a] What's this '3G' thing all bout? It's fast internet for browsing and downloading while on the move
b] Howd I do that thing where Im in wifi-mode but when I exit the wifi barrier then I devolve back down to this 3G-mode? (if ive got that correct?) It does it automatically
e1, e2, e3 and e4] Can I go into wifi-mode by stealing connections from work etc?... Or can I only do that via hotspots at restaurants/hotels/near local porn call-girl companies etc?... At friends/relatives houses you have to ask for their connection codes for it to work? Howdya know when you're are at an hotspot then? If you know the wi-fi codes you can, there is a setting on android that alerts you when you come into an area that has wi-fi
g1, 2 & 3] Can you stream vids on the internet? Could I go on to anime sites and stream full eps? This is a huge one - could I possibly stream conferences or live tv? You can, make sure you on wi-fi if your going to do it if your not on an unlimited data plan. There are various apps for watching live TV
f] Is Word already preinstalled on teh device, or do I download it (free?)? No there is free apps that will allow you to open office documents. Just search the app store