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Everything posted by bob

  1. I'm pretty tempted, but right now i can't unfortunately as all my code etc for work would take a while to sort out again if i reinstalled my OS, so it'll have to wait until i either get a new laptop, or finish my PhD. It looks good though, i can't wait to try it!
  2. I think the three challenges idea would definitely cut down on diving. But yeah, for now, why not just leave it at having a camera on the goal line. Easy peasy.
  3. I cannot believe that people are still having the 'goal-line technology' argument. Just put a camera on the goal-line, and then either use software or just pay a another bloody referee to look at the replay. The arguments against are so bizarre i can't believe it's taken this long.
  4. That is absolutely hilarious. Funniest thing i've seen all month.
  5. I watched The Artist today. Pretty good.
  6. Just booked flights and a hotel in New Orleans in June for a conference! All paid for (hopefully) by my department!
  7. How on earth did this thread derail from lesbian squirting orgies to megapixels in such a short space of time?
  8. No....it was a hilarious joke (one which i am now regretting). Because you see, the film is a silent film, and so if it was in German, it wouldn't m.....oh never mind. Have a silly picture instead.
  9. I downloaded a copy of The Artist to watch tonight, but as i settled down to watch it, i realised it is in german... What am I supposed to do now?!
  10. Wow........
  11. Did she say she wouldn't date 15 year olds?
  12. What is a 'copy'?
  13. Wasn't sure whether to put this in the Funny, or the Awesome thread. It should probably be in both.
  14. Indeed, it wasn't just how quickly he did it, it was how stylishly he did it a lot of the time, like how he often completed the 100 coins and 8 red coins both at the same time and collected them both together.
  15. I watched far too much of that, but as far as I could see the the first time he even made a mistake was around the 1:40 mark. Ridiculous.
  16. Why can't i stop watching it!? I had so many things i had to do today! Two hours!
  17. Continuing my week of 'watch lots and lots of films i missed the first time round', I watched The Hurt Locker. It was pretty good, but nothing amazing. I don't really like films that don't have a definite story; they always seem to end really abruptly and leave me feeling a bit cheated. The first half was way better than the second, lots of cool tense bits, but then it started to go downhill when you realised it wasn't going anywhere. Also, i'm so happy! I found a Jackie Chan film on Lovefilm that i hadn't seen before; Twin Dragons. I f***ing love Jackie Chan films.
  18. I went over to a friend's to have pancakes, and had possibly the most disappointing pancakes ever in the history of fried floury goods. Yes, those are TINNED strawberries. From China no less. John West tinned strawberries. Who knew?
  19. It seems to me that this 'mollytristan' may have in fact already won the Texas lottery, and is so utterly befuddled by the event, that it has caused them to ask a European Nintendo forum what to do with the winnings.
  20. bob


    I used to have pretty bad posture, which i think came from sitting 8 hours a day at a desk or similar. Then i switched to a standing desk in my lab, and my posture has become noticibly better.
  21. Moving on to my next couple of 'films i haven't had the chance to watch while my gf was around'. I watched The Bank Job, with Jason Statham. I was expecting the Transporter, but in 1970's Laaandaaan, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was only a little bit 1970's Transporter. Pretty good film. Then i watched Green Lantern, thinking it can't possibly be as bad as everyone says it is, and was surprised again to find they were right! I don't know how such a big budget film ends up getting made with such little......excitement. The plot just fizzles out into nothing! Pretty much 80% of the characters were introduced and then barely used at all. They kept going on and on about how super powerful this baddie was,
  22. This is probably what you meant yes?
  23. Tottenham have had a mini-blip of their own it seems.
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