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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. How do you get 100%? I've got all trophies, solved the arkham mystery and done all challenges...
  2. Yeh i'm pretty sure I heard Winter 09 too. Let's face it, it's a port after all. Doubt they need to work on it too much.
  3. Well I was expecting them to go on for at least a few years yet. There's no room for a high priced console on the market right now and let's face it, the next gen is likely to be fecking expensive. I've already got a bigger collection on my 360 than I ever had on any other console. That's saying a lot considering my N64 and Cube collections maxed out at about 25 and I consider everyone one of those games (Like my 360 ones) essential purchases.
  4. Just got it today, i'm really liking it too. It's funny, despite combat being so easy it's not at all. It's actually quite hard to maintain a streak. I also like the way you have to assess the rooms and threats before going ahead.
  5. Yeh that's what I thought but apparently that was debunked years ago. No one knows what it was going to be used for. To be honest, I don't even think Rare knew.
  6. So is anyone downloading the new DLC? It went live today. I'm not sure how worth it is if it's very combat heavy.
  7. Crap, I forgot it was only 12 . Well I guess there'll be ones for completing it on certain settings. Completing the multi-player challenges and hitting certain stats. Hopefully some fun ones.
  8. Yeh I admit I knew nothing about C:M so that does sound different enough for it to stand out against AvP. I still don't see it anywhere near the release date of AvP though. 6 months to a year i'd say. Gearbox are a pretty competent developer too what with Brothers in Arms so they should have the whole co-op thing down.
  9. Hmm so that's confirmed is it? Hmm I think i'll still need more info on it. By the sounds of it it's way off yet. I wonder if we'll even see it next year.
  10. It was all about the crossbow man. Damn scientist... If there isn't an achievement for finding the cheeses then i'd be very surprised. There were so many random things in the game which were never explained to. The passcode for reaching Perfect Agent, the unreachable ammo boxes with ? on them etc. I hope there are new cheeses though
  11. Yes! that's right I thought the same thing at the time :P
  12. NEVAAAAAAAAAAAR! Though on a serious note I think the problem with Colonial Marines now is that it will instantly get compared to AvP. I would've preferred Colonial Marines over AvP but I can't think what it can add new now that AvP hasn't already done. Sure there's the squad mechanic and different story but essentially you will still be a Marine on an Alien world shooting Aliens. Judging by the acclaim AvP 1 and 2 got for fear factor we can pretty much bet they got the whole 'shit your pants scary' down in the 3rd. Territory I don't think Gearbox has covered as much. I am surprised Gearbox is still continuing with the project to be honest. I don't know how big the company is but surely the majority of their efforts is on Borderlands at the moment and I think if Colonial Marines is to be any good it really needs some focus to beat AvP.
  13. I don't care what anyone says this game was so ahead of its time. I had many 'Dragon moments' too, especially if I had someone chasing me. Bloody hilarious. I wonder if this will still be 4 player only or if they can somehow upgrade it to 8. There was the potential of 12 in the original but that included bots...Be awesome if we got some cool little things like a new map or 2 maybe from Goldeneye. Ok I think i'm dreaming there. Was Temple in PD? I know Complex and Facility were.
  14. AR34 was my weapon of choice. Either that or a Dragon.
  15. I can see there being a 'no farsight' rule for most games. It doesn't really take good sniping skill, the way I remember it it actually locked onto enemies. The gun that shoots through doors or walls for the second function was the Callisto I think. I just called it Calypso.
  16. Dude you're just jealous as you won't be able to play either lolololol :p
  17. I think the majority of the PD maps were awesome though a lot of them suffered thanks to the framerate and resolution. Both of which should be sorted in this. I think my favs would be Area 52, Skedar, Villa, Felicity and G5.
  18. Cool, just added to the preorder list.
  19. I got this too pretty much right after the demo finished. I enjoyed it a lot and have been since. It's very super metroid though I am finding that although I think i'm exploring I seem to end up going the way the game wants me too anyway. Hopefully i'll get to go back and explore everything before I finish it. Though the missile upgrade still eludes me
  20. Shame I will own everyone at it though. Hey ho :P
  21. Thing is though even if it's a standard shooter i'll still love it because I have a pulse rifle and I can shoot Aliens...Aliens and Predator have been my fav films since I was small and so i've been waiting for this for a looooong time. I think there's a pretty huge Aliens fan base too in the development community, you only have to look at the influences in so many games like Halo, Gears, Lost Planet, even CoD 4. To be honest very few FPS warrant a second play through in single player, it really is the multi-player i'm looking forward to most.
  22. The horde mode sounds very awesome. I'm not liking every game jumping on the L4D bandwagon but considering the feature was in AvP1 they can be forgiven.
  23. Reminds me a lot of Eternal Darkness mixed with RE1. Looks like an essential purchase.
  24. Looks like LOTR a bit too much. Can kind of see it wasn't intended to be a Castlevania game. Not overly impressed but we'll see.
  25. They were in the DLC? I don't remember that, just the Bavarian. I know you help a squad of marines fight them off on one system. I always guessed they lived for a really long time, or were in hibernation or something.
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