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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. also one thing we havent actually none us of explicity stated in our speculations yet.... ...which side is mafia??? tho srs if someone does get tempted to run one and has the time I'd happily throw in some ideas here and there for speculative roles; then sit back and watch and enjoy whilst you do the work! With arguments of influence interference rogue agents rogur slogans p45s being served letters falling off backboards not being able to tell us how many children you have why are you so antisemitic etcetc but also really bad graphs statistics and social media stunts...
  2. That's exactly the sort of fucking bullshit Cameron said too and look what happened!
  3. honestly one of my favourite mafias to dateand it was well before i wasnt even remotely aware or understanding of british politics but your House of Parliament mafia was brilliant and I loved being Kenny Clarke(someone I've since actually come to possibly respect as the only half decent Tory anymore :p)
  4. Ah yeah sorry I probably didn't actually communicate my enthusiasm properly. My boner is still raging from having seen the idea of a mafia again. I am 172.9% in.
  5. mate i think you will love it
  6. you son of a bitch
  7. i want it to be known the above was posted literally at the sight of mafia and i have not read thread
  8. i literally fucking smashed through Super Star for the gazillionth time on Switch t'other day so excuse my rawness but srsly you cant be doing the cute lil pink down with this sort of disgusting corruption i will fucking cut you you dont even want to know about my hidden move
  9. uhh i think it may actually have since been confirmed that they might not have been the wub wub wubs of time distortion but instead actually just a really fucking loud helicopter over the local vicinity of hyde park
  10. infraction issue for inappropriate kirby content please @Ashley
  11. Previous bits aside I had actually intended to come and post this random sketch Youtube or something fed me the other day; Now ofc I am posting it for the funnies but one thing I'm a big lover of is comedy especially as a social commentary. With increased issues such as things as white voice actors not playing 'non-white' characters(see Hank Azaria/Apu and a few others having committed to the idea) and also having had Chappelle come out with a special following the George Floyd murder - where if anywhere do people feel comedy intersects with issues and how does it fly when race becomes a hot topic of the moment in society?
  12. 🤔🤔🤔....
  13. the tango is copyrighted?! Ah ok. So. It's Hyde Park but some kids got their frisbee stuck in a tree. @Goafer had a great fb caption the other day when it popped back up in all the memories so I'll ask him to post his explanation. However I can name the members who ARE in the picture somewhere; Me(Rummy), mr-paul, (a hidden) Cube, Shorty, MoogleViper, ReZ, Goron_3, Jimbob, THE legendary Host himself Zell, Sheikah and Dannyboy-the-Dane. Photography by: Goaferboy
  14. ok you're really gonna have to be a bit more specific here again you are really gonna need to be MORE specific here...
  15. I guess an issue with this is the fact this medium contracted whilst others expanded. Member attrition rates habe shifted drastically. Far more instant social media took all the focus etcetc. BUT. I don't think we need to give up on this yet. Big Tech and Big Social Media is becoming more and more bullshit(and more and an unregulated and unmoderated wasteland) and I think in time these places could potentially come back up again in a big way. A lot of the functions we used social media platforms for have shifted or grown tired but the basic idea and medium of conversations between humans with a forum I doubt is ever likely to truly die anytime soon.
  16. Nothing to do with this; but having seen a few of us recently celebrating this photo(5 years old!) on fb and it being such a classic I thought why not post it up here too;
  17. Rummy

    bob mate honestly I am just moderating. I hid your post from thread because I said to bring it to visitor walls. Not looking to hide in private happy to have discussions but if you wanna look back in public record I am moderating someone with almost max infractions.

    Again happy to have all discussions around this public here on these visitor walls so I am not hiding anything but not within the thread.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goafer


      Whilst I do think it was a bit OTT in this instance, I think it's come from a certain member constantly posting things that they know to be inflammatory, but no so much that the mods can actually do something about it. This rubs people the wrong way and builds up until outbursts like this.

      It's happened before and it'll happen again. It's always the same person involved and it's made this place poisonous.

    3. Rummy


      I can't comment too mich on Goafer's comment but yeah I completrly understand your PoV bob thats why I posted to explain it. As a forum/community mod the PoV is not neccessarily always thread limited - so I can get where you're coming from and how it looks but that's also why I like to try and keep my own moderation open and public and have done since I came about(even if it did cause...uhh...some MILD controversy within the Nintendo sub-forum) because I think it is fair for all to see.

