would be Nintendo sticking far behind what the competition did a generation ago. Take some lessons from the Wii U, Nintendo.
  4. Oh WUT? You didn't just make that up did you? For I sure as shit didn't say it. Let's try a different perspective of the events here. You've argued that OLED was a terrible screen choice (on a console it seems you don't have, let's remember) with a Vita gamer, and told me that they were right to replace it. I produce an article that holds the OLED screen in high regard and states how it bitch slaps the competition, and was dropped for cost purposes. This review was made even taking into account any faults. ie. - net result, OLED was worth it. You then proceed to magnify to great lengths some problems, one of which is pretty trivial, the other I wasn't even aware existed.
  5. If the splotches are what I think you mean, they are only visible in a fully dark room when the screen is on but fully black (e.g. a load screen). When I looked this up, this seems to be a thing with OLEDs and isn't really much of an issue. I wouldn't really advise playing fully in the dark since it's bad for your eyesight, and even then...it's just on black screens. Regarding the burn issues, I can't say I've noticed them.
  6. Nope! As you can see below from Eurogamer's review of the new Vita slim: Does anyone else notice the absurdity of someone who has no idea what the screen is like trying to tell someone who games on it regularly what the screen is like? This reminds me of when you tried to tell Ashley that his review of a game he had played but you hadn't was wrong. My god, you can say such nonsense.
  7. Yes, in that when it was removed on the next model, it caused complaints. Seriously, this argument will get you nowhere. The OLED screen makes games look fantastic - trying to argue otherwise with someone who plays their Vita all their time ain't going to work. The reason they dropped it was primarily because of the cost.
  8. I must confess, I hadn't actually realised the Vita resolution was as low as it was, because for all intents and purposes the games look resonably HD. Although it can definitely be improved if they did another handheld. However, my argument has always been for the next slew of consoles - and that 720p should be a standard. I don't know why you're bringing up £500 1080p gaming on mobiles. I'm arguing that phones in the £100-130 region can have gaming at 720p (or perhaps above, I'm not 100% sure). And I said the next handhelds should at least be 720p, not 1080p. Can't believe you dissed the OLED screen though (maybe because you don't have one and are going off things you've heard). For most people, that OLED screen was a big selling point of the first model. It's beautiful. Shame they dropped it really. Even if some run at it, that's purely proof that it is capable and therefore a fault of the game developers (many of which push ports of games that were 4:3 format and to my understanding look weird when put onto the Vita). How much is down to the Vita being unable to actually run games at full/near full resolution, and how much is down to dodgy ports or screen ratio issues? And again, the next handheld will be some years ahead of the Vita in terms of release date. Is 720p too high to hope for on future hardware? I don't think so.
  9. I don't understand - don't bother because some games aren't caring to make use of it? What about the ones that are/almost are and look great? There will inevitably be a lot of quick and dirty cash turner ports, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth having a decent resolution.
  10. @Serebii It is a lot higher (100k pixels is significant at the level we're talking about), and like I said, you're not taking it account perhaps the more pixel density when determining whether something 'looks' HD. A Vita game will look sharper than a 40 inch screen running a PS3 game at 720p. But really this is besides the point. The Nintendo handheld of the future will be a generation ahead of the Vita, so I would expect it to have at least a 720p screen. Especially because 720p is so ordinary by today's standards.
  11. It's a lot higher than 480p dude. If you look at a game on Vita it has the appearance of an HD game due to the smaller than TV screen size. I suppose pixel density can also be used to argue HD here since screen size can change. Still, what say you to cheap phones easily capable of playing popular 3D games (even if it was just 720p that would be enough), that only cost around £130 or so? Also Vita will be rather old by the time the next Nintendo handheld hits. I would expect at least 720p on the next slew of handheld devices. There's really no reason why not, and we can at least say one thing - right now, the 3DS XL screen resolution is really bad.
  12. I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you saying that most devices with at least 720p (HD) screens can't even run 3D games decently at that level? Because that is most untrue. Especially regarding the Vita - FFX HD, Gravity Rush, Killzone and Soul Sacrifice all show you can very easily run 3D games at the resolution it has (which is almost 720p). I'm playing FFX HD at the moment in fact, and I can tell you it runs brilliantly (don't bring up other dodgy ports to make a case here). Technology has basically moved to the point where even my cheap Nexus 4 (which was selling at £130 a year after release) can run many 3D games really well. In this day and age tons of devices can easily run games at HD/near-HD resolutions. If Nintendo didn't at least have a 720p screen on their next handheld device they would be crucified. Seriously - in this day and age that would not be good enough.
  13. £29 new from Tesco Direct.
  14. Aren't they just saying the same old shit even so, albeit nonsensical? Give me Reyn Time over whatever the crap he's uttering instead any day. :p
  15. The English voices are actually really good. To me, that's like saying 'do a barrel roll' gets annoying in Lylat Wars, heh.
  16. The game often gives you NPC phantoms to summon (some of which you need to summon for trophies) so I don't see it as cheating. Some enemies seem purposely designed to be trolls in 1v1. Also wouldn't want to think about sunlight medals on NG+. Apparently co op is meant to be much more scarce there.
  17. Yeah regular. Doesn't that covenant makes everywhere like NG+? To do that on NG without any gear seems a slice of mental.
  18. I've died 220 deaths. Minus probably about 5 or so since completing the first run through. Pretty good then? t3h Pr0
  19. I lost basically because both times they scored, the stats went their way. On both occasions my goalie had a higher CA stat than the SH left on balls that fired at him, but due to the 50% either way behaviour of the stats (which funnily enough, always went their way) he failed the catch. Fuckers. =P (not bitter)
  20. Incidentally, this is the first image that comes up when you search that. Looks about right.
  21. So, wassup with the Mafias?
  22. Man though, that first Blitzball game is pure troll food. For the first half you have no Jecht Shot. And for only less than 3 minutes do you have Tidus in the second half. And even then, he can really only pull off 1 Jecht Shot due to HP requirements. I know the reward hardly means much and it's doable, but fucking hell.
  23. I agree with this part particularly. Some people regularly state that Nintendo would lose its 'company' culture if it got too big. But it clearly needs to get a lot bigger to produce more games if it can't hook third party content.
  24. Yeah, there's a primal bonfire down there.
  25. Happy Birthday. Don't dare cry like a CHOIRBOY! Compared to ME.
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