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Everything posted by bob

  1. Does it require much extra work? Can't you just hand the publisher a USB with the game on and tell them to whop it in a disk, cheers mate, done.
  2. If you take away the nostalgia value, I genuinely don't see the appeal. I never played the NES, SNES or PS1, and all these consoles seem like a rip-off to me. However, when they everyday make N64 and Gamecube versions, I'll probably be throwing my money away, the same as everyone else.
  3. 10 episodes is more than enough room for shark jumping if you try hard.
  4. bob


    Finished Sabrina yesterday. It was ok, but not great. It all seemed a bit incoherent, to be honest. Maybe series 2 will pick up a bit. The opening music was probably the best bit. That and Richard Coyle.
  5. This makes it sound as if you're blasting it loud enough at your mum's house, that you can still hear it at yours. No wonder the neighbour is angry.
  6. You're cycling 150km a week and say that you are struggling to fit any exercise in? I'm pretty happy doing 7 miles a day!
  7. Leafeon is terrible name though. Might as well have called it Grasseon, or Planteon.
  8. I thought Shulk was a girl to be honest. But I guess that makes sense that they'd put a second XC character in then.
  9. Tbh I know Ken is from a fighting game, but don't know which one. I would guess Street Fighter. Same with Ryu. Is he from Tekken? Isabelle I know is from Animal Crossing, although I haven't played the version with her in it. Don't know why we got her rather than Tom Nook. All the Chrom, Shulk, Marth characters are basically the same to me. But I know they're from Fire Emblem. And of course Cloud is from SMB.
  10. Yeah, although I'd never heard of Richter either. Mostly it was the names being thrown around after the 'leak' that I'd not heard of. Who the hell is Rex? Who are the Chorus Kids? Issac? Geno? I'm not saying they aren't popular characters, presumably they are, I just couldn't tell you what game they're from, let alone what they look like.
  11. I'm just hoping I'll at least have heard of some of the DLC characters.
  12. I'm going to wait for reviews I think. I'm not sure it's going to offer me what I want it to, so I want to check before I buy.
  13. I heard he got locked out of his iPad when he could no longer type his password in correctly.
  14. It's probably made from Vibranium.
  15. Anyone else start singing that football chant in their head when they read the title?
  16. I won't be playing online at all as I don't want to discover the true extent of how shit I am.
  17. I have been left out. This is unacceptable.
  18. I knew he was a landlord, but I always imagined him as the landlord of one of those old, New York style apartment buildings - perhaps living in the basement as a superintendent. I never thought he would be a property developer leading out warehouses. I also assumed he was long dead.
  19. I think people have forgotten how dickish people were during the Wii years. Full on insults being thrown and acting like children. Things right now are a minor disagreement by comparison.
  20. SOTC was pretty good. I had some issues with the gameplay (mostly horse related) but you can't fault the presentation and sound. Not one of my favourite games, but I defo enjoyed it. I don't think the gameplay in Horizon is generic at all, certainly compared to the standard Ubisoft formula. It felt very fresh and different to anything I'd ever played before. I really liked it. The only boring sections IMO were when you had to fight any human enemies. I bought this game to fight robot dinosaurs damnit!
  21. Over the past year I've played Mario Odyssey, Horizon, Titanfall 2, SOTC, LA Noire and Spider-Man. Oh and Pokémon Quest. I intend to buy Just Cause 4, Smash and perhaps RDR2 somewhere down the line.
  22. I am kind of the opposite. I really only tend to buy the blockbuster style, headline games that come out every two to three months. None of the indie games interest me really. I wish it could be the other way around, it would be easier on my wallet..
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