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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. Maybe they're trying to emulate the success of New Super Mario Bros. by bringing him back to basics. Why do I get the feeling they'll still manage to fuck it up.
  2. Where the fuck is Tails?
  3. I'm glad you can alter the face of an imported character. I have been wondering that for a while.
  4. Source: CVG. I'm a bit concerned over this 'main story being disappointing' but then I think back to the first game. I do think the story arc is awesome especially with the twist at the end but for me it was more about the character interaction and decision making that I loved so much. Plus finding all the little side missions and back stories. I think when games are hyped this much nothing will meet the high expectations people place on them.
  5. Same here, i'd go as far as to say it feels like i'm waiting for Ocarina of Time to come out again.
  6. ViPeR

    Dark Void

    Was the main character meant to be a Nathan Fillon rip off? Personally, didn't think much of the demo myself. Grabbed onto a ship, it tells me to 'Hold B or X' I can't remember. I do that, the ship keeps shooting me. I die. Awesome.
  7. Sounded good until I realised you had to pay. They really don't need the money that badly, and people who PAY for those avatar costumes. I'm sorry but that's just wrong. £8 for a virtual stormtrooper costume that no one will care about? The one day ones are funnier, paying for a Halloween costume you only use once a year. Yes you could argue that people do the same in real life but that's where that argument fails, it's REAL life. People might actually give a damn.
  8. I think i'll probably be the class which is tech and weapons expert first. If it's anything like the first one there'll be missions only unlockable by decrypting terminals and stuff.
  9. Some of it is quite different but in a good way, it's a lot more epic. It does still have that Mass Effect feel to it though.
  10. This in general. Yes you look so alternative. So alternative in fact that you look just like everyone else.
  11. So New Game + is in the game then. Not sure why this was ever in doubt, I took it as a given. I mean would you even be able to max out your character in one playthrough anyway? I'm pretty sure you couldn't in the first game.
  12. Each to their own I guess. Weird connection but the default Shepard looks a little like Jack Shepard from Lost. No I didn't intentionally search for a funny shot of Jack.
  13. Pretty happy with the controls, most likely use Classic or CoD.
  14. Well i've decided to order the Collectors Edition because there are quite a few things which do interest me. A) The Dark Horse comic as i'd like to know how good it is. B) The armor, well, you don't HAVE to use it so i'll check the stats before I check that one out. C) I do actually enjoy watching special features DVD's so probably will enjoy that. D) You get VIP access to the Cerberus Network which is some live in game feed, possibly story related I think. E) Lastly i've never owned a Collectors Edition in my life and Mass Effect is one of my favourite games ever so :p
  15. Super Smash Bros: Melee/Brawl. Such depth yet so simple.
  16. Ahh that pile of trash. Forgot about that. Got PD XBLA on the brain.
  17. Am I the only one wondering how the hell you've played a game that's not out?
  18. Just seen the cinematic trailer on XBL. Seriously can't wait. I was tempted to get the Collectors Edition off of GAME.
  19. Just 'winter' which ends in March. I reckon February might be a safe bet.
  20. To be fair Joe's isn't a Christmas song either. I agree with you though, it should be a Christmas song but when was the last time that happened.
  21. The power of teh internet.
  22. It's their own fault to be fair. If they'd done any research into who RATM were they may have realised they aren't just going to do as their told and tone it down. Though this is the BBC after all. I did laugh when he just started swearing, the band probably got a giggle out of that.
  23. That's the highlight of this whole thing. Very funny. "GET RID OF IT!"
  24. True, I couldn't care less about the Xfactor single much less hate it.
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