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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Well done @Ike tonight, that was totally your night. Me on the other hand, totally pants.
  2. Yup thats totally it, get your act together, @martinist
  3. That’s the first time I’ve ever known MK tweets to do that.
  4. There you go, plus a few others for your viewing pleasure.
  5. You seem to have your priorities wrong there Glen. MK always comes first.
  6. Fun times. @Ike I'm assuming your bit is knowing the fake smash ball but going after it anyway, just like me and @Glen-i can't resist a Kamikaze. (cause surely you must recognise the difference by now) Some great matches, and probably my most satisfying win in a long time with this match...
  7. Just the one from me tonight, but its a very satifying Suddenly Bananas throw.
  8. It is, and the fact that Nintendo just sat on it and didn't say anything. How many more games out there having something hiding?
  9. So the one for the free choice of fighting an opponent is simply holding Y+R and pressing A or start? How was that never found? I'm always pressing buttons like that. I mean there's only so many buttons on the SNES controller and I thought that these kind of cheat codes would be the first to be tried,
  10. And done! 200cc gave me a few issues but it was more my own fault on Sky-High Sundae by messing up on the last lap. Had a few races where I'd also get Mario Karted near the end of the race which made me restart, but I'm all done. Roll on Wave three.......in like a year! 😆
  11. Or just carry on as you were cause you are gonna just get Mario Karted on the last corner whatever you pick. Or you like the kart you drive now, or the fact that if you're playing Baby Park it really doesn't matter what you chose. Surprisingly not a lot. Yes it's chaotic at time, but there really is only the one hairpin bend that needs any breaking, and that's like half a seconds worth for me. I've now done 3* for all new cc of cups up to 200cc including mirror, except 200cc on Copter (is it copter) the one with Sky-High sundae. The floaty glidey stuff is messing me up on both occasions I tried just now. I'm not having trouble with the other three tracks so I'm sure I'll be done by tomorrow.
  12. I'm sure I read that it is like marginally quicker to do the shortcut but not really worth it.
  13. Anyone else feel that Nintendo upped the AI's game with this booster pack? I've noticed that their banana dropping game is much more coordinated in that they place them in groups or in much more strategic places, like before boxes or jumps. But I've also noticed, and correct me if I'm wrong, but they are THROWING RED SHELLS BACKWARDS NOW!!!!
  14. Great games guys, triple Dark Pit and Triple Yoshi to finish the night, the game always knows.
  15. Maybe I should have started the room for me and @Ike to start. Guess we'll just wait it out.
  16. Will you be able to add on anytime at the end of Smash for loss of time at the start?
  17. And I think you'll have @Mokong for company at the back too.
  18. Yep, along with Sweet Sweet Canyon these remind me of Sugar Rush from Wreck it Ralph, which by the way was ripe for a racing game based of levels from that, I still don't know why we didn't get it. Anyway, enjoy And this last one I am very proud of
  19. Fixed it to annoy Glen and his inward drifting bike.
  20. So did anyone actually watch SummerSlam? Pretty much shows HHH is running it from Also the Last Man Standing match between Brock and Roman was actually deserving of the LMS gimmick. What a battle and a wreck and possible the new best ring spot ever. We also seem to have our Clash at the Castle main event with Drew as number one contender, so I really hope they pull the trigger and give us the ending we deserve.
  21. Well that was a fun alternative. One mistake costing you to fall to your death ends your game. Also that night couldn't end any other day than it did. Hero (menu) fight, with me and @Glen-i getting and using Kamikaze to kill ourselves. Hope you are happy with that @Ike 😂
  22. Just had to say well done George for that amazing qualifying session. Mercedes are starting to look like they are getting closer to the top two each week. Great race pace and now some really good one lap times too. It's going to be a good race tomorrow.
  23. Which is why I always take this with a 10lbs bag of salt. Heck even Nintendo could be doing it just to mess with people. They put those in and "let people find it" only to then mess it all up by completely changing it for the next release.
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