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Everything posted by James

  1. James


    I dont do BMX but I do have two BMX's a GT tour 04 and a F4 Series Haro with ACS Mags.
  2. Nothing to do with google video but with your subject, this is fucking brilliant http://www.kontraband.co.uk/show/show.asp?ID=2403&rtn=main-topten
  3. Microsoft will have paid megabucks for Ms Dark to be on the cover, Lara Croft kinda did it on her own if you get my drift.
  4. Yar crucial are excellent, although sending RAM back is a lenghty process.
  5. Number one in the US Box Office making $16.1M at the weekend, not bad at all.
  6. Hotdog gave it a 5/5 and claimed it was better than the revenge of the sith, Ive seen neither but anything is better than Star Wars.
  7. I couldnt find you but this guy is clearly 2 cool 4 school.
  8. You start liking it more when you pull of wonderful tricks and mega combos, if only I leveled up more.
  9. Just getting ready for winter it would seem, and maybe next winter by the looks of things. There used to be a Pigeon with a club foot where I live, I do believe its dead now.
  10. Word has it, In truro, GAME has one of the best female shop assistants. Plus why should anyone care if he's gay or not. Rupert aint that bad........................
  11. Thats a bit woo.
  12. Not bad for a mac, it said.
  13. Nah, looks more like it was embossed on to black/grey background, then added an interior radial blur to create the large beam effect you see before you.
  14. Well I predict no team is going to win, lose or draw since nobody is playing today(friday)
  15. Is there anyway at all to go back before you fight Ydggradiirirlrdflfkdlas and his bint the fair lady of west coast, as i keep getting pounded and want to level up more. Yes I dont know there names.
  16. seems you were allowed your caps, so thats something...
  17. Im sure Jordan will be skipping along soon to personally remove if for you.
  18. anything is better that Halo 2 single player, FACT.
  19. They use cats as-well, dont forget the cats, I haven't signed.
  20. Fair enough about pictures but interviewing her, a character thats doesn't exist.
  21. Im more of a Kangaroo Pie man myself from walkabout, goes down well with a few Fosters Ice.
  22. Rugby League all the way, its faster and better and teams win by scoring tries and not penalty kicks all the time and hoofing it into touch every chance they get. But I do like watching England get a good hammering.
  23. Yes, because you broke the boards.
  24. on a premium rate phone line, I suspect.
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