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Everything posted by James

  1. Had Amazon prime for three years now, only one problem when black ops 2 was a day late. I complained and they extended an extra month.
  2. No idea, amazon are lsiting them at £55 at the mo. If you had an N64 prices have in fact actually gone down, Who remembers paying £70+ for turok!!!
  3. I think it has reduced cars and tracks, you can then 'upgrade' to the full version i think, pretty sure I read that somewhere.
  4. They'll be more than happy to develop for the Xbone because of the DRM stuff, I'm more surprised they are not walking away from the PS4 to be honest.
  5. I think your getting a hell a lot of grunt for 350 quid, the rrp on the dual shock controller is 50 quid on it's own, so let's say your getting a PS4 for 300 quid. I think its very good.
  6. I would reckon charging to play online will help Sony recuperate some of the loss made on the console.
  7. I posted this in the drive club thread but incase anyone missed it from PlayStation twitter account. PS Plus Instant Game Collection confirmed for PS4! The first game: #DriveClub! Available at PS4 launch. Free PS4 game each month
  8. James

    Drive Club

    From Playstation twitter PS Plus Instant Game Collection confirmed for PS4! The first game: #DriveClub! Available at PS4 launch. Free PS4 game each month
  9. That's me sold.
  10. The constant use of the word 'cloud' is rather unsettling.
  11. One gold account that everyone on the xbox can use. About time!
  12. I'd like to think if the ratings turn out bad Channel 4 being Channel 4 they have got the brass to run the second series despite a potential lack of viewership.
  13. Great stuff, completely hooked already. Originally thought everyone coming back was on the bus, but not so. Can't wait to see how it's all going to pan out.
  14. Fair enough, the whole microsoft statement released makes zero sense to me it's as bad as it was when they talked about it in there XBone reveal.
  15. Didn't the MS statement just say friends can play your games? Or has something gone way over my head.
  16. Erm the same place 7th place, Liverpool would have finished 7th this season without Saurez in the team.
  17. Well Suarez has announced he wants to leave with his 3rd press conference of the week, his excuses are getting worse mind....
  18. They had adverts all around the pitch saying 'coming 2013' for 90 minutes why would they pay for a 30 second slot. Anyhooooo enjoyed the game, fitting robben got the goal but feel sorry for Dortmund although Munich did look stringer towards the end.
  19. I'm torn between who I want to win. Always liked Dortmund but I'd like to see Munich finally win it after losing it for the past 2 years. Tough decision. Hoping for a doozy of a game though.
  20. Oh dear, the new San Marino, I don't know who will be worse.
  21. I don't think it would be best to backup everything and transfer to a new phone, plus I think you have to be rooted to backup apps. But you can have a look at an app like titanium backup if that's what your wanting to do. Stuff like contacts will carry across if they are backed up to google.
  22. Good news for Liverpool......
  23. Sounds like it's a dildo you need not a new xbox.....
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