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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. It was shown recently that Playstation brought in £3 billion for Sony and it made more revenue for them than any other of their divisions. Their gaming division is clearly very successful and Nintendo would do well to learn from what they're doing.
  2. Fine by me!
  3. I'm up for VoG x3 tomorrow. Shall we say 2PM?
  4. There's tonnes of games on the PS4 @Clownferret. Just because you only see value in COD and FIFA, doesn't mean that's literally all it has. The reason for the PS4 success is simple - it's currently the best games console there is and it gets nearly all the third party games, and Japanese output. Anything extra is a bonus.
  5. Yeah that's the thing, there's a lot of people who never had these games first time round. If they can make a profit from these people as well as people who want to experience the games again but with graphical upgrades then I don't see the problem. More people getting to play games is a good thing!
  6. I don't think it is a joke, no. The reason they are getting made is because there is money in them. As long as there are many new games coming as well, which there are, then there's no issue at all with me. Don't like them? Don't buy them. They're probably not meant for you. Not meaning to go off topic here, but this is just one way for developers to make a little extra money out of their games. Often they outsource remaster development so it's not like it's taking their attention away from making new games. IMO (and I stress my opinion) it's less of a joke than something like amiibos, which are essentially pure cash grabs (what are they, £11?). I'm kinda glad they do remasters as they are a great way for people to play games they may have missed or want to play again.
  7. I wouldn't bother with the first one, it aged pretty badly and it wasn't the most fun game even back in the day. The second game is amazing though (and you can play an interactive comic to make the decisions in the first game).
  8. Get the helm for doing the raid.
  9. Tha fuck is this. Do not want.
  10. This has to be one of the coolest promotions ever. In Denmark, due to blood shortages, if you donate blood you get a free copy of Bloodborne.
  11. Too late. He's already done it.
  12. Team Ballinnnn' Got a pretty decent reward at the end of it. Not Gjallarhorn though.
  13. My concern with it is that we'll see games like Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time that had a Wii version that appeared to be considerably scaled back, to a level similar to the DS version. I know they're different systems to this with different architecture but that 'let's share' ethic makes it seem like there won't be too much of a gap. There's then the problem that if hardly anyone is buying the Wii U now, who will buy the console to play these games if they can instead just buy the handheld? If the focus is compatibility with each other, maybe playing each other's libraries, it makes the home console kinda redundant in their own market.
  14. I'd be up for the raid, from what I recall people wanted to do the raid on normal (with a switch at Deathsinger). Sound good @Eddage @MilaGi @DriftKaiser @Shorty @Deathjam? Sign me up, I'll be on around 8.
  15. Watch Dogs preowned on PS4 for £9.99 from Grainger Games. Great price for the game, GG are also quite reliable on their online side of things.
  16. @Zechs Merquise You say it's a ludicrous message, but is it hard to make the link? On the one hand you have yourself; to me you're behaving pretty immaturely and being fiercely loyal of Nintendo. You tend to argue using Metacritic scores as an empirical measure of quality and complain about anti-Nintendo topics by making off topic comparisons to other consoles and their games. You bring up owning a PC and 360, but none of the topics you post in ever give the impression that you're really that into anything non-Nintendo. Ronnie argues about games he has never played, pushing an agenda that the non-Nintendo consoles are full of soulless games and always has a finger on the button when negativity towards Nintendo arises. Serebii is perhaps the most fiercely loyal and blinkered supporter of a company I have ever seen, but at least he's not nasty about it. Then there's also Wii, who is pretty blinkered too, but I guess we can say at least he's probably aware of it and does know how not to defend Nintendo every turn. In contrast, there are some people who I have seen adopt more consoles in the last couple of years have become more rounded characters on the forum. I have enjoyed talking to Flink as he plays through types of games he has never played before, and how he came to realise the areas in which Nintendo need to step up their game after he has sampled the competition. Just to clear something up, there are obviously people here who only have Nintendo consoles and are absolutely fine with it and don't cause problems around here. But at the same time, I don't think it should be difficult to convince anyone that it makes sense that 'extremists' of any cause will most likely be the ones totally invested in that cause and fiercely rejecting of anything else.
