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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. dazzybee is right in that you can't guarantee/promise that Serebii, but I realise you don't mean it quite like that. Let's agree to disagree here, folks.
  2. That was my point!
  3. Hope that ain't the seeds of DLC being planted here...
  4. There's no me in team, Serebii!
  5. [/game] [/character] The bastard just knock down gingered my house on a jog, but basically I don't think he's going to be coming back to play - the downtime combined with some small family issues has kinda taken it out of him, so he said to go ahead and replace.
  6. Was expecting to hear from a few more of you, but I'm basically down with what Danny the boy says. Vote:Sheikah
  7. Does make you want to ask though - how good could it be if they got it right!! Or righter at least. More right? Better? One thing it's definitely done - got me playing. I imagine I'm past 80-90 hours on it now, which is a bit mental to think about really.
  8. I'd second most of this - the addition to it would be what O_W and Kav have mentioned - speedy/easy weapon changeouts. I think the kickout/loss of friends is one of the most annoying things I find about the game; either on stage change or because you wanna quickly change your gear and BAM! 3 minutes waiting time OR even worse you can't get get in there because it's 'full'. Gamepad's perfect for doing it on too - doesn't need to interrupt the lobby part at all; if you aren't fast enough then you go with what you've got.
  9. Belated birthday wishes to you @Mr\-Paul!
  10. Yep! Meltdown does Smash every monday iirc, think it's PM/Smash4 and Melee/Smash4 alternating weeks(so always Sm4sh, PM/Melee alternating). People ain't messing there though - no place for a filthy casual like me! Except spectating/being fodder that is.
  11. I was tempted to say the same - but I know people who've ended up watching someone else play and appreciate it differently, and I got told a fair bit about the game before I played it(though I had trouble picturing it) and still loved my own playthrough. Was on loan and I didn't fancy a second playthrough so soon, so ended up with just the one before I gave it back. Think it'd definitely be something I'd get if I get a PS4(though I dunno if folks'd still be playing by then :p)
  12. Oh yeah, I keep an eye on them to replace them - I'm talking about when I lay them and spend time in the local area(so I can then replace it if people do jump). I've occasionally also tried the 'To Me' shout sometimes but it doesn't always get much notice - understandable though because you have to take your eyes of the screen and sometimes you're just not in the situation for that!
  13. Yeah can definitely see where you're coming from there - I just wish more of my team mates actually utilised my beacons! It's nice to be able to essentially use the brush to set up your own little area behind lines for people to jump to but...nobody seems to jump there when I do!!
  14. What else to try and sell your console but the generations of Mario that sold your consoles?
  15. And there was me trying to not say much about Journey to avoid spoiling them at all :p I have to say, Flink's Witcher post alone and some of the little titles I see you all posting about is really making me think about getting a PS4 at some point. Shall maybe wait for the next good deal or a price drop and have it as something to take me through Winter. Maybe I'll set myself a challenge of actually playing all my Wii U games first though(Splatoon is getting in my way of playing anything much, right now).
  16. Got an hour or two in last night so decided to bust it out for a try(across 4 stages due to the time, too, so that was good) and its....definitely an Inkbrush! I pre-empted my gear and equipped some ink saver items(mains and seconds) so I don't know what it's like just vanilla/with weak gear but I found it different in a few ways; 1.) It didn't seem to feel as good as it actually was. I was topping matches with base 700-900 mostly(so 1000-1200 on wins). It SEEMS it isn't doing a lot of coverage, but I think it flings more ink on a greater area - the spread/gaps makes it look like less than it is. It also feels like it swings more slowly when I'm handling it(especially compared to competition waving it in my face). I kept being surprised with my end performance. 2.) It's powerful! You can kill with this bad boy. Often. For most of the encounters I had with people, I'd be able to kill them pretty hard and fast. Sometimes I'd even get two of them who were trying to get me - it's pretty rare I'm doing that normally. 3.) I didn't know how I feel on the Kraken as I hadn't used it much before. I already liked Beacons, and having used the Kraken a few times(seems to charge the special relatively easily, but that might just be the Kraken's way and my gear) - I can see why people like it. 4.) Again, possibly gear related but I didn't find the ink consumption too annoying - may just be how I play with inkbrushes though. I actually found my consumption worse with the original Inkbrush - that may have been sub and usage related(despite the Octobrush's consumption, it may be more efficient at times?). Will it become my main weapon/inkbrush? Possibly. Want to have some more time with it but I really enjoyed being back on the Inkbrush game - the wider run-paint-width is a subtle but added bonus that I think could add up. It suits my general play of swipes+hide/recharge and I think taking a slow and steady approach like that with it, you can get on quite well in the match without the ink consumption becoming an issue. Like anything - you've just got to be aware of its risks and limitations and keep them in mind. I think the added oomph of the Octobrush when things DO come down to a battle with another player is much needed - though I still wouldn't recommend going looking for it if you don't have to.
  17. Just seen this news myself - can't say it was a game I was bothered about but Ouch. Another nail in the Wii U - and sadly not really through any current fault of its own(it's the standard issue it's always been and we already know - it isn't up to scratch for developers) but not very good for it. As for the devlopers - pretty shitty they've been touting the promise of it up until quite recently, when it looks like that wasn't really the case(in their defense, I think they probably did really try, but just couldn't get what they wanted out of it). Extra scathing being a crowd-funded game but hey - perils of the model.
  18. It's clearly reliable - as you've claimed you DID target someone, and so did I! What I'm saying is that for some reason, there was at first an apparearance that you WEREN'T targetting someone - I'm just giving full disclosure. It may have just been a slight disruption for me, as Poppa Cube be pointing out.
  19. For me I probably won't, as August is a quite a busy month for me(including in...The N-Europe Summer Meet 2015!) but I definitely agree with you on the latter point of having more bonus points for your own individual scores; would def make things a bit fairer when you've got slack people on your team(had some myself on Sunday). Splatoon has some good ideas in it, and whilst achieved well in some ways, I do think there's room for improvement.
  20. Well I don't find it very friendly when my 5-6 hours of playtime is largely counter-acted by some people's 30 seconds to click a button!! :p
  21. I'm not saying he had no target! I'm saying it started off saying he had no target, but then(literally in the next line) that he DID have a target BUT I couldn't see who.
  22. Ahhhh, well I honestly hope you both enjoy it and let us know what you think!
  23. Ever so briefly in the morning - due to the Splatfest I didn't wanna play too much and haven't really had time to do so since; I did feel it was a bit too ink heavy though. I might try and take it for a bit of a spin next time I'm on(got splatted good by some brushers yesterday) but I'm super busy this week - will let you know what I think after I've tried it more!
  24. Cos I totally was saying you definitely had no target, dawg. (hint:it's the 'quote marks')
  25. I was on constant, no breaks, and also getting a majority of wins. Win+400p=5 points vs 2 points for a loss with 400p. Given the time nature of things, that 5/3 point difference can really matter. The matchmaking is long in splatfests so far, so call a 'match' 4 minutes long at best - call that 15 matches an hour and you're looking at a minimum of 30 vs a maximum of 75. Aaaaand....this is why you should always check your sources. Your way was actually 207 vs 193, I added an extra 10 to the second when I posted somehow.
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