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Everything posted by James

  1. Is this fo sho? You never buy clothes/shoes for your wife/girlfriend, SHE WILL NOT LIKE IT!
  2. Microsoft released something similar to that it's called. on{x}. If your a java script guru its meant to work very well.
  3. Looking forward to seeing more of suso. He's looking very good. Pleased the youngsters are getting games it can only be good for them!
  4. What about the galaxy nexus. It's got a dual core processor and come with the latest version of Android and a tasty screen. I think you can pick them up for around 350 squid now.
  5. You wouldn't really be able to tell if Android gaming was for you with those phones, they are pretty crap and have small screens. Just get a nexus 7
  6. If you look at shelvey as well, he got the ball with the side of his boot problem was his foot bounced off the ball and the studs into Evans leg. Should have been classed as a 50/50 tackle and carried on the game as normal. Should have had a penalty as well. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Are you sure, Valencia had a panic attack and just fell over.
  7. a] What's this '3G' thing all bout? It's fast internet for browsing and downloading while on the move b] Howd I do that thing where Im in wifi-mode but when I exit the wifi barrier then I devolve back down to this 3G-mode? (if ive got that correct?) It does it automatically e1, e2, e3 and e4] Can I go into wifi-mode by stealing connections from work etc?... Or can I only do that via hotspots at restaurants/hotels/near local porn call-girl companies etc?... At friends/relatives houses you have to ask for their connection codes for it to work? Howdya know when you're are at an hotspot then? If you know the wi-fi codes you can, there is a setting on android that alerts you when you come into an area that has wi-fi g1, 2 & 3] Can you stream vids on the internet? Could I go on to anime sites and stream full eps? This is a huge one - could I possibly stream conferences or live tv? You can, make sure you on wi-fi if your going to do it if your not on an unlimited data plan. There are various apps for watching live TV f] Is Word already preinstalled on teh device, or do I download it (free?)? No there is free apps that will allow you to open office documents. Just search the app store
  8. Amazon are pretty good with me. I am prime so I do always get it on the Friday.
  9. One liners from the 80's. your the hane bro
  10. I was so bored on Friday I decided to complete the campaign. Christ on a bike it was boring. Get behind cover, shoot. Rinse and repeat. What was other peoples opinions on it? Just seems after the third game it's completely worn itself out with no knew ideas.
  11. Why this has to come out so close to borderlands 2. Eurogamer gave it a 9/10. Marvellous.
  12. I watched this and got a boner.
  13. 19th of september it seems.
  14. I never played borderlands one so it will give me a bit of time to get into it. Plus don't mention the football!
  15. Yeah I'll play. I'm not a total douche.
  16. This does my nut in. I ask a user to go to http://www.join.me and I ask them to select the free version. They then say they can't see it. 5 minutes later after many questions I realise they have just searched for it.....
  17. Your upload speed and ping is better I be getting it for the 360
  18. How does the nexus 7 not infringe apples patents. Rectangle with a silver bezel?
  19. Liverpool have confirmed Carroll has buggered off to West Ham. Hope he does well but he was never gonna fit in Rodgers plans and start games.
  20. Walcott thinks he's worth more than 75k a week. What planet is he on. He's guff.
  21. Very good from Liverpool. Gutted about the result though but as they say would have taken a draw before the game. Hopefully we'll get some luck along the way. Sterling and Allen looked very promising.
  22. Totally agree agree about the cars they were just no fun to drive which in turn made GTAIV boring, you had to be careful to get round a corner, you couldn't just throw the back end out like in previous games and fly round the bends.
  23. Some of the case was for design infringements, square rectangle, that kind of thing. One of the patents was where the page bounces when it comes to the end of scrolling, yes really, that is a patent!!
  24. Liverpool have signed sahin on a season long loan, finally. Good bit of business but not really sure where he's gonna play since we have a packed midfield already. Time for shelves and Adam to go.
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