      I won't hide anything in telling you this either - when I have forced Ronnie(more than once) into a discussion about the issue still well within the public realm just like this but OUTSIDE of the thread he has ignored it. He ignored PMs. When these discussions were kept open and public in previous instances between me and himself - he subsequently deleted the messages from his own visitor wall. Do not mistake yourself in thinking I have not engaged this in multiple ways literally over multiple years because I very much have. Maybe it reflects one of the most perfect lessons of the whole thread and issue of it all;


      It is incredibly difficult for us to judge and evaluate those things that we cannot see. Should we be unable to see them we should admit our blindness and be led by the visions of others - far more rarher than invent our own fantasies and illusions before our eyes to replace the things we cannot see. Again I completely see and take your point(one no doubt shared by others) - but moderation is not as simple as a thread by thtead basis, imo.

    4. Rummy


      Public question for the former doctor but absolutely no obligation on public, or even private(tho feel free to PM if you wanna), reply.

      You got to the word haywire at the end of my post so you clearly read it all and comprehended it all - so why did YOU still post in the thread instead of on my public wall as I had requested folks to do?


      Again you don't have to answer. This isn't a mod and punishment question lol - genuinely curious to consider and discuss(because of course I have considerations too) the driving psychology behind it. I don't want you to feel on the spot or as if you're being blamed for doing something though - it happens and we all know it happens; but I'd enjoy you insight if you fancy offering it. I just enjoy human behaviour quite a lot I guess :p

  18. Haha no not at all! It was meant to be an obvious joke. Hence I even center senctioned it off with the --- before I posted seriously. I pointed it at @Goafer as me and him joke a lot all the time and I knew he wouldn't be bothered(ofc I havent spoken to Ashley and hes knows that lol) it was also meant to be a slight joke about me being brown myself and the irony of his content saying he wasnt aiming it anyone and me taking offense...(because what brown person would?) Also my original edit has JK as the start before I sectioned it off. Please do remember this is the internet much is lost in written communication and do give me some credit. If Goafer needed to have an issue with this he would take it up with me himself. tl;dr: see @Happenstance's hobo joke that flew without exception.
  19. No. What you mean is you 'can't express (yourself) in a way that won't be offensive'. Besides which you didnt even READ Modwin's original post nor even follow-up posts in the thread properly before posting like that(otherwise you would not have been mistaken as you were)- you show less respect for the discussion. Coming in here taking pre-emptive offense about something that wasn't even said?? This thread has REPEATEDLY been pointed out as positive tolerant open etcetc by pretty much all participants. Will even bumped it because he felt it was so worthy to continue. I will NOT have you post in here trying to pretend the basic faults in yourself and your inability to discuss and express yourself within this forum without offending others is anything but that. I will not have it be projected onto others of this forum and especially not THIS topic given its achievements and openness so far that they are taking offense where you are not giving it. I will NOT have you come in here and take your inadequcies of reading comprehension nor inadequacies of your expression and let you project a blame for them onto others. Nobody will take offense if you express yourself non-offensively. Your incapability to that is YOUR problem. Nobody else's and not this community's. I will not even tolerate you putting that idea within this thread. Consider yourself, please. Replies and discussions wanted by anybody in response to this post - please post on my visitor wall. Happy to keep it public but I do not want this thread going haywire.
  20. Look I've already spoken to Ashley about this before but if you don't stop this relentless hounding and abuse of me I'm going to take these matters into my own hands. --- Anyhow I've been coming across these things coming up more again recently and curiously seeing a couple fb friends posting about deleting fb friend posting all that shit etcetc. The internet is a very different beast now even to what it was in this very forum's own youth. Politics hits the internets and it does so in waves. With US elections up all the various propaganda machines both all domestic AND international foreign states are flowing in to full and frenzied motion at some of the higher capacity levels. The internet and 'the world' as it were and their interactions as we progress are really fascinating and important to very much of all of these issues at a fundamental level imo.
  21. https://futurism.com/neoscope/gun-shoots-masks-onto-faces
  22. Rummy


    Greed seems to be back on the agenda? Google and Apple have pulled Fortnite from their stores because Epic were trying to encourage users to pay direct for content and circumventing the store/platforms fees etc? The 1984 play against them is pretty slick memewise lol(detailed in article with link to original 1984 ad) and it's gonna be curious to see how much Epic can whip up in this fiasco PR wise to gain support given popularity of Fortnite? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/aug/13/fortnite-maker-lawsuit-apple-app-store-removal
  23. well you havent asked me for any of them pictures on here for ages now...
  24. The actual Axios interview is just....unbelievable. Starting with the HBO ident amuses me greatly amuses me too as my own HBO consumptions have been high drama or pure comedy 🤣
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