  17. @Zechs Merquise Not at all. I never stated all Nintendo-only gamers are immature, I'm pointing out that on this forum it's never usually the people who have broadened their horizons who are complaining about anti-Nintendo topics, because they're able to see the bigger picture. They can see how well things like online and third party relations are being done on the other formats that they own and so don't feel the need to defend Nintendo every time criticism is levelled against them. And rather than make generalisations about games they haven't played, they have the means to play them to make informed judgements. Anyway I'm taking a step back from this topic now, you've pretty much ruined it by throwing personal insults and swearing at me. Good job.
  18. Wow, could you have proven my point any better than you just did?
  19. It's a shame that the same Nintendo fanboys on this forum come to complain about a topic that has generated some pretty neat discussion, seemingly because it's faintly anti-Nintendo. I swear, it's almost like becoming a multiformat gamer is a rite of passage. The difference in maturity between people who broaden their horizons and those that don't is pretty revealing.
  20. That's...actually pretty unbelievable. You just caused an argument by bringing in a quote I made over 2 weeks ago in the PS4 topic and completely misinterpreting it, then you sit back and pat people on the back in agreement when they remark the topic has become a slagging match.
  21. Doesn't matter either way whether it's NSMB every few years but over several years and generations or AC more regularly but over fewer years and generations. Same problem. The problem is that nearly all Nintendo's big games are like this, be it Mario Kart, NSMB, Mario, Zelda, Smash, Animal Crossing or Pikmin - the console is sold on sequels that rely on the same construct. On the other consoles there are more fairly big games that are new to me. Also I'd argue games like NSMB bring less to the table each iteration whereas at least some of the iterative games on other consoles are story driven and feature different settings/characters.
  22. Nope, nowhere there have I suggested that there isn't variety on those consoles. Very poor form of you (but not at all unexpected) to interpret my comment that way! If anything my criticism of the sequel culture is levelled at Nintendo more than anyone else, even though it happens on all consoles. It's just the biggest problem on Nintendo consoles as almost all of their big games are these sequels, while the other consoles have many more new big games to buffer the old. With Nintendo's sequels it's often a sequel that hasn't changed much over generations, too. When I'm playing the next NSMB I'm really quite aware of how much this plays out like the first, all those years ago. And when it came to Smash recently, I just felt total apathy to play more than a smattering games with friends. There's only so long you can play a particular game. I think you're also confusing variety with sequel culture. You might be able to make a case that Nintendo has variety as it has racers, platformers, some shooter games, etc. You can have a variety of games, but that variety can be nearly the same variety each time. Think of it this way - imagine having a tin of Celebrations and commenting favourably about the variety contained within. Now imagine having the same tin of chocolates the next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. You know, sometimes I'd like a tin of Roses. And with No Man's Sky, and quite a few other titles that bring something new to the table, I feel like that's what I'm getting. Sometimes it's not always a new IP that gives you that feeling, rather new gameplay mechanics, or something that hasn't been placed in front of me an awful lot in the past 5 years. And you know, maybe I still have a soft spot for some Celebrations. But like so much in life, balance is key.
  23. I was actually quite disappointed in terms of item balance in the game (for instance stars/mushrooms are gimped, which have always been useful to regain positions after being thwarted). The game looks really nice but I far preferred Mario Kart Wii back in the day.
  24. The difference is that those people are actually lightening up and having a laugh about it - context and motive are key to understanding the situation. Based on what we've all seen of you the past couple of weeks you have some odd seething hatred of the competition and a passionate defence of anything Nintendo. Just today you went to the PS4 topic to quote a several day old post by me, seemingly to make the same points again about what you think about the competition. That's actually some dedication. Your pre-emptive knocking of voice chat when discussion about it hasn't happened for a few days at first glance seems weird. In a way though, there is method to it. By ridiculing the notion of people complaining about voice chat, I reckon you intend to deter people from taking part again. It just...doesn't really work. By making that line of discussion sound like a joke, you actually anger the people that are passionate about it, since you're essentially belittling something they value. Well, either you don't realise that, or in a strange way you enjoy the bickering that then ensues as it's another chance to bring up that agenda/complain about the state of the forums. Oh, the trials and tribulations of forum politics.
  25. The PS4 doesn't need any help, people are very happy with it and it's selling through the roof. There's a tonne of diverse games coming to it, in stark contrast to the Wii U. If anything the Wii U could have really done with it.
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