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Everything posted by bob

  1. It's astonishing that there are still enough people that watch it, but i guess a lot of people must treat it like a soap now. People probably said that when Coronation Street was renewed for another season in 1972.
  2. I watched it the way it was supposed to be watched - on my phone, balanced on the window sill while I did the washing up, with the subtitles on. I didn't notice any issues with the sound, but I'm not sure that I would have? I certainly didn't have any problems hearing what everyone was saying, unlike Bane in Batman where he was genuinely unintelligible. Maybe they adjusted the sound mixing when they put it on Amazon Prime?
  3. Finished watching Tenet. What a mess. I had heard that it wasn't very good, but i thought that Nolan might have still put together a good action film, but it's really all over the place. It's so far up it's own arse, that you have no idea what's going on at any point. All the action scenes are just too confusing, and all the dialogue isn't much better. The worst part is when they try to reveal a twist near the end with a wink and a nod, but you're sat there like - don't wink at me, I have no idea what just happened. I blame the lack of Zimmer.
  4. Endor/Andor episode 3 was really good, hoping the rest of the series is more of the same, but what's this? A plucky band of rebels banding together to fight the evil Empire?! Carrying out raids against forces far in excess of their own?! And a newbie who'll have to gain their trust and prove themselves?! Yep, it's that fucking Star Wars plotline again. Mandalorian trailer looks great though. Love me some Grogu.
  5. Saw this trailer in the cinema before Avatar 2, and it looked incredible. Didn't have any hype for it before that, but now I think I might try and catch it. Really enjoyed Avatar 2. Wish I'd been able to see it in IMAX, or even just in 3D, but my wife has been having mega travel sickness with her pregnancy, and thought she'd best stay clear of anything 3D. I still enjoyed the film though. I get the criticisms of the plot, but I think as an action spectacle, it's great. Watched Everything Everywhere All At Once. It was pretty good. It's a great idea, executed well, but I don't really get all the awards it's winning. It's a solid 8/10 though.
  6. Big deal, some of us do it every month.
  7. Jesus Christ this game has some awful writing in it. I just had a 'conversation' with Rei that may be one of the worst things i've ever seen in a video game: "Yknow, lately these space-time distortion things have been popping up here and there. I took a peek into one and saw some tempting items, so I tried ducking in to grab 'em. But it turned out there were legions of tough Pokémon inside. I barely made it out alive... You be careful around those distortions, all right? Anyway! Time to make for the Mirelands Camp." Just casually popped into a space-time distortion to pick up a few things - be careful if you go in too! This is the first time they are mentioned as well.
  8. Just watched the first couple of episodes of Andor. I was a bit confused during the first episode, as I kept expecting it to be set on Andor, the titular planet for which the series is named, or at least one of the planets forest moons. When the flashbacks started, i assumed it must be one of them, but they didn't refer to the planet name at all, which was weird. It wasn't until halfway through the second episode, i find out the main character's surname is Andor?! What a coincidence, i think, and start Googling. Turns out the planet is called Endor! Anyway, the show is ok so far, but ive heard it needs a few episodes to get going.
  9. Devil May Cry is exactly the same level of good as Bayonetta.
  10. Awesome. And I refer you to my previous comment regarding the last Pokémon game i played.
  11. Ok, this game is pretty addictive. I can see how many are happy to overlook the crappy graphics and shit writing in order to play a very compelling gameplay loop. I keep itching to pick up and play some more! I actually really like the research task mechanic - it makes you spend a bit more time on each Pokémon, either catching or battling a crappy 'mon that you would normally have overlooked once you caught one of. I also like they way that the game rewards you the same whether you catch them or defeat them, so you can do either and still level up your Pokémon. Speaking of which, mine are all around level 18-21, and i've reached level 2 star ranking, so i'm pretty much a master by this point. I do have a question though - do the alpha Pokemon respawn? Or are they only there once?
  12. Not any more! So I got this for Christmas, and i'm probably going to be spamming yet another buried, old thread with my impressions as I play through it. I've not played a main-line Pokémon game since Gold (assuming Pokémon Let's Go doesn't count), so i'm a bit behind. However, this one seems to be separate from all the others, so hopefully it won't matter so much that I missed out so many in between. The start is pretty painful, with the writing in particular being god-awful. None of it makes sense. None of the people at the research camp have managed to catch more than 3 Pokémon? Really? Why is that your condition to pass the test for entry into camp then? And then they tell you than you can't carry more than 6 Pokémon at a time - how would they know? None of them have managed to get that far! The dialogue is so full of hand-wavey "oh, i feel like you're supposed to go this way", "it seems like maybe you should do this", which is such crap. The beginning bit is so slow and drawn out, and really boring, but it's for kids, so we can cut them some slack, I suppose. Anyway, once you make it into the first area, and start catching Pokémon, the game livens up a bit. Battling and catching wild Pokémon is pretty moreish, and I'm already itching to go back and play some more, which is a good sign. The catching/battling mechanics are a bit weird, but I'm sure I'll get used to them. I am already very attached to my Bidoof.
  13. Yeah but how many times does Link pop back up again after getting killed? From Ganon's point of view, he's this undead, relentless terminator that is hellbent on hunting him down over thousands of years.
  14. I think it's just growing apathetic with everything due to age. Everything gets shitter as you get older. Nothing matches up to the greatest things of our youth. We can never go back to the best days of our lives.
  15. We've got another baby on the way, so our 2023 is mostly going to be back to sterilising bottles, and getting less than 3 hours sleep a night. Hopefully we'll be able to on a couple of holidays though in the middle of all that.
  16. 8am doesn't sound particularly anti-social for a start time. I think it would have to be earlier than that to count for a noise complaint.
  17. I've read that book. It's pretty good, if a bit weird.
  18. What did you get? I got the Mass Effect trilogy from a friend, and Pokémon Arceus from my sister. Beyond games, I got a nice new jumper, a couple of books and some socks.
  19. This is currently being given away for free on the Epic Games Store (for PC and Mac) but only for the next 24 hours I think... The site is very unstable due to lots of people trying to do so.
  20. Wow. How many boulders do you even get for that price point?
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