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Everything posted by bob

  1. I'd probably use a bracket if I were you. Some glues are really strong nowadays, but you won't be able to guarantee the strength until it's too late. Plus you might want to move the TV later, and if you've stuck it to the wall, you won't have that option.
  2. This is what happens when you let old people on the Internet.
  3. I've never played Bomberman. I've never played a Sonic game. I've never played a 2D Zelda, or a 2D Metroid, or Donkey Kong Country, or a single Kirby game. I've never played Metal Gear Solid. I've never played a Star Fox game, or a Mortal Kombat game, or a Street Fighter game, or any of the Final Fantasy series. I never played on a NES...or a SNES. Or a Master System, or a Mega Drive.
  4. Just post the URL, we'll work it out.
  5. This was always my problem. I'd have a break from playing, then pick it up a few months later and forget all the game mechanics, and wouldn't be able to progress because I'd forgotten you could use X, Y and Z in whatever way.
  6. International translations confirm that Jedi are plural in the title.
  7. Literally gutted.
  8. Obviously the gameplay isn't, but is the story/dialogue fairly indicative of the main games?
  9. Is he eating that pizza crust first?
  10. It's enough for me. Take him out and shoot him boys!
  11. Just a knife?
  12. What do you do if you're in a popular Italian restaurant chain, and they serve you a pizza on a large plate, and it hasn't been cut up? Do you just rip it apart with your bare hands and tear into it with your teeth? Meanwhile you're inlaws are crying and your wife is telling her mother that she regrets ever marrying you.
  13. The way I look at it is: if the DLC was a self contained game, would I feel satisfied in paying that much for it? E.g if it gives about 5 hours entertainment, I'd be happy to pay £5-10 for it. Same as a normal game. If it adds an extra 20 hours of gameplay, then it think £20-25 seems reasonable.
  14. So I'm a bit confused about this game. I'll go into a battle, and during it, someone will level up, and their stats will go up, but then after the battle, their stats and level are the same. I thought I was just getting the characters confused but it's happened loads of times now. Some of them are levelling, but sometimes it doesn't register. Are there only specific times when it works?
  15. Ah, so it's kind of like the game is locked to a region. I see. So why not release it everywhere if people can just download it with a different account?
  16. So why not just download the game on the UK store?
  17. Presumably you're not supposed to be signing up for foreign accounts and using them to get around region locks, so Nintendo don't really have to make it easy...
  18. I presume the easiest thing would be to have two user accounts, each linked to a different regional store. Then you can just switch* between them. *Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!
  19. Meh, that's still too much reading. Can someone break it down further?
  20. I remember there was a craze going round my school in Year 6 where people would bring in RC cars and race/fight them in the playground. It all kind of fizzled out when someone brought in a ridiculous petrol powered one that had a top speed of about 40mph and that got the whole thing banned.
  21. I read Enchantress by James Maxwell, and it was absolutely rubbish. Honestly it read like it was written by a teenager and had never been proofread by anybody. The pacing was awful, and the less said about the dialogue the better. Overall, 5/10.
  22. Tagline of the Switch right there.
  23. I feel like Leicester are just consolidating their power and luck, in order to make a fairy tale run in the Champions League.
  24. I think we all forget about Tottenham.
  25. But Tottenham lost...so they would have extended their lead over them by 3. Instead, they extended their lead by 1. And pretty much every article I read was talking about Chelsea potentially extending their lead if they beat Burnley.
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