With golden goal it would always likely go to penalties. No team wanted to take the risk and go try score a goal when they could leave themselves open to a counter.
This is the game that just keeps on giving. You want to keep playing and not put it down. Every turn something new happens. Just a really great adventure game and everyone loves a bow and arrow as well.
Everyone should play this
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Any of you chaps used Google now abroad. Its just a wealth of information thrown up in your face. Google translate, currency conversion, directions to popular places, weather. Anything you need while abroad.
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Nice easy win for Liverpool, No idea at all why laudrup played a weaker team with 7 days until the final next Sunday, could understand if the game was on a Wednesday. I suppose if they win people won't be complaining.
I never said it needs to be ignored. I just said it happens in every league. Look at the Oldham player holding Jagelkia when he scored. That was in the English league. It happens everywhere.
Best English striker Gary Hooper did fuck all though....eh!
That defending at corners happens in every league. Its not just Italian league. Just an excuse to be used because Celtic couldn't hit a barn door.
I don't get this, my mate is left footed and when we play a monday all we here is 'he's only got a left foot'. Most people who play football with a right foot don't have a left foot.
People who tuck seatbelts under there arm. Fuck off. Its not uncomfortable to wear one. Your just being a dick and it's not going to help you in accident.
Well Hazard has been sent off for 'kicking the ball boy' the ball boy was lying on the floor not letting Hazard have the ball back, i'd have booted him in the face.
Can't see many clubs opting for Remy if QPR get relegated, signing a player motivated by money is always bad business.
Saw this article today. http://www.whoateallthepies.tv/man_city/153255/man-city-finally-release-michael-johnson-behold-his-horrible-fat-disgusting-monster-face.html
Such a shame for such a talented youngster. I guess they paid him too much too young.